Minutes JULY13

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Temescal Telegraph Community Assoc. 510-860-7327 info@temescaldistrict.org www.temescaldistrict.

Meeting Date: July 24, 2013 Location: Faith Presbyterian Church Time: 6:00 pm Board Members Attending: 1. Rick Raffanti (President) 2. Gloria Gee 3. Bill Lambert 4. Julie Stevens 5. Donna Hurst (Treasurer) 6. John Dobrovich Board Members Absent: 1. Hans Boerner 2. Pat Smith (Secretary) 3. Roy Alper (Vice President) 4. Donald Lowrey 5. Randy Reed Minutes #2013-07


Consent agenda: a. Approval of June minutes Motion: to approve the June minutes was seconded and passed unanimously once acknowledgement of the edits submitted by Bill Lambert and Rick 2. Old Business a. Executive Directors Report (Darlene)

ORGANIZATION BID Renewal - Letter & Survey will be mailed to Property Owners in Expansion area in midAugust. Established that several key property owners, including BART and Beebee Church, are receptive to the expansion. Met with Childrens Hospitals new Manager of Government Relations to answer questions about the BID and the ongoing partnership between the two organizations.

DESIGN & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Obelisk at 5225 Shattuck Project is back on track after Planning Dept agreed to grandfather in previous height regulations in the CUP and accept the proposed 20 feet. Finalizing structural engineer agreement to enter the next phase. We are also requesting three quotes for the construction of the structure. Mosaic Trash Cans Project has resumed and concepts are being finalized for 16-18 remaining cans. Darlene is looking for an alternate location to place a new can on Telegraph between 49th and 51st since proposed location was rejected by merchant Received bike plan to add racks on Telegraph between 49th and 51st. Darlene will discuss with property owners, merchants and DE/ED for implementation. Utilizing SpotMojo to enlist community input for Frazee Building. Hoopers potential tenant has backed out due to excessive rehab costs, over $500,000

10th annual Street Fair was received as another successful event. Street Cinema ended July 18th Taste of Temescal coming up September 17 Providing support as needed for the upcoming Children's Hospital Centennial Neighborhood Block Party, Saturday, September 28. Will meet with Suzanne LHeureux for her support for future Art Hops


Walked district with assigned Security Ambassador to assess his performance in district. Darlene confirmed that merchants are familiar with the Ambassadors service. Board would like to see survey sent out to merchants to assess the Ambassadors efficiency. Scheduling meeting for Capt. Toribio to meet with Safety First to establish optimal procedures New Problem Solving Officer assigned to district since last Board meeting

Safety First Report

See Attachment for summary of services conducted in July. Discussion ensued regarding importance of ensuring report incidents are being shared with Problem Solving Officer for resolution. The Board insists it wants to see a breakdown of services, $ and %: Sidewalk Sweeping Ambassador "Security" Services Graffiti Abatement Illegal Dumping Weed Control Darlene will survey Board to determine attendance for August meeting and the possibility of needing to cancel the August meeting. Submitted respectfully, Darlene Drapkin Staff

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