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Irish History For Dummies

Irelands history includes several twists and turns down through the centuries. With invasions, revolutions, emigrations and executions, Irish history boasts a wealth of intense drama.

Key Dates in Irish History

Ireland has had a vast history of vast invasions, revolutions, wars and conflicts. Take a look at the major periods in Irelands history through the ages broken down.

Ancient Ireland c. 12000 2750 BC 2750 600 BC 700 150 BC 430 800 The Middle Ages 800 900 1170 1270 1270 1366 1370 1455 1455 1541 1532 1603 1558 1647 1649 60 1660 90 1695 1782 1782 1800 1800 1922 1845 51 1875 1916 1916 23 1921 72 1922 48 1949 2000s Viking invasions Norman Ireland English settlement and repression Irish Revival and the Pale Wars of the Roses and Geraldine domination Neolithic Ireland The Bronze Age Arrival of the Celts Christianity Established

Early Modern Ireland Ireland and the Reformation The Plantations Cromwellian Ireland Establishment of Protestant supremacy

The Modern Age in Ireland Penal Laws and repression Period of Irish parliamentarianism Ireland and Union Famine and Emigration Campaign for Home Rule Irish Revolution Stormont government of Northern Ireland Irish Free State The Irish Republic

1960s 2000s

Troubles in Northern Ireland

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