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My Favorite holiday to San Fran Cisco

By Olivia Ablett

San Francisco
San Fran cisco is a San Francisco has experience many earth quakes It is full of fun places to be and see
Me next to the largest known mammal to have ever lived on Earth

Who I went with

My sister Claudia My dad Duncan My mother Maia
Fisherman's Warf

Things to see
The shops Golden gate bridge Alcatraz
Golden Gate Bridge

Places I went
Fishermans Warf Alcatraz Museum of modern art Californian Academy of science China town The trams Sausalito Sonoma

Why it is my favorite holiday

San Fran Cisco is a beautiful place
It has nice people Beautiful nature parks Great shops Interesting history

Why I would recommend going there for a holiday

1. It is beautiful
2. Full of different cultures
A hand painted building

3. All the buildings and architecture have fascinating stories behind them 4. New and famous places to see


All photos by my sister Claudia

Reference 9/08/2013

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