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Aleister Crowley a modern master (Moore) 10 Magical Universe of William Burroughs 1

Angelic Magick (Page) 9 Magick Works (Vayne) 12
Arcane Veil (Oates) 3 Medicine of the Gods (Morgan) 16
Apophenion (Carroll) 12 Making Talismans (Farrell) 4
Aromatic Oils & magic 13 Merlin’s Mound (Bryant) 17
Becoming Magick (Rankine) 8 Mindsprung (Harvey) 5
Beneath the Pleasure Zones (Green) 5 Mystical Vampire: Mabel Collins (Farnell) 19
Book of Baphomet 13 Nightshades (Fries) 9
Books of the Beast (Smith) 8 Now That’s What I Call Chaos Magick (Vayne) 12
Bloody Sacrifice (Rodgers) 6 Octavo (Carroll) 13
Bright From the Well (Lee) 14 Odin Brotherhood (Mirabello) 15
Bull of Ombos (Morgan) 11 Pan's Daughter (Drury) 19
Cannibal Within (Mirabello) 17 Pan's Road (Morgan) 18
Camden Town Murder (Barber) 21 Pharmakon (Vayne) 12
Cauldron of the Gods (Fries) 9 Peacocks's Edd (Wyman) 4
Chaotopia! (Lee) 13 Phi-Neter (Morgan) 4
Craft of the Untamed (Frisvold) 3 P is for Prostitution 3
Consciousness & NDE (Wassermann) 23 Radical Desire (Ransden) 20
Contemporary Western Book of the Dead 11 Return of the Tetrad 17
Deep Magic Begins Here 12 RitualYear in Ancient Egypt (Morgan) 11
Desert Fox Oracle 1 Sacred Mountains 20
Dionysian Spirit (Fitton) 2 Secret Gospel of Mark (Conner) 4
Egyptian Shaman (Farrell) 10 Seidways (Fries) 14
Elmer Crowley 1 Secrets of Asgard (Ongkowidjojo) 15
Exhumation of A Murder (Odell) 21 Sexual Magick (Shual) 16
Extreme Ghost Hunters 5 Shadow Matter & Psi Phenomena (Wasserman) 23
Firechild (Sanders) 7 Shape-Shifters & their stories (Berman) 1
Flying Sorcerer: Francis Barrett (King) 8 Sickert and the Ripper Crimes (Fuller) 21
German Stargazer (Stockinger) 2 Siddha Quest for Immortality (Zvelebil) 16
Grammer of Witchcraft (Parry) 18 Star Crossed Serpent (Oates) 8
Great Purple Hooha (Farber) 18 Surrealism & the Occult (Choucha) 19
Gateway to Hell (Bingley) 17 Supernatural Assault in Ancient Egypt (Morgan) 11
Handbook for Rebels & Outlaws (Mirabello) 20 Sybarite Among the Shadows (Mcneff) 18
Helrunar (Fries) 14 Tankhem: Seth & Egyptian Magick (Morgan) 11
I, Crowley (Wilson) 18 Tantra Sadhana (Morgan) 16
Images of Set 10 Tantra for Westerners (King) 15
Ithell Colquhoun (Ratcliffe) 19 Taromancy (Boak) 20
Jesus the Sorcerer (Conner) 9 Thelemic Magick (Morgan) 10
Jack the Ripper in Fact & Fiction (Odell) 21 Tubelo's Green Fire (Oates) 7
Journal for Academic Study of Magic 22 Village Witch 7
Kaos Hieroglyphica (Channing) 12 Visual Magick (Fries) 14
Living Midnight (Fries) 16 Way of Odin Brotherhood (Wolf) 17
Magical Dilemma of Victor Neuburg (Fuller) 17 Wanton Green (Mclellan & Cross) 20
Magic in Christianity (Conner) 2 Will Lilly (Stockinger/Ward) 2
Magical Knowledge (McCarthy) 6 Witcha: a Book of Cunning (Harris) 6
Magic of the Northgate (McCarthy) 6 Witch's Guide to Sex (Hawkins/Rodway) 7
Magic in New Testament (Conner) 9 Wormwood Star (Kansa) 3

Mandrake of Oxford
PO Box 250, Oxford, OX1 1AP (UK)
1 01865 243671
New Titles

The Pagan Heart of the West:

Embodying Ancient Beliefs and Practices from Antiquity to the Present
Randy P. Conner PhD
Challenges current academic notions that paganism died when Christianization occurred; that the transition
from paganism to Christianity was a fairly easy, nonviolent one; that persons once pagan were happy to
accept the new religion because it fulfilled them or because they viewed it as superior – as if the Inquisition
never happened; and that all things pagan are in fact Christian prior to the mid-twentieth century, even
though they demonstrate little or no connection to the Christian New Testament. Likewise, Pagan Heart
challenges narrow conceptions of “the West.”

Buy any Volume I “Deities and Kindred Beings”

combination of ISBN-13: 978-1906958879 - -
volumes for an 19.99 Pounds Sterling/US$28
discount Volume II “Nature and Rites”
ISBN-13: 978-1906958886
Format: Softcover/232 pp

Volume III “Rituals and Ritual Specialists”

& Volume IV “Christianisation” (two volumes bound together)
ISBN-13: 978- 1906958893
Format:Softcover/400 pp

Volume V “vol. 5: The Arts and Philosophy & Complete Bibliography”

ISBN-13: 978- 1906958
Format:Softcover/400 pp

The Wanton Green: Edited Gordon MacLellan (Creeping Toad)

& Susan Cross
978-1-906958-29-9, £10.99
an anthology exploring the relationships between modern pagans and the landscapes that
inspire them” With contributions from Jan Fries, Shani Oates, Robert Wallis, Runic
John and more
Rosicrucian Chess of The Golden Dawn, Enochian Chess Series Vol.I
Steve Nichols, Format: Cased-bound/matt laminate/256pp.
– over 200 illustrations many in colour. ISBN: 978-1-906958-78-7 US$50/UK£40

This is the first in a trio of books that together form The Complete Enochian Chess.
Enochian Chess in part comes from the Elizabethan system of Enochian Magic originated
by the Court Astrologer, Dr John Dee. It was developed into its current form in
Victorian times by SL MacGregor Mathers and William Wynn Westcott. This book
includes a complete facsimile and commentary of Moina Mathers’s Alpha et Omega
Enochian Chess papers together with a brief history of the game, notes on play and
strategy, and instructions for Active divinatory methods utilised by this system.

Khemetic Enochian Chess (aka Hypermodern Magick). Steve Nichols

Format: Cased-bound/matt laminate/297pp, Illustrations many in colour.
ISBN: 978-1-906958-86-2, US$50/UK£40

Khemetic Chess (aka Hypermodern Magick) is a stand-alone book that outlines my

theory of magick, and sheds light on ‘active divinatory’ Enochian Chess. Exploring the
64 (8×8) paradigm, it looks at both historical and recent Enochian Chess variants.

New additions to our fiction list

Craft of the Untamed
-An inspired vision of Traditional Witchcraft
By Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold
PBK 978-1-906958-11-4, Paperback, £12.99/$24
The Craft of the Untamed sets out to present the main pillars of traditional
witchcraft. Its premise is that a proper tradition is defined as a timeless unity.
Outwardly the tradition bears a great diversity across different lands and spirit.
Traditional witchcraft is found in various sodalities and groups across the world.
Even so it is possible to discern several harmonious, shared themes. These themes are
the land, the crossroads, death, night and the mountain of Venus. It is witchcraft
where a human and angelic blood mingles to form a special pedigree that has shaped
the archetypical image of the witch.

The Bloody Sacrifice: A personal experience of comtemporary blood rites

By Charlotte Rodgers, ISBN 978-1-906958-30-5, £10.99/$20, 155pages
The Bloody Sacrifice is the story of her work with blood. It chronicles her use of road kill
and blood in art, ritualised scarification and tattoo work, and the use of venous and
menstrual blood in magick. Also included are Charlotte’s interviews with tattoo artists;
priests from belief systems which utilise blood sacrifice; artists who use their own HIV
positive blood as a medium; and those who use mortifications and body modification to
effect changes in consciousness and self.

