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COURSE CODE / NAME DATE TIME VENUE INSTRUCTION : 1. This exam paper contains FOURTY-EIGHT (48) questions in SEVEN (7) printed pages, excluding the cover page. 2. Answer ALL QUESTIONS. 3. Bold or highlight the correct answer. 4. Save As this file as xxxxxx_TrialMidExam.docx then post and publish it in your blog.
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STID1103 Computer Applications in Management SECTION A (True / False Questions) 24 Marks 1. System software manipulates raw data into a more useful form and controls the other parts of the computer systems. A. 2. TRUE B. FALSE

Primary storage is the physical material on which a computer keeps data, instructions and information permanently. A. TRUE B. FALSE


The primary function of the Basic Input Output System (BIOS) is to load and start an operating system. A. TRUE B. FALSE


A mainframe computer is designed to meet the computing needs of several people simultaneously in a small to medium-size business environment. A. TRUE B. FALSE


Computer Language Translation Programs must have compilers or interpreters because they translate high level language into an assembly language or machine language. A. TRUE B. FALSE


Microsoft Windows 7 is an example of open-source software. A. TRUE B. FALSE


Networking is a collection of computers, printers, routers, switches, and other devices that are able to communicate with each other over some transmission medium. A. TRUE B. FALSE


Internet is a computer network that allows controlled access from the outside, extended to users outside the organization, usually partners, vendors, and suppliers. A. TRUE B. FALSE


Every domain name contains a master domain, which identifies the type of organization associated with the domain. A. TRUE B. FALSE

10. Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is the same things as a web site address. A. TRUE B. FALSE

STID1103 Computer Applications in Management 11. When you receive a new e-mail message, it is placed in your mailbox, which is a storage location residing on the computer that connects you to the Internet. A. TRUE B. FALSE

12. To remind users visually that they have visited location or document, some browsers change the color of a text link after you click it. A. TRUE B. FALSE

13. Word processing was one of the earliest applications for the personal computer in office productivity. A. TRUE B. FALSE

14. A small toolbar next to the Office button in MS Word 2007 and MS Excel 2007 contains shortcuts for some of the most common commands. A. TRUE B. FALSE

15. The user of the word processor can make changes in any stored value and observe the effects on calculated values in the application. A. TRUE B. FALSE

16. The zoom slider in MS Word 2007 controls the size of the document on screen. A Zoom In view shows more of the page(s) whereas a Zoom Out view is easier to read. A. TRUE B. FALSE

17. The Header and Footer buttons for MS Word 2007 are located on the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon. A. TRUE B. FALSE

18. A selected graphic in MS Word 2007 can be resized using the Height and Width text boxes in the Size group on the Format tab on the Picture Tools tab. A. TRUE B. FALSE

19. One of the more powerful features of Excel software is its capability of recalculating the rest of the worksheet when data in a worksheet changes. A. TRUE B. FALSE

20. The first screen when you start MS Excel 2007 you will see a new blank worksheet with the default name Document1. A. TRUE B. FALSE

STID1103 Computer Applications in Management 21. In MS Excel 2007, one or more letters identify each row. A. TRUE B. FALSE

22. In MS Excel 2007, if a formula consisting of absolute references is copied from one cell to another the value will still remain the same. A. TRUE B. FALSE

23. MS Excel 2007 table is simply a rectangular range of unstructured data. A. TRUE B. FALSE

24. The function of COUNT is to count how many numbers and labels in the list. A. TRUE B. FALSE

SECTION B (Multiple Choice Questions) 24 Marks 25. How does information differ from data? A. B. C. D. Information is a collection of raw unprocessed facts Information can include words, numbers, images, and sounds Information is organized, meaningful, and useful Information is processed to produce data

26. Which of the following statements is a function of the operating system? A. B. C. D. Task scheduling and resource use computer Change the 3rd generation language to latest language Create charts from the data line Monitor project management

