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June 2009
This material is based on information from web pages and
forums carrying statements attributed to the Taliban,
Taliban spokespersons or supporters of the Taliban, or
analysis thereof. Posting of this material neither confirms
nor endorses any of its content - it is shared for
information only. When material translated into English is
not available, Google Translate is used to translate the
original (indicated by "GoogEng") - this is only a machine
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responsible for the contents or reliability of any linked

Reports of Canadian Casualties in Taliban Statements

October 2008-June 2009




Rep Dead
40 Cfm Dead
Tanks Dest




OC-08 NV-08 DC-08 JA-09 FB-09 MR-09 AP-09 MY-09 JU-09

 Taliban statements monitored during June 2009 claimed responsibility for 38
Canadian deaths. Canada announced the death of two (2) soldiers during
this period.
 Since October 2008, the Taliban have claimed 14.74 Canadian casualties for
every one officially announced by the Government of Canada (339 alleged by
Taliban vs. 23 reported by Canada).
 Four (4) Taliban announcements were monitored mentioning Canadian
personnel or casualties in June 2009, compared to an average of 8.56 such
reports per month since October 2008.

Date Location CA Tanks Ref

Pers Destroyed
6 Jun 09 Kandahar Air Field 0 0 (1)
10 Jun 09 Alleged battles in Dand, 34 (3) 6 (2)
“Hajji Baba in Nakhuni
13 Jun 09 Kandahar Air Field 0 0 (4)
27 Jun 09 Remote-controlled mine 4 1 (5)
strike in Panjwai
June 2009

(1) "Mortars fired at Kandahar airport," Voice of Jihad web page, retrieved 6 Jun 09 at "Last midnight 06-06-2009 at 2am,
Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan fired 2 mortars at Kandahar airport , where a
large number of US and Canadian invaders live the damages and casualties were not reported.
Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi."
(2) "Special Report: Canadian invaders fled after defeat from Danad, Kandahar 10/6/09," Voice
of Jihad via forums, retrieved 10 Jun 09 at http://www.anti- (Arabic
original) and (GoogleEnglish translation). Arabic to Google English: “The
occupying forces to come to the province to remain Dnd <Dand?> fled after defeat - Special
Report: Canadian forces launched an operation, together with Afghan forces five days ago,
together with dozens of tanks and military vehicles and air support operations in the province of
Kandahar Dnd <Dand?> state, after heavy fighting in a few days away still 10-6-2009 Tuesday
morning after it had suffered loss of gross and disappointing results, the I came out of the region.
For further information and clarification of the situation Haorna one of the Mujahedeen fighting the
province, Haji / Abdullah, made the next-mentioned explanation of the "Chhamt Web": Days
before the enemy began military operations in the province of Dnd, lasted about four days, during
which the enemy Fji and explosive offensive operations of the Mujahideen, was killed by a large
number of them, for example: a tank was destroyed and a car-type RENGER enemy improvised
explosive devices on the first day, killing all of the was inside, and then when I got them to the
weight of Khan, a Canadian tank destroyed here again hit a landmine and was killed by (6)
Canadian soldiers. Attacked by the mujahideen in the area and the severe battle between the
two parties and continued for three days after the severe clashes with the enemy for two hours
this morning, also, in the battles he killed Khan (7) soldiers, Afghans, and (4) of the Canadian
Forces, was also injured (31 ) other soldiers from the enemy, with their dead and wounded were
taken by helicopters have been seen by villagers as they raise their dead to the helicopters. He
died in clashes during the days (4) of our Mujahideen, was also injured two others. Fjioa and

