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“The Ideal Filipino: The Type of Citizens We Ought to Be”

Ikaw ay Pinoy
Ipakita sa mundo,
Kung ano ang kaya mo
Ibang-iba ang pinoy
Huwag kang matatakot
Ipagmalaki mo
Pinoy ako
Pinoy tayo…”
- Pinoy Ako, Orange and Lemons

These are the words that came from the chorus of a very inspirational song; a song that
took the country by storm. But beyond those catchy lyrics and beguiling melody, there is that
something that had captured the hearts of many Filipinos.
Are we the “Pinoy” being referred to in the song?
Pinoy ba tayo, mga kababayan ko?
Or perhaps… we’re really not?

Wikipedia defines the term “Filipino” in various ways: Filipino as a culture, Filipino as a
language, and Filipino as a group of people living in the Philippines and of Filipino ancestry.
But which is which?

Filipino, as many define it, refers to the people dwelling in the Philippines. They are the
people who have intact customs and traditions. They are those who have enduring hearts that
were able to bear up any problems in life. They are the citizens of a fast-improving country. They
are those who love their country more than any place in the world.
They, they and they.
When will be the right time to say “WE”?

Finding an ideal Filipino is like finding a gold nugget in a haystack; tiring, strenuous, yet
rewarding when done. An ideal Filipino is a “101% Pinoy”. He’s Pinoy in and out. He’s
enduring, courteous and respectful to people whatever status they are in. He’s proud of his
ancestry and never turns his back on his country no matter how hard or shameful or degrading
the situation may be. A true Filipino never forgets his manner. If he sees an old man/woman, a
pregnant mother, or even a lady who wants a seat in a crowded MRT or LRT, he automatically
stands up, approaches the person and offers his own seat to them. A genuine Filipino can make
his way out even in the most difficult trials. His resourcefulness and ingenuity are his best
weapons in toppling down his problems. He’s hardworking, keen, observant, patient, bold,
gallant and most of all, modest. He is proud of his achievement, but never brags about it. He
never shouts his opinions, he whispers them. He’s self-willed and stubborn. In times, his
headstrongness leads to unfavorable cases. But most of the time, his willfulness often fuels
dramatic changes; changes that could revolutionize the face of his country and the face of the

A Filipino is a “leader” by nature. He doesn’t revolve around his community – he makes

IT revolve around him. Through his unmistakable intelligence and unquestionable wit, leading
his community is a piece of cake. Though he could get very reserved sometimes or would want
detach himself from the crowd to brood on his thoughts better, he will never want to be isolated
permanently from others. He needs the support of his people. Liking the way he runs his
community, which is the common in most cases, his people eventually loves him back.

An improving country entails improving citizens. Logically, an ideal nation requires ideal
citizens. Applying it personally, ideal Philippines demands ideals Filipinos. A genuine Filipino
should serve as the molding plate both of his country’s leaders and his populace. Like a mirror
reflecting every single movement of anyone who faces it, he should also act like one. Humans
are intended to make mistakes for we live by taking risks. But repeating the errors made is
another thing. A mistake is not a cycle that is meant to be repeated, it is a lesson that is meant to

Using probably the most worn-out cliché of all, “Change is the only permanent thing in
the world.” is the best way to describe what Filipinos today want to happen – change in
government, change in politics, change in economy, change in nation’s system and all other
things that can be changed in order for them to have a better living. They all want to twist and
turn things until it finally fits in a position that agrees to their penchant. And because of these
“quite selfish” perceptions, they were blindsided of what they should really change before
anything else – THEMSELVES. The change of oneself is a very meaningful step towards the
actual changing of the entirety of the world.

Our national heroes didn’t shed their sweat and blood in vain. As they sacrificed their life
in every slash of their swords, in every stroke of their flaming pens, and in every song of
nationalism of their mouths, there is that aspiration that someday, some time in the imminent
future, the coming generations will heed the contents of their hearts – not to be EXACTLY like
them, but to be the best citizen they ever can be.

We need to carry on our country’s legacy through thick and thin – no matter what.
Regardless of personal preferences and predilection, people should have the initiative to master
the art of acceptance. Accepting not only what is preferred but what is necessary. Also, the
change should not start from the adults alone. It should also begin at the opposite side – the side
of the youth. The youth’s innocence on certain things is not an alibi. In fact, the more naïve they
are, the more they should learn and be informed. Young Filipinos should be raised as “socially-
aware” individuals and not as those people who have nothing aside from indifference and
egoism. And as proud members of the Filipino youth, I can proudly say that, gradually, the youth
starts to reach out to the society and to the nation itself. It may not be immediate still, but I think
we can work it out. Each and every one of us is responsible in carrying the “anting-anting”
(talisman) of our “lahi” (race). How would we suppose to do that? Simple. We can start on
ourselves. Still, how? There are countless of ways. And putting them into writing is a senseless
thing to do.
Being a Filipino are both simple and intricate, both burdening and gratifying, both a
mystery and an open book. Considering all the potentials here in the world, it would probably
take millions of contraries just to be able to glance even a tiny bit of its truest meaning.

Now, let’s face the questions.

Will Filipinos be able to retain their identity to the world?

Or will it be lost?

Will our country continue to exist as a whole?

Or will it be divided because of unsettled difference and dissimilarity?

Will our countrymen still have the capacity to be called “Pinoys”?

Or will our race be known as the “nameless” people?

Will we be able to finally figure out the key to unity?

Or still settle in mediocrity?

Will our heroes’ legacy be broken?

Or will we triumph in our meaningful attempts?

Can we make unselfish and self-less changes?

Can we?
Can YOU?

So many questions yet very few answers – that’s exactly how nature mocks mankind!
Now, it’s up to us on how we will mock nature back to get even.

“…Sabi nila may anting-anting ako

Pero di nila alam
Na Diyos ang dahilan ko
Hoy, Pinoy ako!
Buo aking loob
May agimat ang dugo ko
Hoy, Pinoy ako!
May agimat ang dugo ko…”
- Noypi, Bamboo

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