Village Witch : life as a village wisewoman in the wilds of west cornwall

Cassandra Latham-Jones, 978-1-906958-23-7m Paperback Original, £10.99/$18
Village Witch describes life as a Village Wisewoman in the wilds of West Cornwall. The
first part of the book documents the tortuous and sometimes harrowing journey to achieve
this unusual occupation. It is a tale that ultimately moves through surviving and into
thriving. Cassandra’s past experiences directly inform her present practice and are intrinsic
to being a wisewoman – she acquires wisdom from actively experiencing and observing
the vagaries of life. As part of her work she travels around the country giving talks about
her profession, and without exception is asked each time what brought her to become
a village wisewoman. Many people want to hear about that journey and this is one of the
reasons for deciding to write the book.

The Arcane Veil: Witchcraft and Occult Science from the People of the
Dark-ages to the People of Goda, of the Clan of Tubal Cain.'
By Shani Oates: Author of Tubelo's Green Fire
Paperback: isbn 978-1-906958-36-7 £12.99/$23

An investigation of magical beliefs and practises in England  since 600CE to the

post-modern fall-out of the 21st century, analysing in particular its influences and
survival strategies. Emphasis is placed on Christian , Heathen, and Hermetic Praxis,
with provocative , critical study of the concepts of Lucifer, Witch-Blood,Sin-Eating
and their influences on modern Traditional Craft praxes.
Tubelo's Green Fire: Mythos, Ethos, Female, Male & Priestly Mysteries of
the Clan of Tubal Cain By Shani Oates, ISBN 978-1-906958-07-7, £12.99/$23
This book explores historical and contemporary ideas of witchcraft through the perspective
of the Clan of Tubal Cain - a closed Initiatory group aligned to the Shadow Mysteries within
the Luciferian stream. As students of arte we mediate the ancestral stream, teaching
through practice with the sacred tenets of Truth, Love and Beauty. The Word is thus
manifest in deed and vision.
Star Crossed Serpent: The Clan of Tubal Cain Today: The Legacy Continues:
Shani Oates 978-1-906958-38-1 Cloth with dust jacket - 200pp $40/£25
Following on from the groundwork of the first volume prepared by Evan John Jones, the
thread continues through expansion, evolution, and return to the Weaver Herself.
Experiential research bears fruit, en-fleshing the seeds planted by previous workers of the
lineage. Guided and inspired by tradition, prompted by oracular observation, intellect and
mental detective work. Concepts and core principles of our Mythos and Praxis reveal a
shift of awareness and a ‘Perennial Philosophy’. This is an ecumenical gnostic current that
has revealed a deeper understanding of our work and its obligations, both to ourselves
and to our ancestors.

The Star-Crossed Serpent : dual-authorship of the Clan’s legacy extended from

an unpublished ms defining 50 years of evolution
By Shani Oates, Special hbk: isbn 978-1-906958-37-4
As living Testament to the Will of Fate, the Legacy of the Clan of Tubal Cain is here
expressed from its inception under Robert Cochrane within E.J. Jones’ original,
unpublished ms of the Clans beliefs and practises to those of the Current bearers of this
mantle, depicting the interweaving of Fate in the process of its existence, continuity and
evolution in Troth to its Tutelary Spirit. 

Jesus the Sorcerer By Robert Conner
ISBN 978-1869928-957 /£12.99 / $26
The most complete summation to date of the New Testament evidence for magical practice
by Jesus and the early Christians.
The very notion of Jesus being a sorcerer runs so against the grain of the Western cultural myth
that even non-Christians are likely to find it far-fetched or even vaguely disturbing.
Nevertheless, scholars steadily accumulated evidence for magi-cal practices in the New
Testament throughout much of the 20th century . It is that ever expanding body of knowledge
that has made this book possible. This book examines the following:

Magic in the New Testament - Jesus of Nazareth, Sorcerer

Exorcist, Prophet of the Apocalypse By Robert Conner
ISBN 978906958-275 /£12.99 / $26, 356pp
No figure from the ancient world is credited with more miracles than Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus'
contemporaries accused him of sorcery and in the centuries following Jesus' death, Christians
were accused of practicing magic by pagans, Jews, and other Christians. Magic in the New
Testament, an updated summary of the evidence for magical practice in the career of Jesus
and the early church, examines the foundation texts of Christianity and establishes the
thoroughly magical orientation of Jesus' wonder-working.

Magic in Christianity: From Jesus to Gnosticism, Robert Conner

978-1-906958-61-9, 486pp, £14.99/$28
The world of Jesus and the early Christians swarmed with prophets and exorcists, holy men
and healers, who invoked angels and demons, gods and ghosts. Magic in Christianity: From
Jesus to the Gnostics explores that world through the surviving texts of the first Christians
and their pagan and Jewish contemporaries.

The Secret Gospel of Mark: Morton Smith, Clement of Alexandria

and four decades of academic burlesque, Robert Conner
978-1-906958-68-8, 160pp, £10.99/$22
While cataloging material in the library of the monastery of Mar Saba in 1958, Morton Smith
discovered a quotation from a letter of Clement of Alexandria copied in the end pages of a
17th century collection of the letters of Ignatius. After more than a decade of collaborative
analysis of the find, Smith published his conclusions in 1973, setting off a firestorm of
controversy in the New Testament studies guild.

Aleister Crowley : A Modern Master - By John Moore
ISBN 978-1-906958-02-2, £10.99, 216pp
Aleister Crowley’s appeal on the level of popular culture has been well catered for by a number
of biographies that have appeared in recent years, but the more intellectual side to him, which
is equally fascinating, has not received so much serious treatment. Crowley, a Modern Master
is neither an account of his life, nor a straightforward presentation of his teaching, but an
attempt to place him clearly in the context of modern ideas as well as a number of older

Thelemic Magick I (ed by Mogg Morgan)

ISBN 978-1869928-346, £9.99/ $15, 90pp, paperback
Crowley’s watch word was Thelema - meaning [free] Will. Those who choose to follow this
magical path aim to de-condition themselves, to develop independence of spirit and ultimately
to become their very own self. Thelemic magick can be either a system or an approach to the
magick of any tradition, e.g. Hermetic, Ceremonial, even Witchcraft.

Elmer Crowley a katabasic nekyia

Tom Bradley (illustrated by David Aronson & Nick Patterson)
978-1-906958-55-8, 132pp - illustrated - many in colour
$17.99/£10Bless me,
curse me. For better or worse, my fallopian fall into matter. . .
After making careful preparations to ensure himself a proper reincarnation,
the dying ALEISTER CROWLEY flubs one syllable of the magickal incantation . . .
and comes back as ELMER FUDD.

The Books of The Beast By Timothy d'Arch Smith

ISBN 9781869928179, £10.99 / $22
For Aleister Crowley a book was a talisman and their every part right down to colour,
dimension, and price was symbolic. He also used magical techniques to gain literary
success--thus new editions of Crowley's writing multiply daily, tantalizing the
bibliographer. All the more indispensable is this authoritative guide to his magical first
Timothy d'Arch Smith, widely acknowledged as a leading expert on Crowley and on
underground literature, offers several shorter articles on:
*Oxford's demonologist Montague Summers; R A Caton and his Fortune Press; Sexual
prophet Ralph Chubb; Florence Farr; The British Library Private Case; and Timothy
6 he also adds an extra chapter on Crowley.
d'Arch Smith. *For this new edition,
Angelic Magick: A Guide to Angelic Beings and How to Walk With them
Judith Page (Preface by Aaron Leitch) 978-1-906958-47-3, 220pp £12.99/$23
“The visualizations here draw their imagery from classical grimoires and Qabalistic philosophy.
Plus, they have a specific and useful goal. Each visualization takes you on a journey into the
symbolic realm of an archangel, where you are introduced to the entity’s sigils and symbols
and other sacred imagery before encountering the archangel himself. Each visualization builds
upon those before it, until the aspirant has been led through the seven circles of heaven and
has established a personal link to the archangel that governs each one. At the end, the aspirant
will have learned to recognize the images, seals and symbols they will encounter in the
Solomonic and other advanced systems of angel summoning.

