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Apologetic words Im sorry Apologize repeatedly Hedge Failure to get to the point Ramble & disconnected thoughts At a loss for words Failure to say what you really mean I mean End a sentence with, do you think? Self-defeating Victim mentality poor me Shift responsibility to others Devalue self Afraid to hurt other persons feelings Unsure of self

State what you want Honest statement of feelings Objective words I messages Direct statements that say what you mean Accept responsibility for self Negotiate Compromise Allow others to vent their feelings without interrupting Validate others Show concern for others

Use loaded words Accusatory Subjective Condescending Blaming Label & stereotype others Put others down Name-calling Swearing Give no recognition to others Use words like always & never Use you words

NON-VERBAL General Demeanor Voice

Hope others will guess what you want Look as if you dont mean what you say Use nervous gestures Stressed Poor posture Weak & soft Hesitant Wavering Averted Downcast Teary Pleading Submissive Fidgety Clammy Weak handshake limp fish Lean for support Stooped over Excessive head-nodding

Attentive Active & reflective listening Assured & confident Relaxed Alert Interested in other people Warm & caring Well-modulated Relaxed Open Comfortable eye contact Warm & friendly Direct Relaxed hand motions Warm & dry Arms & hands open & welcoming Well-balanced Straight Erect Relaxed Lean slightly toward showing interest HOSPICE EDUCATION NETWORK 2007 Used with permission

Exaggerated show of power, control & strength Flippant Sarcastic Air of superiority Concerned only about self Loud & demanding Tense & shrill Cold & expressionless Angry & stern Narrowed Staring & glaring Not really seeing you Clenched & abrupt gestures Finger-pointing Fist-pounding Hands on hips Hands on hips Feet apart Stiff & rigid Rude Get in others personal space



Stance & Posture

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