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The rise (and rise) of graphene

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What is graphene?

How has graphene research grown?

How has graphene research grown?

Whats the backdrop to this?

The most important 15,000 of these published over 1.3m research articles in 2008.

Thats about one every 24 seconds.

But each one takes about 30 minutes to read.

1,308,534 5 00 24 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

In 1665, the first two scholarly journals were launched. There are now more than 25,000 scholarly, peerreviewed journals publishing globally.

The most important 15,000 of these published over 1.3 million research articles in 2008.

1,308,534 5
Thats about one every 24 seconds.
But each one takes about

Where did graphene scientists research before graphene?

Whats the backdrop to this?

English philosopher and historian of science William Whewell coined the term scientist in 1833. There are more scientists alive today than there have ever been in history about 5.8 million.

In 2006, almost 174,000 PhD-qualified scientists were produced globally. Thats one every three minutes, or a whole doubledecker bus-full every 4 hours.

Where do graphene researchers come from?

What was the big graphene breakthrough?

a.k.a. the scotch tape method

What impact has this breakthrough had?

What impact has this breakthrough had?

Climate change.xls; Correspondence addresses of all 267 documents citing: Feely R.A., Sabine C.L., Lee K., Berelson W., Kleypas J., Fabry V.J., Millero F.J. Impact of anthropogenic CO2 on the CaCO3 system in the oceans (2004) Science, 305 (5682), pp. 362-366 with addresses listed, as geocoded by GPS Visualisers Geocoder and mapped with GPS Visualisers Data Plotter.

What impact has this breakthrough had?

The most massively multi-authored research paper of all time was published in March 2010 and has 3,222 authors from 37 countries.

If they were all to meet, they would fill Londons Royal Albert Hall to over 80% capacity.

But here comes graphane!

Credits & Sources

Reading time figure from Tenopir, C. et al. (2009) Variations in article seeking and reading patterns of academics: What makes a difference? Library & Information Science Research 31 (2009) 139148 Price 1961 and 1965

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