Becoming Magick: New & Revised Magicks for the New Aeon
By David Rankine
ISBN 978-1869928-810 £12.99, 200pp, illustrated
A forward-looking manual full of new material and techniques created to push the boundaries
of contemporary magick. Inspired by the great magickal traditions of past millennia, new
techniques of sigilisation and gematria, as well as a new system of energy magick based on
the lunar Kalas, and prime Qabalah, a new system of English gematria.

Phi-Neter: The Power of the Egyptian Gods

"Leopard Magick (Hekau) & spells (Akhw)
mogg morgan
Phi-Neter, means ‘Power of the Gods’. In hieroglyphs this is represented by the hind-quarters
of a leopard, a “Typhonian” creature, a predator who exemplifies the driving force of magick.
In this book the author extends the core working material of Egyptian magick for himself
and others to study and use. These techniques are manifest in the cult of Lord Seth – known
as Typhon by the Greeks – and by all the other Gods of the Egyptian pantheon.

Images of Set: Changing Impressions of a multi-faceted God

By Joan Ann Lansberry, 978-1-906958-21-3 £11.99 / US$23

The god Set (aka Seth) has been much of a puzzle to Egyptologists. If we go with the
attitude of later Egyptians, we find Set blamed for every misfortune that can befall
humanity. However, if we go with the attitude of earlier times, in particular the
Ramesside period, when Egypt was at its peak in prosperity, we find a completely
different picture. For we find a god who was very much adored. Most of the
surviving imagery is from that period, although even in Ptolemaic and Roman times
we occasionally find a piece that was a part of worship and magical rites. Set was
always seen as ‘Great of Power’, even when he was feared. Putting all his imagery
together, placing it in chronological context, sheds new light on the Dark god.

Egyptian Shaman: Experience the Primal Spiritual Path of Ancient Egypt

Nick Farrell, 978-1-906958-42-8, 250pp £11.99 / $23
This book is a practical manual for those who wish to explore that primal spirituality using
Egyptian symbolism. As Egypt was one of the village cultures, so Egyptian shamanism
was one of the first to operate in an urban environment, making its techniques suitable
for modern times.

Egyptian Shaman paints the picture of what it was like to be a village priest in Ancient
Egypt before describing the practical techniques which would have been employed during
those times. These techniques, which have never been revealed before, have been adapted
for modern minds with the intention of making this a practical spiritual path.

The Dionysian Spirit, Seán Fitton, 978-1-906958-65-7, £10.99/$20
For many people Dionysos is an obscure Greek god of wine and theatre. For others he is so
much more.

The Dionysian Spirit examines, in an easy and accessible form, the essence of what Dionysos
is all about, both as a deity and as a cultural and social force. It looks at the relation of Dionysos
with his opposite number Apollo. The twin gifts of Apollos and Dionysos are ekstasis (ecstasy)
and entheos (enthusiasm) and have informed and enlivened our lives and cultures from ancient
times right to the present day and beyond.
The Dionysian Spirit – like the art of a good party – has always been with us and now, in many
ways, we need it more than ever.
Tankhem: - Seth & Egyptian Magick By Mogg Morgan
ISBN 978-1869928-865 £12.99/$23, 234pp
second revised edition

Contents: Prolegomena to Egyptian magick; Setanism; Tankhem; Egyptian Magick and

Tantra; Sexual Magick; Twenty Eight; North; The Crooked wand.

The Bull of Ombos: Seth & Egyptian Magick II , By Mogg Morgan

ISBN 978-1869928-872 / £12.99/$23, 356pp, 80 b&w illustrations

Contents: Gold in the desert / Sethians and Osirians compared / Cannibalism / Temple
of Seth / Seth’s Town / Seth as Bull of Ombos / Hathor / The names of Seth / Animals
of Seth / Seth - the red ochre god / Seth and Horus / Opening the mouth / Seven / The
Boat / Heka & Hekau / Magical activities / Cakes of Light / Magick as use and misuse
of the funeral rite / Re-emergence of the Hidden God / Five useful Appendices /
Extended bibliography /Glossary

Supernatural Assault in Ancient Egypt By Mogg Morgan

ISBN 978-1-869928-285 £11.99/$22
Contents: Kiss of the Vampire / Origin of the Vampire Myth / Egyptian Psychology / Lucky
and Unlucky / Supernatural Assault

The Ritual Year in Ancient Egypt By Mogg Morgan

ISBN 978-1-906958-13-8, £12.99/$23, 200pp
This book began life as an extended appendix to "Supernatural Assault in Ancient Egypt"
where it provided additional information on the cosmic tides that ebb and flow through us
as they did the ancient Egyptians. It concerns the ritual year and offers a conventional summary
of the main principles of the ancient Egyptian calendar along with examples of seasonal rites.
Includes rites for a thirteen of the most archaic Egyptian neters - beginning with Seth, Sokar
and Hathor. Over the millennia we have lost contact with these tides, and stand alienated from
Nature. This first ‘Eden’ is restorable by a return to these ancient principles.

A Contemporary Western Book Of The Dead By Charlotte Rodgers and

Lydia Maskell, ISBN 978-1-906958-04-6, £10.99/$14.99

Within this book are rituals, stories, traditions and experiences of magicians’ scholars
and artists who work with death.
Introduction/Charlotte Rodgers ; Loved One/Nema ; All a Do about Death
Josephine McCarthy ; Clans For The Memory/Sarah Grimstone ; Learning About
Death / Nevill Drury ; A Thoughtful Wake / Louis Martinie ; Break On Through
To The Other Side /Louise Hodgson ; Death the Final Frontier / Sue Fox ; The
Bardo Thodol – Bon Voyage /John Power ; You Only Live Twice / Ode bi Tola
; On Speaking with the Dead / Michael Clarke ; Body / Mishlen Linden ; The
Great Western Hoax / Ode bi Tola ; The Book of Gates / Mogg Morgan /
Photographers: Sue Fox, Ruth Kenyon, Ariadne Spyridonos Xenou,
The Apophenion - A Chaos Magic Paradigm
By Peter J Carroll ISBN 978-1869928-650 / £10.99 / $22

My final Magnum Opus if its ideas remain unfalsified within my lifetime, otherwise its back
to the drawing board. Yet I’ve tried to keep it as short and simple as possible, it consists of
eight fairly brief and terse chapters and five appendices. It attacks most of the great questions
of being, free will, consciousness, meaning, the nature of mind, and humanity’s place in the
cosmos, from a magical perspective. Some of the conclusions seem to challenge many of the
deeply held assumptions that our culture has taught us, so brace yourself for the paradigm
crash and look for the jewels revealed in the wreckage.This book contains something to offend
everyone; enough science to upset the magicians, enough magic to upset the scientists, and
enough blasphemy to upset most trancendentalists.

Magick Works - cutting edge essays from the path of Pleasure, Freedom and
Power By Julian Vayne ISBN 978-1869928-469 / £10.99 / $22
Enter the world of the occultist: where the spirits of the dead dwell amongst us, where the
politics of ecstasy are played out, and where magick spills into every aspect of life.
It's all right here; sex, drugs, witchcraft and gardening. From academic papers, through to first
person accounts of high-octaine rituals. In Magick Works you will find cutting edge essays
from the path of Pleasure, Freedom and Power.

Now That’s What I Call Chaos Magick By Greg Humphries & Julian Vayne
ISBN 978-1869928-742 / £12.99/ 188pp
Gives the beginner and experienced practitioner alike a modern view into this powerful and
often misunderstood magical current. A workbook with rituals, techniques and exercises,
a window into contemporary magical thought century or simply
as a rollercoaster of a good read!