‫‪after the stiff resistance of the mujahideen in the ongoing Jlgo and Nakhuni, and here also‬‬
‫‪suffered a great loss of life, as obtained by means of remote control bomb on a foot patrol of‬‬
‫‪Canadian and Afghan agents of the cemetery near the Hajji Baba in Nakhuni, killed (7) soldiers‬‬
‫‪and wounded a large number surgery, and then half an hour while their tanks were on the scene,‬‬
‫‪an explosive device blew up their tank, and also completely destroyed. Must be mentioned that,‬‬
‫‪in addition to the Canadian Tmder tanks destroyed (4) cars of the Army Ranger customer in‬‬
‫‪sporadic clashes, with great loss of soldiers in the internal life as well. He said fighter Haji‬‬
‫‪Abdullah on civilian casualties and the enemy air raids, saying: the enemy planes raided the‬‬
‫‪different regions, but the grace of God were not a significant impact. According to our statistics,‬‬
‫‪the aerial bombardment in the different regions of civilians killed (4) men, and two children (2),‬‬
‫‪and (3) women, and (3) of our mujahideen. We must say that the Directorate of Dnd reality near‬‬
‫‪the city of Kandahar, where the enemy is often claimed that it has full control of it, but Alhaji‬‬
‫‪Abdullahi said that after the withdrawal of occupying forces, including the morning, the‬‬
‫‪Mujahideen-controlled heroes in full on each Directorate, and ownership is now in the hands of‬‬
‫دعب رارفلاب تزال دند ةعطاقم ىلإ ةمداقلا ةلتحملا تاوقلا“ ‪the mujahideen.” Original Arabic:‬‬
‫ةسمخ لبق ةليمع ةيناغفأ تاوق ةيعمب ةيدنكلا تاوقلا تأدب ‪: -‬صاخ ريرقت ‪ -‬ةميزهلا‬
‫يف اهتايلمع ةيوج ةدناسمو ةيركسعلا تايلآلاو تابابدلا تارشع اهعم ةبحطصم ‪،‬مايأ‬
‫مويلا حابص رارفلاب تزال مايأ ةعضب لالخ ةفينع كراعم دعبو ‪،‬راهدنق ةيالوب دند ةعطاقم‬
‫نم ديزملو ‪.‬ةقطنملا نم تجرخ ‪،‬اهل ةبيخم جئاتنو ةحضاف رئاسخب تينم نأ دعب ‪10-6-2009‬‬
‫دقو ‪،‬هللادبع ‪/‬يجاح دهاجملا ةعطاقملا هذه يدهاجم دحأ انرواح عضولا حاضيتساو تامولعملا‬
‫ةيركسع تايلمع مايأ لبق ودعلا أدب ‪":‬بيو تماهش " ـل ةيلات تاحيضوتب روكذملا ىلدا‬
‫ةيراجفناو ةيموجه تايلمعب اهلالخ ودعلا ئجف ‪،‬مايأ ةعبرأ ءاهز ترمتسا ‪،‬دند ةعطاقم يف‬
‫نم ةرايسو ةبابد ترمد ‪ :‬لاثملا ليبس ىلعو ‪،‬اهيف مهنم ريبك ددع لتق ثيح ‪،‬نيدهاجملل‬
‫نيح مث ‪،‬امهلخادب ناك نم عيمج لتقو ‪،‬لوألا مويلا يف ةفسان تاوبعب ودعلل رجنير عون‬
‫اهيف لتقو يضرأ مغلب ىرخأ ةيدنك ةبابد ترمد انه ‪،‬ناخ هنز ةقطنم ىلإ تاوقلا كلت تلزن‬
‫نيب ةديدش ةكرعم ترادو ةقطنملا هذه يف اهيلع نودهاجملا مجاهو ‪.‬نييدنك دونج )‪(6‬‬
