Practical Assessment Test Notes

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Practical Assessment Test There are 7 types of reactions: 1.

Combustion (OXIDISATION) - hydrocarbon reacts with oxygen gas= burning - In order for something to burn you need: 1. fuel (hydrocarbon) 2. oxygen 3. Something to ignite the reaction (heat) - Products are ALWAYS Carbon dioxide and water e.g. used to heat homes and run car engines 2. Corrosion (OXIDISATION) - slow chemical change that occurs when metal reacts with oxygen frm air - chemical reaction forms an oxide - Metal + Oxygen= oxide - e.g. rusting 3. Precipitation - is an insoluble compound formed during a chemical reaction in solutions 4. Acids on Metal - acid + metal= salt + hydrogen 5. Acids on Carbonates - neutralization reactions - acid + carbonate = salt + water + carbon dioxide 6. Neutralisation - acid reacts with a base - acid + base= salt + water - an acid and base neutralize each other as the acids H+ and the bases OH- react together to form water (H20) 7. Decomposition - Compounds break up into the elements that make it up - 1 reactant = Product + product - AB= A+B

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