Deep Magic Begins Here . . . Tales and techniques of practical occultism

Julian Vayne, 978-1-906958-52-7 £10.99 / $17
One could read this as a collection of tales recounting magical experiments in practical
occultism. But it is also a record of a magical crisis of confidence, a literal dark night of the
soul. There are various milestones on this journey, from the mysteries of Witchcraft to tales
of the Elder Gods. Deep Magick is a journal written during that long dark night of the soul.

Pharmakon - Drugs and the Imagination By Julian Vayne

ISBN 978-1869928-940/ 300pp /£12.99
Ranging across both published and anecdotal evidence, Pharmakon traces the story of drug
use as a means of self-exploration. By examining apparently simple questions such as ‘what
is a drug?’, Pharmakon deconstructs and reconstructs the idea of drug experience. Experiences
that the author believes are fundamental to the process of self-actualisation and learning.
Delving into areas as diverse as philosophy and neurochemistry, this is a book that in both
style and content seeks to invent a new understanding of drugs in culture….

The Black Toad , Alchemy of Body, Spirit, & Stone
Ron Wyman
ISBN 978-1-906958-84-8
Format: Hardback/138 pp/Illustrated.
This book on spiritual alchemy presents an initiate’s undertaking of the internal
alchemical process. It is a pathway of vision and illumination; and with particular
emphasis placed on the induction of the alchemical dream, this movement becomes a
visionary transition and passage.

The Peacock’s Egg, Alchemy of Light and Shadow

978-1-906958-34-3, Paperback Original, £10.99 / $23
The Peacock’s Egg describes a transformation of the psyche. This is based in the alchemy in
which an alchemical dream process is set into motion, acquiring highly resolute manifestation
through phases of the opus.

Nightshades: A Tourist's Guide to the Nightside by Jan Fries

978-1-906958-45-9 Cased Matt Laminate A4 216pp
“Nightshades is the record of one remarkable magician’s exploration of the inverse regions
of the Tree of Life. Jan Fries Nightshades comprises 72 intense drawings prefaced by an
explanatory essay detailing the background and genesis of this ultimate magical adventure.

Making Talismans: Creating living magical tools for change and transformation
Nick Farrell, 978-1-906958-57-2, 284pp illustrated, £12.99 / $23
Discover the secret keys and practical techniques to turn mundane objects into “living entities
of power,” bringing real change in your life. By pooling magical practices from shamanism,
paganism, the Order of the Golden Dawn, and Dion Fortune, Making Talismans offers
training and techniques for performing advanced magical talismanic operations.
For many years this occult classic has been “out of print” and now has been reworked by the
author to reveal more detailed and advanced magical work.

Drawing in Real Perspective, A new approach to space with natural and immediate
application. Xavier Bolot
Format: Softcover/244pp
ISBN: 8781906958770

In this book we learn how to draw using a natural technique that is amazingly efficient
and simple. Real Perspective is a new approach to space as seen by our eyes.
Kaos Hieroglyphica - Alchemy for the New Aeon
By Anton Channing ISBN 978-1869928-834 / £20/$35, 200pp
Now over four hundred years later, Anton Channing has published his long awaited debut
work Kaos Hieroglyphica, within which he expounds a new symbol, the Kaos Hieroglyph.
This symbol represents the plurality and freedom of the New Aeon. This work of magical
alchemy draws on such diverse material as Thelema, the Chaos Current, the Maat Current,
Timothy Leary, Witchcraft, Paganism, the Hermetic Tradition, Taoism, Shamanism and the
author's own Pineal Gland.

Chaotopia! Sorcery and Ecstasy in the 5th Aeon By Dave Lee

ISBN 978-1869928-889 / 208pp, £12.99
"Chaotopia! is neither Utopia nor its opposite. It is what Austin Osman Spare called 'the
chaos of the normal', seen through an illuminated eye, the eye of the sorcerer." Chaotopia!
includes updates and evaluations of techniques in Chaos Magick and an exploration of ecstatic
states in relation to both magick and mysticism. Also contains chapters on: Wealth Magick/
Conflict and Exorcism/Sex Magick/Body Alchemy and Healing/Magick and Physics / Chaos

Aromatic: Oils: A Guide to their use in Magick, Healing and Perfumery

By Ray Sherwin - ISBN 9781906958039, £12.99
This aromatic and magical memoir comes to you from the pen of well respected chaos mage
and expert on aromatics Ray Sherwin. The contents include: How to use Essentail Oils
Therapeutically / Using Aromatherapy Products at Home / Monographs on Favourite Oils.
data sheets / Therapeutic Index / and much, much more

The Octavo: A sorceror-scientist’s grimoire, (Roundworld edition)

by Peter J. Carroll, ISBN: 9781906958176, 184pp, £10.99/$20
Every universe potentially has its own Supreme Grimoire containing the spells which
define its reality and the magic which you can perform within that reality. In this Octavo
we have assembled scattered secrets for a Supreme Grimoire forRoundworld, the
universe in which you’re standing. To this end we have taken some inspiration from
Pratchett’s Discworld, and a lot from Theoretical Physics and Practical Chaos Magic.

The Book of Baphomet By Julian Vayne & Nikki Wyrd

978-1-906958-46-6 240pp £23/$35
This Book contains some of the secrets of Life itself; or rather, the occult deity of
Life on Earth, Baphomet. Horned, vital, beautiful, awe full, our aeons old Chaos
Magick idol finds a name from the Knights’ Templar, then goes incognito through
the Enlightenment (when flourished those great natural philosophers beloved of
science historians), before emerging via devil worship and witchcraft into this era of
Deep Ecology.
“An excellent read, consisting as it does of such a wealth of information, research,
anecdote, experience and vision” Peter J Carroll

Visual Magick: - A Manual of Freestyle Shamanism , By Jan Fries
ISBN 978-1869928-575 / £10.99/$20/ 196pp
A new edition of the highly acclaimed manual of freestyle shamanism, Suitable for all those
inspired by such figures as Austin Spare and Aleister Crowley, and who feel the imperative
to develop one’s own unique magick way. Visual Magick aims to build vision, imagination,
and creative magick. It shows how magicians, witches, artists and therapists can improve
visionary abilities, enhance imagination, activate the inner senses, and discover new modes
of Trance awareness. The emphasis is on direct experience and the reader is asked to think,
act, do, and enjoy as s/he wills.

Seidways Shaking, Swaying & Serpent Mysteries

By Jan Fries, ISBN 978-1869928-360/ £12.99/$23/ 350pp
The definative study of magical trance and possession techniques. The author is inspired by
the Nordic tradition of Seidr, said to have been taught to the human race by Odin. The book
provides an extensive survey of the manifestation of this powerful technique through several
related magical traditions - shamanisn, mesmerism, draconian cults and the nightside of
European paganism.
‘Mandrake should be applauded for producing yet another fine book of modern magical
practice and thought. Buy it, you won’t be disappointed!’ - Phil Hine

Bright From the Well By Dave Lee

ISBN 978-1869928-841 £11.99/paperback
'Bright From the Well' consists of five stories plus five essays and a rune-poem. The stories
revolve around themes from Norse myth - the marriage of Frey and Gerd, the story of how
Gullveig-Heidh reveals her powers to the gods, a modern take on the social-origins myth Rig's
Tale, Loki attending a pagan pub moot and the Ragnarok seen through the eyes of an ancient
shaman. The essays include examination of the Norse creation or origins story, of the magician
in or against the world and a chaoist's magical experiences looked at from the standpoint of
Northern magic.'