‫نيتعاس ةدمل ودعلا عم ةديدش تاكابتشا تراد هدعب مايا ةثالث ةدمل ترمتساو نيفرطلا‬
‫بيصأ امك ‪،‬ةيدنكلا تاوقلا نم )‪(4‬و ‪،‬ناغفأ دونج )‪ (7‬لتق ناخ هنز كراعم يف ‪،‬أﻳﻀﺎً مويلا حابص‬
‫مهدهاش دقو تايحورم ةطساوب مهاحرجو مهالتق اولقن ثيح ‪،‬ودعلا نم نيرخآ ﺟﻨﺪﻳﺎً )‪(31‬‬
‫دهشتسا نيمويلا تاكابتشأ لالخ ‪.‬تايحورملا ىلإ مهالتق نوعفري اوناك نيح نييورقلا‬
‫ةديدش ةمواقمب اوئجف اهدعبو ‪.‬نيرخآ نينثإ بيصأ امك ‪،‬نيدهاجملا انئالمز نم )‪(4‬‬
‫يف ةريبك ةراسخ مهب قحل أﻳﻀﺎً انهو ‪،‬ينوخانو ‪،‬وغلج يتقطنم يف ةلصاوتم نيدهاجملل‬
‫ناغفألاو نييدنكلل ةلجار ةيرود ىلع لورتنك توميرلا ةطساوب راجفنا لصح ءادتبا ‪،‬حاورألا‬
‫ريبك ددع بيصأو دونج )‪ (7‬هيف لتق ‪،‬ينوخان ةقطنمب اباب يجاح ةربقم نم برقب ءالمعلا‬
‫ةوبعب مهتبابد ترجفنا ‪،‬ةحاسلا ىلإ مهتابابد تمدق نيح ةعاس فصن دعب مث ‪،‬تاحارجب‬
‫)‪ (4‬ترمد ةيدنكلا تابابدلا ريدمت ىلع ةوالع هنأب هركذ بجي ‪.‬ﻛﺎﻣﻼً ﺗﺪﻣﯿﺮاً ترمدو أﻳﻀﺎً ةفسان‬
‫دونجلاب ةريبك ةراسخ قحل ثيح ‪،‬ةقرفتم تاكابتشا يف ليمعلا شيجلل رجنير تارايس‬
‫تاراغلاو ةيندملا رئاسخلا لوح هللادبع يجاح دهاجملا فاضاو ‪.‬اضيأ حاورألا يف نييلخادلا‬
‫اهل نكت مل هللا لضفب نكل ‪،‬ةفلتخم قطانم ىلع ودعلا تارئاط تراغا ‪:‬الئاق ودعلل ةيوجلا‬
‫نم دهشتسا ةفلتخملا قطانملا يف يوجلا فصقلا يف انتايئاصحا بسحب ‪.‬ريبك ريثأت‬
‫نأ بجي ‪.‬نيدهاجملا انئالمز نم )‪(3‬و ‪،‬ءاسن )‪(3‬و ‪ (2)،‬نينثإ نيلفطو ‪،‬لاجر )‪ (4‬نييندملا‬
‫ةرطيسلا هل نأب ودعلا يعدي ام ابلاغ ثيح ‪،‬راهدنق ةنيدم برق ةعقاو ةيريدم دند نأب لوقن‬
‫‪،‬احابص اهنم ةلتحملا تاوقلا باحسنإ دعب نأب هللا دبع يجاحلا لوقي نكل ‪،‬اهيلع ةلماكلا‬
‫دي يف نآلا اهرومأ مامزو ‪،‬ةيريدملا لك ىلع لماك لكشب لاطبألا نودهاجملا رطيسي‬
‫‪ . -‬لدیتښتو هتریب هتسورو تسکش هلرګلغری يلغار هت ۍلاوسلو ډنډ ‪.‬نيدهاجملا‬
‫ایتلم هپوسیلوپواودرا ېریجادورګلغری يياډاناک ېدناړو ېځرو هځنپ ‪ -‬روپار یړګناځ‬
‫ۍلاوسلو ډنډ هپ تیالو راهدنکد ړتالم هپ کاوځ يئ اوهواوطیاسو يځوفونوګناټونوګسلد‬
‫هل راهس ننادمه هتسورووړګجویړنوخوځرو وڅ هل ېچ لړک لیپ تایلمع ېک‬
‫وم هړا ېد هپ ‪ .‬لتووار هتښېت هپ هترېب هرس ماجنا خیرت هل ېتامدواوتافلتونرد‬
‫هواږغار هللادبع يجاحدهاجم نتوی ۍلاوسلوډنډد هراپل يوانیپسد عوضومدواوتامولعموتایزد‬
‫هپډنډد نمښد ېدناړو ېځرووڅ ‪ :‬لړکرو تاحیضوت ۍساد هت ېڼاپبېو تماهش يړومون‬
‫هپ نمښد ېکوتایلمع ېد هپ هو ناور ېځرورولڅاد ېچ لړک ليپ تایلمع يځوف ېک ۍلاوسلو‬
‫هپ ېیرکسع ڼګ ېچ هو خم هرسونودیرب يراجفناوا يضرعت هلونیدهاجمد هګوت ېسپ هلپ‬
‫نمښدد ېک همیس هپ يسابمرد ۍلاوسلوډنډد ځرو ۍړمول هپ‪ :‬لوډ هپ لاثمد لوش لژوو ېک‬
‫یود ېچایب لوش لژوو ېیرکسع هراپس ېچ لوش کاروخ نیامد رجنیرویوا کناټ هدارع هوي‬

