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SAP NetWeaver How-To Guide

How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

Applicable Releases: SAP NetWeaver Gateway 2.0 SP3+

Version 1.1 July 2012

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Document History
Document Version 1.00 1.10 Description First official release of this guide Upgraded to support SP3+ changes

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Example text

<Example text>


Table of Contents
1. 2. 3. 4. Business Scenario .................................................................................................................. 1 Background Information ........................................................................................................ 1 Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................... 1 Step-by-Step Procedure ......................................................................................................... 2 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 Create Your Services Model Class .............................................................................. 2 Implement Your Metadata Classs DEFINE and GET_LAST_MODIFIED Methods .... 4 Create Your Services Runtime Class .......................................................................... 6 Redefine and Implement the GET_ENTITYSET Method ............................................. 6 Redefine and Activate the GET_ENTITY Service ........................................................ 9 Redefine and Implement the UPDATE_ENTITY Method ........................................... 10 Redefine and Implement the CREATE_ENTITY Method ........................................... 12 Maintain OData Channel Table Configuration ............................................................ 13 Activate the Service on the Gateway System ............................................................ 17

4.10 Test Your Service ....................................................................................................... 21

How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel


Business Scenario

Your backend SAP system contains Banking business data that you want to expose via a REST based API so that it will be easily consumable by the outside world.


Background Information

SAP NetWeaver Gateway offers an easy way to expose data via the REST based Open Data (OData) format. With Gateway you can generate services based on BOR objects, RFCs, or Screen Scraping. There is also another way using the OData Channel API, which is an ABAP Object API. You develop classes using this API on the backend system where the SAP data resides, not on the actual Gateway system. The OData Channel is very flexible and powerful, it allows you to create simple services or complex ones. This guide will focus on creating a simple service with OData Channel. It is the hope of the author that once you learn how to create this very simple service you will move on to developing more complex and interesting services with OData Channel.


SAP NetWeaver Gateway 2.0 SP3 (or higher) installed and configured. Backend SAP System with the BEP (SP3 or higher) gateway add-on installed. Backend SAP System is connected to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway system. Knowledge of ABAP Object Oriented programming is required. That said, this is a very detailed step by step guide which you could probably complete without ABAP OO experiencebut you most likely wouldnt be able to fully understand it.

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel


Step-by-Step Procedure

The following steps will guide you thru creating an OData Channel service based on Bank business data. On the backend system you will develop and configure the Bank service using the OData Channel API and configuration tables. Once that is done you will activate the service on the Gateway system and test it.


Create Your Services Model Class

The Model class defines the interface of your OData Channel service. This section will show you how to create this class and which super class it needs to inherit from. 1. Logon to the backend SAP system that you wish to expose business data from with OData Channel based services. 2. Go to transaction SE80 ABAP Development Workbench 3. Change the object type drop down to be Class / Interface:

4. Enter in the class name Z_CL_BANK_MODEL_<Your Last Name>:

5. Click the Display icon (the eye glasses icon). 6. Since the object does not yet exist you will be asked if you want to create it:

7. Click the Yes button. 8. Except the default type Class radio button and click the Enter button.

9. Enter in a Description, accept the default selections and click the Save button.

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

10. Save your newly created class as a Local Object. 11. You should now see the following:

12. Double click on the class you just created, this will open the class editor. 13. In the class editor switch to the Properties tab:

14. Make sure you are in Change mode. 15. Click the Superclass button.

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

16. Enter in the OData Channel Metadata Class - /IWBEP/CL_MGW_ABS_MODEL:

17. Save your class. The class should now look like this:


Implement Your Metadata Classs DEFINE Method.

The DEFINE method of the Metadata class is where you implement the coding that defines the services interface. 1. Open the Methods > Inherited Methods node of your Class in the Class browser:

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

2. Right click on the DEFINE method and in the context menu select Redefine:

3. The method editor for the redefined method will open up:

4. Enter in the following code that defines the metadata of your Bank service (or copy the contents in the attached file bind_structure.txt file):
" ABAP OData Data Object DATA: lo_data_object TYPE REF TO /IWBEP/IF_MGW_ODATA_ENTITY_TYP, lo_property TYPE REF TO /IWBEP/IF_MGW_ODATA_PROPERTY. "Create a new data object with name Bank lo_data_object = model->create_entity_type( 'Bank' ). "Define the properties of the Bank object "IV_ABAP_FIELDNAME is the ABAP dictionary name "IV_PROPRETY_NAME is the OData friendly name lo_property = lo_data_object->create_property( IV_ABAP_FIELDNAME = 'BANKS' IV_PROPERTY_NAME = 'bankCountry' ). "Set as a key lo_property->set_is_key( abap_true ). lo_property = lo_data_object->create_property( IV_ABAP_FIELDNAME = 'BANKL' IV_PROPERTY_NAME = 'bankID' ). "Set as a key

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

lo_property->set_is_key( abap_true ). lo_property = lo_data_object->create_property( IV_ABAP_FIELDNAME = 'BANKA' IV_PROPERTY_NAME = 'bankName' ). lo_property = lo_data_object->create_property( IV_ABAP_FIELDNAME = 'PROVZ' IV_PROPERTY_NAME = 'region' ). lo_property = lo_data_object->create_property( IV_ABAP_FIELDNAME = 'STRAS' IV_PROPERTY_NAME = 'street' ). lo_property = lo_data_object->create_property( IV_ABAP_FIELDNAME = 'ORT01' IV_PROPERTY_NAME = 'city' ). "Bind your structure that represents the above properties lo_data_object->bind_structure( 'BNKA' ).

5. Save and Activate your class.


Create Your Services Runtime Class

The services runtime class is what is called when the service is executed. The runtime class is where you implement your business logic. This section will guide you thru the initial setup of the runtime class.

1. Follow the exact procedure described in section 4.2 where you created the Metadata class, this time naming the class Z_CL_BANK_DATA_<Your Last Name>, and setting the super class to /IWBEP/CL_MGW_ABS_DATA. 2. Your class should look like the following:


Redefine and Implement the GET_ENTITYSET Method

The GET_ENTITYSET method is called for Query type operations. This section will guide you thru implementing the GET_ENTITYSET method which will support filtering on the BANK_COUNTRY parameter.

1. Open the Methods > Inherited Methods > /IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME node of your Bank runtime object:

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

2. Right click on the method GET_ENTITYSET and in the context menu select Redefine:

3. The method editor should show displaying the following:

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

4. Remove the commented out portion of the method. 5. Implement the following by either typing in the below or copying the contents of the attached file named get_entityset.txt. Note: please read the comments to understand what each section of code is doing:
DATA: lt_bank wa_bnka ls_filter_select_options ls_mgw_select_options ls_mgw_range_options lt_range_bank_country ls_range_bank_country TYPE TABLE OF BNKA, TYPE BNKA, TYPE /iwbep/s_mgw_select_option, TYPE /iwbep/s_mgw_select_option, TYPE /iwbep/s_cod_select_option, TYPE RANGE OF banks, LIKE LINE OF lt_range_bank_country.

"banks - is the bank country element

"Loop at the filter options internal table that is passed to this method LOOP AT it_filter_select_options INTO ls_filter_select_options. "Loop over the selection options internal table - each filter option can have "more than one selection option LOOP AT ls_filter_select_options-select_options INTO ls_mgw_range_options. "Change to uppercase so we don't have to worry about case issues TRANSLATE ls_filter_select_options-property TO UPPER CASE. "Check which property is being filtered on, in our case we will "only worry about the BANK_COUTNRY field, but often multiple fields "can be filtered on CASE ls_filter_select_options-property. WHEN 'BANKCOUNTRY'. "Setup the range table. MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_mgw_range_options TO ls_range_bank_country. APPEND ls_range_bank_country TO lt_range_bank_country. ENDCASE. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP.

" Select the data from the BANK table into the internal " table SELECT banks bankl banka FROM BNKA INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF wa_bnka WHERE BANKS IN lt_range_bank_country. append wa_bnka to lt_bank. ENDSELECT. "Use the helper method to copy the internal table data into the "structure of the OData Service copy_data_to_ref( EXPORTING is_data = lt_bank CHANGING cr_data = er_entityset ).

