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IT Skills: To download Game Maker software.

1. Open your Web Browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, etc.).
2. On the Address Bar, type
3. You will get the following screen.

4. Scroll down to the following screen.

Click on
5. The following screen will open.

Security Bar

6. On the security bar, left click and will appear.

7. Select Save

click on
8. Select a destination to save the file at.

click on
9. Downloading starts.

10. Once downloading stops,

click on
11. On the Security Warning window,

click on again.
12. On next window

, click .
13. On next window

, click .
14. On next window

select and
15. On next window

, click .
16. On next window

, click .
17. On next window

, click
18. On next window

, click .
19. On next window

, click .
20. Installation is complete when you see

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