‫هنتږپشوا توخو نیام هپ کناټ يیاډاناک لب هتلد لوش هویشار هت ېمیس ناخ هنزد‬
‫لوش لژوو ېک هپرکسع‬. ‫ځنمار هړګج هتخسواړکودیرب ېرپونیدهاجم ېک همیس ېدمه هپ‬
‫هتعاس هود هرس نمښد هل ېک همیس ېدمه هپ مهابس هپ هتسورو ېځرو ېد هل ېچ هوش هت‬
‫لوش لژوو هنوکاوځ يیاډاناکرولڅوارکسع يلخاد هوا ېکوړګج هپ ناخ هنزد هوشو هړګج‬
‫ېک تخو هپودېک هتروپ د هتوکلروچ ېی نایمخزوا يړم ېچ لوش نایپټ هنت شريدويوا‬
‫ ېد هپ هو يلدیلولاویلک ولوټ‬۲‫ مه ږنومز ېکوتښنوینځرو‬۴‫وا نادیهش يرګلم‬۲‫نایپټرون‬
‫ لوش‬. ‫تمواقم هلونیدهاجمد ېسپ هلپ یود مه ېکومیس هپ ينوخانواوغلچد هتسورو ېد هل‬
‫هل اباب يجاحد ېک همیس هپ ينوخاند تښواو هترو نایزدنوردرسد مه هتلد ېچ هو خماخم هرس‬
‫ېچ هوشو هندواچ لورټنک ټومیرد همزګ هدایپ هپودرا ېریجاواونایاډاناکد یړمول هرس ېریده‬
‫یودد هلک ېچ هتسورو تعاس مینایب لوش نایمخزرونریمش تایزویوا هړم ېکپ هنت هوا‬
‫ېی هګوت هړپشب هپ ېچ هوشو هندواچ نیامد مه ګناټ هوی هپ للغار هت ېمیس هنوګناټ‬
‫نمښدد ېکوښېپولیبالیب هپ هرېبرسونوګناټ يجراخد ېچویاوودیاب ړک ړاجیو‬
‫ هتښواو هلبوژ ګرم هنرد ېک هپ هتوناریجاوینروک ېچ لړال هځنم هل مهرتوم رجنیررولڅ‬.
‫ هړک هتایز هړا هپرابمب يياوهد نمښددواوتافلت يکلمد هللادبع يجاح‬:‫هپ نمښد‬
‫هپ ېخم هل ېیئاصحادږنومز هو هنرثؤم ه رمودوخ لوکو هنورابمبوتاحاسوفلتخم‬
‫ ناموشام هنت هود يړس يکلم هنترولڅ ېکرابمب يئاوه هپ ېکومیسولېبالېب‬۳‫هنت‬
‫وا ېځښ‬۳‫ يدیوش نادیهش نیدهاجم يرګلمږنومز هنت‬. ‫هتراښراهدنکدډنډ ېچویاوودیاب‬
‫هللادبع يجاحوخ يوکاعداولدولرد کاود ېکپ نمښد تخوورتایز ېچ هد يلاوسلو هترپ همریڅ‬
‫نمکاو نیدهاجم هګوت هړپشب هپ همیس هپ هتسورو ېتښېت ۍیراهس هل نمښدد ېچ يیاو‬
‫ يد ېک سال هپ ېی یګاووراچدوا يد‬.”
(3) – Casualty count derived from 6 alleged killed in one tank + 4 alleged killed + 4 tanks alleged
destroyed with all occupants (at 6/tank as in first estimate).
(4) - "Mortars fired at Kandahar airport," Voice of Jihad web page, retrieved 13 Jun 09 at "Last night 11-06-2009 at 10:30 pm,
Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan fired 2 mortars at Kandahar airport , where a
large number of US and Canadian invaders live the damages and casualties were not reported.
Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi"
(5) - "Killing 4 Canadian soldiers in explosion in Panjawe in the province of Kandahar 27/06/09,"
Voice of Jihad, retrieved 27 Jun 09 at
(Official English), via forum at
(Arabic) and (Arabic into Google English). Official English: "Today morning
27-05-2009 at approximately 8:10am local time, 1 tank belonging to a military convoy of the
NATO invaders army was blown up by the landmine planted by the mujahedin of the Islamic
Emirate when it was traveling in Salihan area of Panjwai District of Kandahar province.
According to a report, the enemy tank was totally destroyed and 4 soldiers on board were killed in
the remote-controlled mine explosions. Reported by Qari Yousuf Ahmadi" Arabic to Google
English: "4 Canadian soldiers killed by an explosion in the Panjwayi (Victory) - Qari Muhammad
Yussuf (Ahmadi) - 27/6/2009 - Military tank was blown up to the occupying forces in the eight
o'clock this morning by an explosion by the Mujahideen in a series of operations (victory) in the
"valid" near the center of the Directorate of Panjwayi in Kandahar province. The blast completely
destroyed the tank and transferred by helicopter towards the enemy by the state airport. The
Canadian troops were attacked while they were transporting the dead from the scene of heavy
and light weapons, and other losses to the enemy as well. " Original Arabic: "‫ لتقم‬4 ‫دونج‬
‫ )رصنلا( يياوجنب يف راجفنا ةجيتن نييدنك‬- ‫ – )يدمحا( فسوي دمحم يراق‬27/6/2009 - ‫مت‬
‫ةجيتن مويلا حابص نم ةنماثلا ةعاسلا يف ةلتحملا تاوقلل ةيركسع ةبابد ريجفت‬
‫زكرم برق "ناحلاص" ةقطنم يف )رصنلا( تايلمع ةلسلس نمض نيدهاجملا لبق نم راجفنا‬
‫راهدنق ةيالو يف يياوجنب ةيريدم‬. ‫يتلاو لماك لكشب ةبابدلا ريمدت نع راجفنإلا رفسأ‬
‫ةيالولا راطم وحن ةيحورم ةطساوب ودعلا لبق نم تلقن‬. ‫نيح ةيدنكلا تاوقلا ىلع مجوه دقو‬
‫ةفيفخو ةليقث ةحلسأب ثداحلا عقوم نم ىلتقلا نولقني اوناك‬، ‫ودعلاب قحلأ يذلاو‬
‫اضيأ ىرخأ رئاسخ‬."

Compiled 12 July 09
Tony Prudori,

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