Helrunar - a manual of rune magick, 3rd enlarged edition By Jan Fries

ISBN978-1869928-902 /£19.99 450pp / crown octavo / 200 illus
Contents: Meaning /Urda /Origins /Futhorc /Magical inscriptions / Memorial stones /
Fascism / Titles / Cosmology / Nature / Qabala / Vision / Werdandi / Rune stance /
Breathing/ Vowel song / Problems / Tune in / Health? / Divination / Alignments / Sigil
sorcery / Seiðr and Seething / Energy /lda / Rune companion / Sources
‘...eminently practical and certainly breaks new ground.’ - Professor Ronald Hutton (author
Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles)
Recommended by The Cauldron

Cauldron of the gods: a Manual of Celtic Magick, By Jan Fries

ISBN 978-1869928-612, £24.99/$45, 552pp, Crown Octavo 172 illus./ 230,000 words
Contents: Welcome to the Nemeton; People of the Mounds ; Mysteries of La Tene;
Druidic Dreams; Evolution of the Bards; A Confusion of Faiths ; The Filid of Ireland;
Three Rays of the Awen; Taliesin Penbeirdd; Enchantment; Tales of Transformation;
The Secret Arts; The Ever Hungry Cauldron; Trees of Eternity; Coda: The Bed of
The Odin Brotherhood By Mark L. Mirabello
ISBN 978-1869928-711 £10.99 / paperback / 128pp.
Odinism and the Mysteries of the Past; The Odin Brotherhood Today and the Heroic Ideal;
On Polytheism and the Nature of the Gods The Eddaic Verses and the Three Ages of Man;
Why Venerate the Odinist Gods? The Contacts between Men and Gods; The God Odin and
His Mysteries; The Goddess Frigg and the Rite of Marriage ; The God Thor, the Nemesis of
Titans; The Goddess Sif, the Mischief of Loki, and the Skill of the Rock Dwarf; Heimdall
and “The-Sojourn-of-the-Brave”; Bragi, the Holy Words, and the Seasonal Rites; Idun and
Her Enchanted Fruit; Brave Tyr, the Warrior God; The God Njord, Magic, and the Vanir
Gods; The God Frey and the Elves; Freyja, the Lovely Patroness of Birth; The God Balder
and the Adventure of Death; Nanna and the Odinist Death Rite; The Legend of “The-
Mountain-of-Promise”; Destiny, Ragnarok, the Mysteries of the Future

Secrets of Asgard By Ongkowidjojo Vincent

Foreword by David Beth, Introduction Freya Aswynn
ISBN 978-1-906958-31-2, £12.99/$23 circa 280pp, ills.
A thesis of practical rune magic is developed which is based on the Havamal 144 stanza.
The analysis concludes that the Runes were traditionally regarded as actual spirits. The
stanza explains how to make your own set as well as other talismanic objects. The
practice of galdr-singing is discussed in more depth to complement the Havamal 144
techniques. Then, a discourse is given on the most common Ancient Germanic magical
formulae. They complement the practical work on talismanic objects.

A separate chapter is given on divinatory practices. Useful information on dreamwork is

added and numerous other exercises used to make contact with the subconscious mind
through auto-suggestion, and many other useul;ful ritual techniques and practices.

The Way of the Odin Brotherhood By Jack Wolf

978-1-906958-53-4, Paperback Original, £9.99/$16.99
It began with a simple question, sent from an unknown e-mail address, and it
kindled the fires of a quest that would take him on a journey of discovery spanning
several years; a journey that would lead him closer to the enigmatic secret society
known as the Odin Brotherhood.

The Magical Universe of William S. Burroughs, Matthew Levi Stevens
PBK 978-1-906958-11-4, Trade Paperback, £12.99/$24“
In the magical universe there are no coincidences and there are no accidents. Nothing happens
unless someone wills it to happen. The dogma of science is that the will cannot possibly affect
external forces, and I think that’s just ridiculous. It’s as bad as the church. My viewpoint is
the exact contrary of the scientific viewpoint. I believe that if you run into somebody in the
street it’s for a reason. Among primitive people they say that if someone was bitten by a snake
he was murdered. I believe that.”
– William S. Burroughs
Shape-Shifters & their stories
The Golem; Lilith; Werewolf; The Dybbuk; Silkie; and more
Michael Berman
978-1-906958-66-4, 192pp, 24 fascinating Illustrations, 229mmx152mm £10.99 / $22
Shape-shifting is a common theme in mythology, folklore, and fairy tales. In its broadest sense,
shape-shifting occurs when a being (usually human) either (1) has the ability to change its shape
into that of another person, creature, or other entity or (2) finds its shape involuntarily changed
by someone else. If the shape change is voluntary, its cause may be an act of will, a magic word
or magic words, a potion, or a magic object.


Tantra for Westerners By Francis X King

ISBN 978-1869928605, £10.99 / paperback
While Tantra has mystical, philosophical, and religious aspects it is, above all, a technique of
action -- a system of physical, mental, and spiritual discipline incorporating meditation, yoga,
and sacramental worship in the widest sense of the phrase. Tantra for Westerners is a complete
theoretical and practical guide to the Way of Action, covering concepts of pleasure and pain,
power and passivity, esoteric physiology, Tantra and Qabalism, right-hand and left-hand
Tantra, tantric rituals for westerners, and the arousal of kundalini -- the serpent power.
Siddha Quest for Immortality, By Kamil V Zvelebil
ISBN 978-1869928-438 £14.99/$30 paperback
n South India there is a society where priests and lay people claim supernatural powers. Where
a sophisticated medical system underlies a quest for physical longevity and psychic immor-
tality. And where arcane and sexual rituals take place that are far removed from the Brahmanic
tradition of the rest of India. That society is the Tamil Siddhas. The book includes many newly-
translated examples of poetry that is deeply religious but not without humour. But physical
longevity was also central to Siddha belief, and fascinating chapters on Siddha medicine
describe routines by which one can maintain health, and tell how drugs are created from such
varied ingredients as cowdung, human urine, honey, oil, and milk.

Tantra Sadhana - A practical introduction to Kaula Magick

By Mogg Morgan, ISBN 978-1869928-421, £10.99 paperback
A ‘Sâdhana’ is an instrument that leads to a particular goal. In Tantra, it is a technical
term denoting worship or spiritual practice. Tantra Sâdhana is a collection of related
instructional papers designed to aid the aspirant through a foundation Sâdhana. Effective
sadhana cannot be accomplished without an initiation from a qualified guru. This book
is designed to act as a taster and to provide a short body of work suitable for the period
of about one lunar month. In addition, the author had added several useful appendices -
including the previously unpublished Tantrik Knuckle Bone Oracle.

Living Midnight - three movements of the Tao By Jan Fries

£10.99/$19.99, ISBN 978-1869928-506, 220pp, illus
A study of the divination system known widely as the I Ching, but here presented with all
its magick intact and in a totally unique way. This leads naturally to an examination of the
techniques of Taoist meditation and finally to a look at the divine entities that lie behind the
system - the Immortals. ‘You can find the Immortals exploring the hidden delights of
enchanted fairy grottoes, flower gardens, pine forests and pleasant autumn lakes. They walk
on clouds, they sit in shady valleys enjoying the swirling mists and rest in the heart of the living
midnight. You can meet them in the centre of yourself once you become empty enough. And
you can meet them out here, walking in the world, disguised as mortals.’

Medicine of the Gods: Basic Principles of Ayurvedic Medicine

By ChrisMorgan, ISBN 978-1869928-377, £10/$15, 100pp, paperback
New edition with additional chapter Ayurvedic food
Ayurveda is a Asianmedical system hich has its beginnings in the sixth century BCE and thrives
even to the present-day. Medical ideas underpin a great deal of Eastern thought especially
Tantrism, alchemy, yoga and the science of love. The book is aimed at students and lovers
of South Asian culture, perhaps also anthropologists and others with a need for a traightforward
introduction to the core principles of another scientific tradition.

