Anatomy and Physiology Assignment 2

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Anatomy and Physiology Assignment 2 Student Name: Dermot Connolly Stenberg College Anatomy and Physiology NURS 102-3 (A) Sherri Leon Torres April, 17th, 2012

ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY ASSIGNMENT 2 2 Explain the difference in function between an antibiotic and a vaccine One of the most common methods to control and kill a bacterial and viral pathogen has being to administer a vaccine. A vaccine is a weakened form of a pathogen that is given to a person to trigger the bodys immune system to produce a resistance to the administered pathogen. A vaccine is a preventative measure given to prevent infection. An antibiotic on the other hand is administered after infection has already begun. Antibiotics are compounds produced by certain living organisms that kill or inhibit the pathogen once it has entered the body and caused an infection. A common known example of an antibiotic is penicillin which is produced by a fungus. Antibiotics are a reactive response to a pathogen whereas vaccines are a preventative response to a pathogen. Why do bacteria that form spores present a greater health risk than those that dont form spores? A bacterium is a small cell that has no nucleus. Some bacteria have the ability to form spores which are resistant to chemicals, heat and dry conditions. Spores also have the ability to revert back to their bacterium state which can make them very difficult to kill in humans. A common example of spore forming bacteria is mould. The spores of mould forming bacteria can be very dangerous due to their ability to produce toxins in the lungs. Mould can typically be found on hay and when hay is distributed for feeding, their spores become airborne. The spores can easily be inhaled and have the ability to travel down and settle into the lower lungs of humans. Once there, they produce toxins which travels into the bloodstream and prevents the body from transferring oxygen. Over time the lungs develop permanent scarring causing a disease called farmers lung.

ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY ASSIGNMENT 2 3 The doctor noticed a rash on a boys arm. The boy complained that the rash itched. Which of these was a sign? Which was a symptom? What is the difference between the two A sign is an abnormality that a person other than the patient can objectively detect and measure. A symptom on the other hand is a subjective abnormality that can only be noticed or felt by the patient. While both signs and symptoms have very distinct terms, they are interchangeable when it comes to creating a picture of a pathological condition. A collection of signs and symptoms with a common cause is called a syndrome. In the example provided, the itch felt by the boy is the symptom while the rash noticed by the doctor is the sign.


References Thibodeau, G.A. & Patton, K.T. (2010), The Human Body in Health & Disease (5th Edition), Mosby Elsevier.


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