6. Save and Activate your class. July 2012 8

How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel


Redefine and Activate the GET_ENTITY Service

The GET_ENTITY method is called for Read operations. This section will guide you thru how to implement the GET_ENTITY method to support reading in the information of a bank based on the bank key field values that are passed to the method. 1. Open the Methods > Inherited Methods > /IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME node of your Bank runtime object. 2. Right click on the method GET_ENTITY and in the context menu select Redefine. 3. The method editor should show displaying the following:

4. Delete the commented out section; we wont be using that. 5. Add the implementation by type in the following or copying the contents of the attached file named get_entity.txt. Note: make sure to read the comments to understand what the code is doing.
DATA: lv_string lv_and(4), lv_value TYPE string, wa_bnka TYPE BNKA. VALUE ''''. TYPE string, ls_key_tab TYPE /IWBEP/S_MGW_NAME_VALUE_PAIR,

CONSTANTS: con_filler(1)

* Loop over the key values passed in LOOP AT it_key_tab INTO ls_key_tab. * surround values with '' CONCATENATE con_filler ls_key_tab-value con_filler INTO lv_value. * Change OData key field names to the BNKA table properties name TRANSLATE ls_key_tab-name TO UPPER CASE. IF ( ls_key_tab-name = 'BANKCOUNTRY' ). ls_key_tab-name = 'BANKS'. ELSEIF ( ls_key_tab-name = 'BANKID' ). ls_key_tab-name = 'BANKL'. ENDIF.

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

* build where the string CONCATENATE lv_string lv_and ls_key_tab-name '=' lv_value INTO lv_string SEPARATED BY space. * now and is needed. lv_and = 'and'. ENDLOOP.

* Get the data from table BNKA SELECT SINGLE banks bankl banka provz stras ort01 adrnr FROM BNKA INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF wa_bnka WHERE (lv_string). IF sy-subrc EQ 0. * fill the OData structure copy_data_to_ref( EXPORTING is_data = wa_bnka CHANGING cr_data = er_entity ). ELSE. " throw exception ENDIF.

6. Save and Activate your changes.


Redefine and Implement the UPDATE_ENTITY Method

The UPDATE_ENTITY method is called for the Update Operation (HTTP Put verb), this is where you will add code to update the given business data. This section will guide you thru implementing this method for the Bank service we are creating. 1. Open the Methods > Inherited Methods > /IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME node of your Bank runtime object. 2. Right click on the method UPDATE_ENTITY and in the context menu select Redefine. 3. The method editor should show displaying the following:

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

4. Delete the commented out section, we wont be using that. 5. Implement the update method calling the BAPI for Bank update by either typing in the following code, or copying the contents of the attached file named update_entity.txt:
DATA: ls_bnka TYPE BNKA, ls_bank_address_x TYPE BAPI1011_ADDRESSX, ls_bank_address TYPE BAPI1011_ADDRESS, return TYPE BAPIRET2. * Get the updated bank data io_data_provider->read_entry_data( IMPORTING es_data = ls_bnka ). * Move data into BAPI structure ls_bank_address-bank_name = ls_bnka-banka. ls_bank_address-region = ls_bnka-provz. ls_bank_address-street = ls_bnka-stras. ls_bank_address-city = ls_bnka-ort01. * Set X on fields that can be updated ls_bank_address_x-bank_name = 'X'. ls_bank_address_x-region = 'X'. ls_bank_address_x-street = 'X'. ls_bank_address_x-city = 'X'. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_BANK_CHANGE' EXPORTING BANKCOUNTRY BANKKEY BANK_ADDRESS BANK_ADDRESSX * * * * BANK_DETAIL BANK_DETAILX BANK_ADDRESS1 BANK_ADDRESS1X IMPORTING = ls_bnka-banks = ls_bnka-bankl = ls_bank_address = ls_bank_address_x = = = =

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

RETURN . IF ( return-type = 'E'). " throw exception ENDIF.

= return

CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'. copy_data_to_ref( EXPORTING is_data = ls_bnka CHANGING cr_data = er_entity ).

