End of Life Care

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issues, updates

Lea F. Capili, RN, MAN, US RN

Page 1

The Right To Know

Types of Communication with the Dying Page 2

Closed awareness
-staff /family keep patient ignorant of their impending death

Suspicious awareness
patients suspect they are dying and try to get staff/family to confirm this suspicion

Mutual pretense
all parties know that the patient is dying but dont acknowledge it pretend everything is normal deprives cx of a very important time of transition in their life.

Open awareness
acknowledging that the patient is dying and being prepared to talk about it

Page 7

Page 8

Which of the following are risk factors in development of complicated grief?

A. Sudden or traumatic death, suicide, homicide, death of a child, multiple losses B. Sudden or traumatic death, death of an elderly, multiple losses C. Death from chronic ailment, suicide, homicide, death of a child D. Death from chronic ailment, death of a family member, multiple losses

Of the statements provided, identify which one reflects disenfranchised grief?

A.Loss cannot be openly acknowledged or socially sanctioned B.At risk-AIDS partners C.terminated pregnancy D.All of these

Page 19

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