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Scene 16

12x12 Ultrabounce M18 M18

8x8 ultrabounce

6x6 ultrabounce

1.2 Par HMI

2 3 Solid to black out Skylight

12x12 Double

1: WS Dolly into Grace looking at the envelope 2: MCU looking up at Grace 3: OTS of the envelope

Scene 19
12x12 Ultrabounce

8x8 ultrabounce

6x6 ultrabounce

M18 M18

1.2 Par HMI

4 Solid to black out Skylight

1 3

12x12 Double

1: WS of the entire room. Vaughn comes in through the front door in BG, Grace is in FG 2: MS Grace putting the envelope in the kitchen cabinet 3: MS/MCU Grace talking to Vaughn 4: MWS --> MS Vaughn walks into the house, drops off his stuff and talks to Grace

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