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Rectangular Plates


It can be shown by direct integration that 8 a < 0 ifm 6 l mx l x sin sin dx : a a a=2 if m l 0



n y ky sin dy : b b

8 < 0 if n 6 k b=2 if n k:


The coefcients of the double Fourier expansion are therefore the following: 4 ab
a b


px; y sin
0 0

mx n y sin dxdy: a b


Since the representation of the deection (3.15a) satises the boundary conditions (3.14), then the coefcients wmn must satisfy Eq. (2.24). Substitution of Eqs (3.15) into Eq. (2.24) results in the following equation:
1 X 1 & X m1 n 1


' m4 m2 n2 n4 ! p mx n y sin 0: 2 mn sin D a a b b a b

This equation must apply for all values of x and y. We conclude therefore that wmn 

m 2 n2 a2 b2


pmn 0; D

from which wmn 1 pmn : 4 D m=a2 n=b2 2 3:18

Substituting the above into Eq. (3.15a), one obtains the equation of the deected surface, as follows: wx; y
1 X 1 1 X pmn mx n y sin sin ; 4 2 a b  D m1 n1 m=a2 n=b2


 where pmn is given by Eq. (3.17). It can be shown, by noting that sin mx=aj 1 and jsin ny=bj 1 for every x and y and for every m and n, that the series (3.19) is convergent. Substituting wx; y into the Eqs (2.13) and (2.27), we can nd the bending moments and the shear forces in the plate, and then using the expressions (2.15), determine the stress components. For the moments in the plate, for instance, we obtain the following:

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