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Rating Guides

These ratings guides are designed for use in the Exempt, Administrative, and Production/Manufacturing appraisal templates. Copy and paste the desired rating guide into each of the performance topic boxes in the desired template.

2 Point Scales
[ ] Effective Performance [ ] Improvement Needed

3 Point Scales
[ ] Strength [ ] Meets Expectations [ ] Improvement Needed [ ] Above Target [ ] On Target [ ] Below Target [ ] Exceeds Standards [ ] Meets Standards [ ] Does Not Meet Standards [ [ [ [ ] Above Expectations ] Meets Expectations ] Opportunity for Improvement ] NA

4 Point Scales
[ [ [ [ ] Outstanding ] Above Expectations ] Competent ] Needs Improvement

5 Point Scales
[ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] Unsatisfactory Performance ] Improvement Desired ] Meets Expectations ] Exceeds Expectations ] Exceptional Performance ] Significantly Exceeded ] Consistently Exceeded ] Met ] Some Improvement Required ] Failed to Meet ] Outstanding ] Highly Successful ] Successful ] Improvement Suggested ] Unacceptable

Performance Ratings with Importance Scale

[ ] Strength

[ ] Meets Expectations [ ] Improvement Needed Critical Applies N/A

[ ] Exceeds Standards [ ] Meets Standards [ ] Does Not Meet Standards Critical Relevant N/A

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