MKTE 2013 Seminar Programme

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0900 - 0920 Jill Henry Director Business Events/Former CEO Sarawak Convention Bureau, SA Panel Discussion How Kenya can win more International Conferences

0920 - 0950

Tasneem Adamji - MD, AQSL and SITE East Africa Fred Simiyu MD KICC

1000 - 1020

Paul Miedema Founder: Calabash Tours, Calabash Trust(NGO) and Kwam Emakhana Homestay programme, Grahamstown Panel Discussion

The HOMESTAY concept - SA case study development, requirements, management, potential target groups and challenges

1020 -1050

1100 - 1120 1120 - 1150

Damian Cook CEO - eTourism Frontiers Panel Discussion

Comments on Kenya Government Strategy towards developing home-stay as a product and how county governments can leverage Representative from the Department of Tourism Fred Okeyo Product Manager KTB Social Media for Business Frank Maina - CEO Sponge East Africa Wolfgang Thome - Blogger and travel writer ETurbo Cathy Gachie MD, Barefoot Consultancy

Saturday 19 October
0900 - 0920 Chad Shiver Marketing Sales Manager Sub Saharan Africa - Trip Advisor Panel Discussion How online platforms affect your business and partnership opportunities: Case Study of Tripadvisor Damian Cook CEO ETourism Frontiers Frank Maina - CEO Sponge East Africa Joe Mucheru CEO GoogleKenya The Changing Face of Tourism Leading trends that will shape operations in the Travel & Tourism Sector Tonney Muiruri Director of Sales, Tribe Hotel Jacinta Nzioka Director of Marketing, KTB Mike Njogu - Head of Marketing, Private Safaris


0920 - 0950

1000 - 1020

1020 -1050

Nigel Vere Nicoll CEO - African Travel and Tourism Association UK Panel Discussion

1100 - 1120

1120 - 1150

Ian Craig Strategic Advisor, Lewa Conservancy & Northern Range Land Trust Panel Discussion

The Role of Conservancies in Kenyas Tourism

Judy Kepher-Gona Executive Director, Kenya Land Conservation Trust Dr Paula Kahumbu - CEO Wildlife Direct Dr. Mohanjeet Brar - Director, Porini Camps

To register, please send your name, designation and organization to Michael Riungu or Elizabeth Odada - by Monday the 14thof October 2013.

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