6. Save and Activate your changes.


Redefine and Implement the CREATE_ENTITY Method

The CREATE_ENTITY method is called for the Create operation (HTTP POST verb). This section will guide you thru implementing the CREATE_ENTITY method for the Bank service we are creating. 1. Open the Methods > Inherited Methods > /IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME node of your Bank runtime object. 2. Right click on the method CREATE_ENTITY and in the context menu select Redefine. 3. The method editor should show displaying the following:

4. Delete the commented out section; we wont be using that. 5. Implement the create_entity method calling the BAPI for Bank create by either typing in the below or copying the contents from the attached file name create_entity.txt:
DATA: ls_bnka TYPE BNKA, ls_bank_address TYPE BAPI1011_ADDRESS,

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

return TYPE BAPIRET2. io_data_provider->read_entry_data( IMPORTING es_data = ls_bnka ). * Move data into BAPI structure ls_bank_address-bank_name = ls_bnka-banka. ls_bank_address-region = ls_bnka-provz. ls_bank_address-street = ls_bnka-stras. ls_bank_address-city = ls_bnka-ort01.

CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_BANK_CREATE' EXPORTING BANK_CTRY BANK_KEY BANK_ADDRESS * * * * BANK_METHOD BANK_FORMATTING BANK_ADDRESS1 I_XUPDATE IMPORTING RETURN * BANKCOUNTRY BANKKEY . IF ( return-type = 'E'). " throw exception ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'. copy_data_to_ref( EXPORTING is_data = ls_bnka CHANGING cr_data = er_entity ). = return = ls_bnka= ls_bnka-bankl = ls_bnka-banks = ls_bnka-bankl = ls_bank_address = = = = 'X'

6. Save and Activate your changes.


Maintain OData Channel Configuration

For Gateway to access the OData Channel service some configuration tables need to be configured. These tables define the metadata class, runtime class, external service name (service to be defined in the ICF of the Gateway system), and then relates the metadata configuration to the runtime configuration for the service. This section will guide you thru configuring these tables for the Bank service. This configuration is done on the backend system where you created your Bank service classes. 1. Go to transaction SPRO and click button title SAP Reference IMG:

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

2. Navigate the folder structure as shown below:

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide > SAP NetWeaver > Gateway Service Enablement > Backend OData Channel > Service Development for Backend OData Channel 3. Click the Execute button next to Maintain Serivces:

4. Doing this will bring you to the maintain service screen:

5. Enter the Technical Service Name, Z_BANK_SERVICE_<Your Last Name> and Service Version 0001: July 2012 14

How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

6. Click the Create button. 7. Enter in the Data Provider Class (Z_CL_BANK_DATA_<Your Last Name>) and a Description:

8. Save the service configuration. 9. Click the Create Model button. 10. Enter in the Technical Model Name Z_BANK_MODEL_<Your Last Name>, and Object Model Version 0001:

11. Click the Create button. 12. Enter in the Model Provider Class (Z_CL_BANK_MODEL_<Your Last Name>) and a Description: July 2012 15

How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

13. Save the configuration. 14. Click the back button to navigate back to the service configuration:

15. Click the Assign Model button. 16. In the popup window enter the Object Model configuration you created in the last step:

17. Click the Save button. 18. Your service configuration should now look like the following: July 2012 16

How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel


Activate the Service on the Gateway System

The OData Channel service isnt automatically activated on the Gateway. You must go in and manually activate it using a transaction available on the Gateway system. Once activated, the services will be registered in the ICF. This section will guide you thru the process of activating the Bank service.

1. Logon to the Gateway System. 2. Go to transaction /iwfnd/maint_service. 3. You should see something similar tothe following:

4. Click the Add Service button shown below outlined in red:

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

5. You should now see the following Add Service screen:

6. Enter in the System Alias, in this case we are using the local system and the alias has been defined with the name LOCAL, also enter in the Technical Service Name you defined in the prior section Z_BANK_SERVICE_<Your Last Name>:

7. Hit the enter button the service you configured earlier should show up:

8. Click the Technical Service Name link shown outlined in red below:

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

9. In the Add Service popup window that is displayed set the package to $tmp if you are working with local objects (otherwise select an appropriate package):

10. Keep the defaults for the rest of the values and click the Enter button. Your service has now been added to the Gateway system. 11. Click the back arrow to go to the main service screen shown below:

12. Click the search icon to search for your service in the list the search icon is outlined in red below:

13. In the Find popup window enter in the Technical Service Name (Z_BANK_SERVICE_<Your Last Name>) for the search term:

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

14. Click the enter button, your service should be located in the list:

15. Click the Technical Service Name link (highlighted below in red), this will cause the Alias assignment details be displayed at the bottom of the screen:

16. The LOCAL alias is assigned to this service for the OData Standard Mode runtime (SData is an older runtime that exists for backwards compatibility). 17. Click the Call Browser button to launch a web browser for the services service document.