Sexual Magick: Secrets of Sexual Gnosis in Western Magick

Katon Shual, 978-1-906958-48-0 pbk 188pp £9.99/$15
Sexuality is one of the keys to magick. In this book, first published in 1988, Katon Shual
presents some of the secrets of sexual gnosis within western magick – a system that is often
misunderstood. The book begins with a look at the revival of sexual magick in the early part
of the 20th century, especially within the ranks of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
and some of the post Golden Dawn magical groups such as Aleister Crowley’s Thelemic cult.
The book includes an unpublished grimoire of sexual magick, as well as several other unusual
sources, including an authoritative exploration of the chakra system, a magical approach to
kundalini and an introduction to the relationship between the sacred sexuality and the
external landscape.
The Return Of The Tetrad By Christopher McIntosh
isbn 978-1-906958-18-3 £9.99/$15
Paul Cairns, the narrator of this story, is a young journalist with a penchant for the occult.
Prompted by a mysterious recurring nightmare, he seeks the advice of Gilbert North, scholar,
country squire and occultist, who leads him on an extraordinary series of adventures involving
a quest for the Tetrad, four primal magical objects corresponding to the elements and the suits
of the Tarot. Cairns’ life becomes full of weird and supernatural happenings in a great magical
battle between dark and light. But in the world of Gilbert North things are not quite what
they seem. Layers of reality and unreality are peeled away until the deeper meaning of the whole
quest is revealed.

The Cannibal Within By Mark L. Mirabello

ISBN 978-1869928-278 £7.99 / $14, paperback
They raped me and ate my friend alive.’
Thus starts this work of erotic horror fiction filled with “sacrilege, blasphemy, and crime”—
written in a style that is part H. P. Lovecraft, part Marquis de Sade, and part Octave Mirbeau
— The Cannibal Within is literally “wet with sin, slippery with blood,

P is For Prostitution : an A - Z of a harsh life survived

Charlotte Rodgers (Illustrated by Ruth Ramsden)
978-1-906958-26-8, 158pp (12 picaresque illustrations)
£9.99/$18 (includes postage unless otherwise stated)
P is for Prostitution grew out of the author’s exploration of death and ancestral cults.
It led her to acknowledge her own past, re-connecting and rescuing a catalogue of youthful
dead or missing loved ones. “This was no surprise given the way we lived our lives at that
time, but was no less saddening. Whilst the people concerned were not blood relatives,
they were part of who I was and very much my family of choice in our shared inability

Mystical Vampire - The Life and Works of Mabel Collins

By Kim Farnell, ISBN 978-1869928-858, £12.99 / $26 paperback
An insightful and sensitive biography of Mabel Collins, Theosophist, author of Light on
the Path, novelist, journalist, traveller, esotericist, anti-vivisection campaigner, Victorian
social reformer.

Beneath the Pleasure Zones : The Rupture

Paul Green,
978-1-906958-58-9 £9.99/$16.99
When Lucas Beardsley blundered into the Qliphothic Forces of the Polyverse, Britain’s
reality-consensus was drastically disrupted. Everyday causality was never quite the same

The Great Purple Hoo-Ha: a comedy of perception Part I
by Philip H Farber ISBN 978-1-906958-16-9, £9.99, 232pp

Joe had a drinking problem. The possible demise of his television talk show and
the end of his career had tilted a very big bottle of Old Mystery into his guts.
Now he was having trouble telling where the hallucinations ended and reality
began. Had the mysterious young man with the cat – whom nobody else could see –
really granted him a magical wish for fame and fortune? Were the sex-obsessed
cultists he was investigating on the show really bringing on the End of the
World? Where did the sentient cream-filled pastries come from? Who was the Most
Disgusting Rock Star Ever? And, more importantly, would Joe ever get his new
girlfriend, the goddess, into bed?

Part II ISBN 978-1-906958-251, £9.99, 232pp

Joe climbed out of the hole into the gray light of a stormy afternoon. Nothing was going as
planned. He still hadn't gotten his girlfriend, the goddess, into bed. The aliens never arrived
and Elvis hadn't returned. Up on the stage, robed magicians toting automatic weapons called
down unspeakable things from the sky. A crowd of a million people was beginning to riot.
And Joe knew that it was up to him, the most famous man in the world, to save the day and
bring forth the Great Purple Hoo-Ha - if he could only figure out what the heck it was.

Aleister Crowley MIV By Richard McNeff

ISBN 978-1869928-827, £9.99/$18 paperback
What if the Beast returned and you were not sure if he were the best or worst thing that had
ever happened to you? ‘McNeff’s novel is so different from anything else you’d
normally find on a bookshelf that it should perhaps be a compulsory purchase’
- Independent on Sunday

I, Crowley - Last Confession of the Beast 666 - Almost

By Snoo Wilson ISBN 978-1869928-544 £9.99/ $20 250pp paperback
Aleister Crowley, otherwise known as the Beast 666, shared membership of the Golden Dawn
with W.B. Yeats, and publishers with D.H. Lawrence. Now in a beyond-the-grave
autobiography, he recounts his own vocation, his practice of sex magic, and his bruising
encounters with his contemporaries.

Pan's Road By Mogg Morgan

ISBN 978-1869928-896 £8.99/$18 paperback
Their journey on Pan’s Road is fraught with new dangers but also new possibilities,
as the protagonists are led to the heart of an ancient mystery in the lost city of
Ombos – Citadel of Seth, the Egyptian god of Chaos.

Wormwood Star (revised & enlarged), The Magickal Life of Marjorie
Cameron, Spencer Kansa,
ISBN 978-1-906958-60-2 (WAS 978-1-906958-08-4)
302pp / illustrated / paperback original, £12.99 / $24
Wormwood Star chronicles the fascinating life of a most extraordinary artist and occult
icon. In the first ever biography written about her, Wormwood Star traces the
extraordinary life of the enigmatic artist Marjorie Cameron (1922-1995), one of the
most fascinating figures to emerge from the American Underground art world and
film scene.
Ithell Colquhoun - pioneer surrealist artist, occultist, writer, and poet By Eric
Ratcliffe, ISBN 978-1869928-988 £19.99, paperback 314pp, 90 ills (25 in colour)
The skills of Ithell Colquhoun in her main practice, that of artist and pioneer in this
country of surrealistic art, have been long recognised. Additionally, other interests -
alchemy. Earth-magic, active occultism, poetry, druidism, the pre-Christian pagan
calendar, the history and membership of the Golden Dawn - and writing of and
involvement in these interests by book publication and in a widely scattered field of
correspondence, have created a miscellany of truly gargantuan proportion.

The Magical Dilemma of Victor Neuburg, By Jean Overton Fuller

ISBN 978-1869928-797/ £13.99 / 334pp illus.
Really two books in one. Firstly a record of one man’s extraordinary journey to magical
enlightenment. Secondly the story of Aleister Crowley, the magus who summoned Neuburg
to join him in the quest. The book opens with the author’s entry into the group of young poets
including Dylan Thomas. They gather around Victor Neuburg in 1935 when he is poetry editor
of the Sunday Referee. Gradually the author becomes aware of his strange and sinister past,
in which Neuburg was associated in magic with Aleister Crowley. Neuburg had been
Crowley’s partner in magical rituals in the desert and in rites even more dangerous and

S u r r e a l i s m & the Occult By Nadia Choucha

ISBN 978-1869928-162, £10.99/ $20 paperback
The book shows how many Surrealists and their predecessors were steeped in magical
ideas: Kandinsky, with his involvement with Theosophy, the sorcery of Salvador Dali;
the alchemy of Pablo Picasso and the shamanism of Max Ernst and Leonora Carrington.
The magical subculture and the central role it played in the development of a great art

Pan’s Daughter (Revised and greatly expanded), By Nevill Drury

The Magical World of ROSALEEN NORTON
978-1-906958-50-3 case laminate 308 pp / 48 illus, £22.99 / $35
Norton dedicated her magical practice to the Great God Pan and to a lesser extent
Hecate, Lilith and Lucifer. She was also intrigued by the visionary potential of Kundalini
yoga, out-of-the-body trance exploration and Aleister Crowley’s Thelemic sex magick
and combined all of these elements in her ritual activities.