27. Any piece of computer hardware equipment used to communicate the results of data processing carried out by an information processing system (such as a computer) to the outside world is called a(n) ________. A. B. C. D. processor input device output device storage device

28. Which of the following is not an input device? A. B. C. D. Touch Screen Optical Scanners Touch Pad Mouse Pad

STID1103 Computer Applications in Management 29. A set of computer programs used to manage hardware resources is called a(n) ________. A. B. C. D. curricular software application software systems software general purpose software

30. What is a name of a computer device that uses DualCore technology? A. B. C. D. CPU (Central Processing Unit) RAM (Random Access Memory) ROM (Read Only Memory) USB (Universal Serial Bus)

31. Internet Explorer, Googles Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are example of ________. A. B. C. D. instant messaging web browsers search engines web pages

32. Which of the following identifies a specific web page and its computer on the Web? A. B. C. D. Web site Web site address URL (Uniform Resource Locator) Domain Name

33. A(n) ________ is a main page or first page view that the link/site takes to internet users after they type the personal or organization internet address. A. B. C. D. web page web site index page search engine

34. E-mail messages can include the following files as an attachment EXCEPT ________. A. B. C. D. Browser Graphic audio clip video clip

35. A File Transfer Protocol (FTP) ________ is a computer system that stores files that allows users to upload and/or download files using FTP ________. A. B. C. D. client, server server, client network, software software, network 4

STID1103 Computer Applications in Management

36. What type of web site that creates an educational web site that allows its members to add or change its information? A. B. C. D. Educational or .edu Social networking site Wiki Blog

37. A word processor would most likely be used for ________. A. B. C. D. keeping an account of money spent doing a computer search in media center maintaining an inventory typing a biography

38. In MS Word 2007, if <Ctrl + C> key is used to copy a text or statement, <Ctrl + V> key is used to ________. A. B. C. D. delete a text selection move a text selection transfer a text selection paste a text selection

39. For MS Word 2007, portrait and landscape functions are for adjusting the ________. A. B. C. D. page orientation page size page layout page margin

40. Page Setup commands in MS Word 2007 can be used to do the following EXCEPT ________. A. B. C. D. set the margin of a document set the page orientation of a document set the spacing of a document set the size of a document

41. In order to save an existing document in MS Word 2007 with a different name _______. A. B. C. D. use the Save As command retype the document and save it in a different name copy and paste the original document to a new document and then save copy the document to a different location and then rename it

STID1103 Computer Applications in Management 42. Wavy red lines under the words in MS Word 2007 document as in Figure 1 below show

Figure 1 A. B. C. D. spelling errors grammatical errors wrong keywords the words are in the dictionary

43. Pressing <DELETE> key from a keyboard in MS excel 2007 will clear ________ from the selected cell. A. B. C. D. text only format only content only both content and format

44. The ________ of a column controls how much information can be displayed in a cell for MS excel 2007. A. B. C. D. color shape width alignment

Questions 45 and 46 please refer to the Figure 2 below.

Figure 2 6

STID1103 Computer Applications in Management 45. What will be displayed in the cell B6 in Figure 2 above? A. B. C. D. 300 #VALUE! #NAME! #NUM!

46. In MS excel 2007, to select cells that are not adjacent or adjoining in the Figure 2 above, you will need to ________. A. B. C. D. highlight area 1, press <SHIFT> key and highlight area 2 highlight area 1, press <ALT> key and highlight area 2 highlight area 1, press <CTRL> key and highlight area 2 highlight area 1, press <ESC> key and highlight area 2

47. Which of the following represent an absolute cell reference in MS excel 2007? A. B. C. D. F5 $F$5 %F%5 $F5

48. Refer to the Figure 3 below, a fast way to add up this column of numbers in MS excel 2007 is to click in the cell below the numbers (cell A6) and then ________.

Figure 3 A. B. C. D. click subtotals on the data tab, then press enter. view the sum in the formula bar, then press enter. click the autosum button on the formula tab, then press enter. view the sum in the status bar, then press enter.


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