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

18. The browser should display something very similar to the following:

4.10 Test Your Service

Now for the fun part! This section will guide you thru the testing of your new service. To test you will need a REST Client, there are many availablethe guide is based on the FireFox REST Client plugin that is available for free download.

1. Take the URL that was launched in the last step (in my case it is): http://server_name:8000/sap/opu/odata/sap/Z_BANK_SERVICE_GEBO5/?$format=xml 2. Add $metadata after the /BANKGEBO/ in the URL and remove the query string parameters: http://server_name:8000/sap/opu/odata/sap/Z_BANK_SERVICE_GEBO5/$metadata

3. Test the QUERY/GET_ENTITYSET operation. In the URL Replace $metadata? with BankCollection?$filter=bankCountry eq 'DE'&sap-ds-debug=true http://server_name:8000/sap/opu/sdata/sap/BANKGEBO/BankCollection?$filter=bankCountry eq 'DE'&sap-ds-debug=true
Note: sap-ds-debug is a query string parameter provided by Gateway that helps debugging and testingone of the things is does is format the output as HTML making it easier to navigate relationships between entity sets.

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

4. Test the GET_ENTITY / READ operation. For each bank listed in the BankCollection above should be a link to the READ operation:

5. Click the link to execute the entities get_entity methodthis will display the entitys details:

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

6. To test the create and update functionality we will need a CSRF token (needed to prevent Cross Site Request Forgery attacks)to do this we need to request this token during a read by passing in an http header value requesting the token. To pass in a header value we need to use the REST Clienthere using the FireFox RESTClient:

7. Copy the URL used in the test in step 5 above and paste it into the URL input field. 8. Remove the query string attribute sap-ds-debug=true from the URL. 9. Click the Headers menu item and select Custom Header:

10. Enter the name / value as shown below:

Tip: Check the Save to favorite check box so you can easily add this header for faster testing the next time!

11. Click the Okay button. You should now see the following:

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

12. Click the SEND button. 13. In the Response section at the bottom of the RESTClient copy the value returned for the x-csrftoken, shown here outlined in red (note, these token values are generated by the gateway server):

The token will be passed back in when testing the create and update functionality. 14. Change the value for header attribute x-csrf-token to be the value you copied above, to do this just click on the header attribute in the RESTClient you should now see something to the following:

15. Test the UPDATE_ENTITY / UPDATE operation. 16. Add the content-type header to the Request Headers section. Click the Headers dropdown and select Custom Header. 17. Enter the name/value content-type/application/atom+xml;type=entry:

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

Tip: Save this as a favorite so you can easily add it again when testing.

18. Click the Okay button to add the header request. 19. Switch to the Response Body (Raw) tab and copy the contents there (we will be u pdating the data that was sent back when reading the entity):

20. Paste the Response Body you just copied into the Request Body section. 21. Change the Method dropdown to PUT. Your RESTClient should now look similar to the following:

22. To test the update functionality we need to change some of the values in the request body that we are sending to the Gateway serverchange the value for street and city:

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

23. Click the SEND button. 24. If the update is successful you will get a status code of 204 as shown below:

25. You can switch the Method back to GET and click the send button again then check the response body to see if the values you changed for the update are returned by the read. 26. Test the CREATE_ENTITY / CREATE operation. 27. To test the create functionality we need to change the URL to be the same URL you would use when testing the GET_ENTITYSET method. All you need to do is remove the ending portion of the URL used for the update that starts and ends with parenthesisthe URL should look like the following example: http://server_name:8000/sap/opu/odata/sap/Z_BANK_SERVICE_GEBO5/BankCollection 28. Set the Method dropdown to POST. 29. In the Request Body change the bankID value to be something unique in the system (also, for German banks the key must be 8 characters, for US banks the key is 9 characters):

Note: the important part of this request data is the XML values that you are changesthe rest can be ignored in this case.

30. Your Request should now look similar to the following:

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How To... Create Services Using the OData Channel

31. Click the SEND button. You should receive back a response status code of 201 if successful:

32. When the create is successful a call is done to the URL specified in the Location header which is the URL used to read the newly created entityyou can see the contents of this call in the Response Body:

33. Congrats! You have successfully created and tested a simple OData service!

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