Pan’s Daughter is the only biography of Rosaleen Norton and provides the most detailed
and authoritative account of her magical beliefs and practices. First published in Britain
by Mandrake in 1993, it is now reissued in a revised and expanded edition.
- By Mark Mirabello
Handbook for Rebels and Outlaws
ISBN 9781906958008, £12.99

Handbook for Rebels and Outlaws is a book about freedom. Written for intellectual
swashbucklers– men and women who are radicals in politics and infidels in religion–
warriors who hammer the stake of fear into the heart of tyranny– this volume belongs in select
book collections, between the black magic and the pornography texts.

The Flying Sorcerer - Francis Barrett

Including Barrett’s previously unpublished manuscript on Crystal Vision
by Francis X King, ISBN 978-1869928-209 £7.99/$14, 280pp, paperback
Francis King offers a fascinating picture of Francis Barrett, a man who lived on the
frontier of technology, both in terms of the inner landscape and his pioneering
experiments in balloon flight. It discusses his teachers, peers, and the subsequent progress
of his disciples. Magus or Celestial Intelligencer is widely read and still capable of providing

Radical Desire: Kink & Magickal Sex By Mark & Ruth Ramsden
ISBN 978-1-906958-19-0, £9.99/$14.00
“The wit and wisdom of Mark Ramsden's illuminating text delivers a gripping journey through
a rich seam of sexual expression. Read this book, enjoy this book, for it deserves your utmost
attention. Over 40? Fat? The style gurus say you're not sexy, not horny, this book says
‘Bollocks!’ An essential reference work... And bloody good fun too.”
John Carter

Sacred Mountains: Stories of the Mystic Mountains - An Anthology

9781906958220, 240pp, £11.99/£22, Michael Berman
All the stories presented in this collection contain shamanic elements, so the obvious
starting point is to explain what is meant by this. Initially employed by early
anthropologists to refer to a specific category of magical practitioners from Siberia, the
term is now widely used to denote similar practitioners from a variety of cultures around
the world. (Wilby, 2011, p.252).

Mind-Sprung, A D Harvey (HASHISH NOVEL)
978-1-906958-67-1, Paperback Original, £9.99 / $15.99
An A-Level drop-out graduates from evicting immigrants during the heyday of the inner-city
slum landlords during the 1960s to stripping redundant churches during the early 1970s,
before moving to northern Sweden equipped only with the proceeds of selling stolen property
and some hashish. He finds new sources of hashish even in Sweden but eventually the money
runs out, and he returns to London: only to discover it is even worse than when he left.

The Camden Town Murder

- The Life and Death of Emily Dimmock / New and Revised Edition /
By John Barber 978-1869928-919, ï ¿ ½10. 99 / $2paperback

The Camden Town Murder was an infamous Edwardian slaying only surpassed in notoriety
by the 1888 ‘Jack the Ripper’ killings. Emily Dimmock was killed at her home in St Pauls
Road, Camden Town on 12th September 1907.

Exhumation of A Murder
- The Life and Trial of Major Armstrong By Robin Odell
ISBN -978-1869928-926, £12.99 paperback

Before the First World War, the picturesque town of Hay-on-Wye was the scene for the story
of Major Herbert Rowse Armstrong, one of the most celebrated murder cases of the twentieth
century. Behind the Major’s mild, bespectacled appearance was the mind of the insidious

‘And the Armstrong case was unquestionably one of the best; right up there in the grand
tradition of Dr Palmer of Rugeley, Neill Cream, Mrs Maybrick, Dr Crippen, Seddon, and
George Joseph Smith.’ - Richard Whittington-Egan

Jack the Ripper in Fact and Fiction By Robin Odell

(New and Revised Edition)
ISBN 978-1869928-308, £12.99 / $26, 315pp

Robin Odell has produced an absorbing factual reconstruction of all the crimes and a brilliant
new theory, based on modern methods of detection, to solve the greatest mystery in British
criminology. Most readers will accept his theory as the long-sought answer to a baffing real-
life whodunit: as the most likely epitaph on a terror known as Jack the Ripper in Fact and Fiction

Sickert and the Ripper Crimes , By Jean Overton Fuller

ISBN 978-1869928-681, £12.99/$20, 284pp

A new chapter for Jean Overton Fuller’s ground breaking study of murder. The original
investigation into the 1888 Ripper Murders and the artist Walter Richard Sickert.

'Timely and welcome . . . remains a curious and important book.'

- Paul Begg in Ripperologist, April 2002

Issue 1 £13.99, ISBN 978-1869928- 674, 200pp

Contents: Beyond Attribution: The Importance of Barrett’s Magus/Alison Butler *
Shadow over Philistia: A review of the Cult of Dagon/John C. Day * A History of
Otherness:Tarot and Playing Cards from Early Modern Europe/Joyce Goggin * Opposites
Attract: magical identity and social uncertainty/Dave Green * ‘Memories of a sorcerer’:
notes on Gilles Deleuze-Felix Guattari, Austin Osman Spare and Anomalous Sorceries./
Matt Lee * Le Streghe Son Tornate: The Reappearance of Streghe in Italian American
Queer Writings/Ilaria Serra * Controlling Chance, Creating Chance: Magical Thinking in
Religious Pilgrimage/Deana Weibel
Issue 2 £19.99, ISBN 978-1869928- 728, 420pp
Contents: Alien Selves: Modernity and the Social Diagnostics of the Demonic in ‘Lovecraftian Magick’:
Woodman/Wishful Thinking Notes towards a psychoanalytic sociology of Pagan magic: Green/A Shell with my
Name on it: The Reliance on the Supernatural During the WW1. Chambers/The Metaphysical Relationship
between Magic and Miracles: Morgan Luck/Demonic Possession, and Spiritual Healing in Nineteenth-Century
Devon: Semmens/ Human Body in Southern Slavic Folk Sorcery: Filipovic & Rader/Four Glasses Of Water:
Snell/The Land Near the Dark Cornish Sea:. Hale/Kenneth Grant and the Magickal revival: Evans/Magic through
the Linguistic Lenses of Greek mágos, Indo-European *mag(h)-, Sanskrit màyà and Pharaonic Egyptian ¡eka:
Cheak/The symbolism of the pierced heart: Froome/Nicholas Roerich: McCannon/Book Review, etc.
Issue 3 £19.99, ISBN 978-1869928-964, 300pp
Contents: Hannah Sanders - Buffy and Beyond: Language and Resistance in Contemporary Teenage Witchcraft
/ Amy Lee - A Language of Her Own: Witchery as a New Language of Female Identity/ Dave Green - Creative
Revolution: Bergsonisms and Modern Magic / Mary Hayes - Discovering the Witch’s Teat: Magical Practices,
Medical Superstitions in The Witch of Edmonton / Penny Lowery - The Re-enchantment of the Medical: An
examination of magical elements in healing. / Jonathan Marshall - Apparitions, Ghosts, Fairies, Demons and Wild
Events: Virtuality in Early Modern Britain / Kate Laity - Living the Mystery: Sacred Drama Today / Research
Articles: David Geall - ‘A half-choked meep of cosmic fear’ Is there esoteric symbolism in H.P.Lovecraft’s The
Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath? / Susan Gorman - Becoming a Sorcerer: Jean-Pierre Bekolo’s Quartier Mozart
and the Magic of Deleuzian and Guattarian Becoming / Book Reviews
Issue 4 £19.99 /$40, ISBN 978-1869928-391, 400pp
The Practitioner, The Priest, and The Professor: Perspectives on Self-Initiation in the American Neopagan
Community/Laubach, Martinie’ and Clemons/ The Trinity of the Hebrew Goddess: A Guided Presentation Of
Goddess Narratives and Submerged Beliefs : DeMente / The Topography of Magic in the Modern Western and
Ancient Egyptian Minds : Stannish / The science of magic: A parapsychological model of psychic ability in the
context of magical will : Luke/ Is Magic Possible Within A Quantum Mechanical Framework? : Ash / Angels
with Nanotech Wings: Magic, Medicine and Technology in The Neuromancer and Brain Plague : Lord / Rowling’s
Devil: Ancient Archetype or Modern Manifestation? : Lauren Berman / “Delivered From Enchantment”: Cotton
Mather, W. B. O. Peabody, and the Struggle against Magic : Sederholm / In a Mirror, Darkly : A comparison
between the Lovecraftian Mythos and African-Atlantic mystery religions : Geall / The Journey of The Lion King
and the Collective Unconscious : Marsh

Issue 5, ISBN 9781906958015 £19.99/$40, 320pp

Flavius Josephus’ Terminology of Magic: accommodating Jewish Magic to a Roman Audience: Philip Jewell /
The Role of Grimoires in the Conjure Tradition; Dan Harms /Hermetic/Cabalistic Ritual in Christopher
Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus ; Dana Winters / Italian Cunning Craft: Some Preliminary Observations ; Sabina
Magliocco / Walking The Tightrope: A Study Of Secret Astrologers In Mainstream Professions ; J.A. Silver Frost
B.A., M.A., Solicitor. / Martyrs, Magic, and Christian Conversion ; Patrick Maille /“Worshiping the Devil in the
Name of God”Anti-Semitism, Theosophy and Christianity in the Occult Doctrines of Pekka Siitoin ; Kennet
Granholm / “The Witching Hour: Sex Magic in 1950s Australia” ; Marguerite Johnson / Reviews / Obituaries
William Lilly: The Last Magician. Adept & Astrologer
Peter Stockinger & Sue Ward, foreword by David Conway
978-1-906958-62-6, £14.99/$28
This book provides the reader with a thorough introduction to the world of William Lilly,
the famous 17th century astrologer and magician. It brings together transcripts of his
autobiography and of some of his most important works. It also includes Peter Stockinger
and Sue Ward’s Monster of Ingratitude, an investigative journey offering new insights into
the notorious contention between Lilly and the astrologer John Gadbury.

A German Stargazer’s Book of Astrology (Astronomia Teutsch Astronomei 1545)

Peter Stockinger (translator & Editor); Sue Ward (Foreword)
242pp £14.99/$24A German Stargazer’s Book on Astrology is the first English translation
of Astronomia Teutsch Astronomei, published in 1545 in Frankfurt am Main. The original
work was one of the earliest astrological textbooks in the vernacular, predating William Lilly’s
famous English primer Christian Astrology by over a decade. With this translation, Peter
Stockinger offers the English reader an exciting insight into the working methods of a 16th
century astrologer living on the cusp of the Late Medieval and Early Modern periods. The
book contains a detailed introduction by the translator, providing valuable background
information and historical context, and is comprehensively annotated throughout.

Shadow Matter & Psychic Phenomena

by Gerhard Wassermann
ISBN, 978-1869928-322, £7.99 / $16, paperback
A scientist casts new light on psi-phenomena, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, and 'out of
the body experiences' in this book. He presents an exciting new theory which explains
such phenomena, linking the recently discovered 'Shadow Matter' world of physics with
parapsychology. The author builds on theories until now discussed only in academic
journals, but the book is accessible to non-scientists. Shadow Matter & Psychic
Phenomena also offers over 60 fascinating case histories of ‘psychic’ experience.
Essential reading for scientists, occultists, and anyone interested in the paranormal.

Consciousness & Near Death Experience

By Gerhard Wassermann
ISBN 978-1869928-629, £9.99 / $20, paperback

Perhaps a valuable guide to the possible machinery of death and dying might be
obtained by attempts to elucidate the conceivable mechanisms of Near Death
Experiences (NDEs). Various people have studied these for many years. My own
theorising begins with a critical reappraisal of some of these ideas on NDEs. In
the course of the argument I hope to persuade the reader of the advantages of a
theory based in the new physics of Shadow Matter.
Aleister Crowley a modern master (Moore) 10 Magical Universe of William Burroughs 1
Angelic Magick (Page) 9 Magick Works (Vayne) 12
Arcane Veil (Oates) 3 Medicine of the Gods (Morgan) 16
Apophenion (Carroll) 12 Making Talismans (Farrell) 4
Aromatic Oils & magic 13 Merlin’s Mound (Bryant) 17
Becoming Magick (Rankine) 8 Mindsprung (Harvey) 5
Beneath the Pleasure Zones (Green) 5 Mystical Vampire: Mabel Collins (Farnell) 19
Book of Baphomet 13 Nightshades (Fries) 9
Books of the Beast (Smith) 8 Now That’s What I Call Chaos Magick (Vayne) 12
Bloody Sacrifice (Rodgers) 6 Octavo (Carroll) 13
Bright From the Well (Lee) 14 Odin Brotherhood (Mirabello) 15
Bull of Ombos (Morgan) 11 Pan's Daughter (Drury) 19
Cannibal Within (Mirabello) 17 Pan's Road (Morgan) 18
Camden Town Murder (Barber) 21 Pharmakon (Vayne) 12
Cauldron of the Gods (Fries) 9 Peacocks's Edd (Wyman) 4
Chaotopia! (Lee) 13 Phi-Neter (Morgan) 4
Craft of the Untamed (Frisvold) 3 P is for Prostitution 3
Consciousness & NDE (Wassermann) 23 Radical Desire (Ransden) 20
Contemporary Western Book of the Dead 11 Return of the Tetrad 17
Deep Magic Begins Here 12 RitualYear in Ancient Egypt (Morgan) 11
Desert Fox Oracle 1 Sacred Mountains 20
Dionysian Spirit (Fitton) 2 Secret Gospel of Mark (Conner) 4
Egyptian Shaman (Farrell) 10 Seidways (Fries) 14
Elmer Crowley 1 Secrets of Asgard (Ongkowidjojo) 15
Exhumation of A Murder (Odell) 21 Sexual Magick (Shual) 16
Extreme Ghost Hunters 5 Shadow Matter & Psi Phenomena (Wasserman) 23
Firechild (Sanders) 7 Shape-Shifters & their stories (Berman) 1
Flying Sorcerer: Francis Barrett (King) 8 Sickert and the Ripper Crimes (Fuller) 21
German Stargazer (Stockinger) 2 Siddha Quest for Immortality (Zvelebil) 16
Grammer of Witchcraft (Parry) 18 Star Crossed Serpent (Oates) 8
Great Purple Hooha (Farber) 18 Surrealism & the Occult (Choucha) 19
Gateway to Hell (Bingley) 17 Supernatural Assault in Ancient Egypt (Morgan) 11
Handbook for Rebels & Outlaws (Mirabello) 20 Sybarite Among the Shadows (Mcneff) 18
Helrunar (Fries) 14 Tankhem: Seth & Egyptian Magick (Morgan) 11
I, Crowley (Wilson) 18 Tantra Sadhana (Morgan) 16
Images of Set 10 Tantra for Westerners (King) 15
Ithell Colquhoun (Ratcliffe) 19 Taromancy (Boak) 20
Jesus the Sorcerer (Conner) 9 Thelemic Magick (Morgan) 10
Jack the Ripper in Fact & Fiction (Odell) 21 Tubelo's Green Fire (Oates) 7
Journal for Academic Study of Magic 22 Village Witch 7
Kaos Hieroglyphica (Channing) 12 Visual Magick (Fries) 14
Living Midnight (Fries) 16 Way of Odin Brotherhood (Wolf) 17
Magical Dilemma of Victor Neuburg (Fuller) 17 Wanton Green (Mclellan & Cross) 20
Magic in Christianity (Conner) 2 Will Lilly (Stockinger/Ward) 2
Magical Knowledge (McCarthy) 6 Witcha: a Book of Cunning (Harris) 6
Magic of the Northgate (McCarthy) 6 Witch's Guide to Sex (Hawkins/Rodway) 7
Magic in New Testament (Conner) 9 Wormwood Star (Kansa) 3

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