App Reviewgroup1

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App Expert Name __Elaina Hintze, Meghan Haas, Emily

Erdmann_______________________________Hour 2 ________

My Apps Name __photo Editor____________________________________

The best thing about my app is ___It has numerous options, from
saturation and contrast to cropping and
Something that is difficult about my app is __You have to download frames
and stickers.__________________________________

Does my app have settings that can be changed? ___Yes__________ If

yes, how can I change the settings? __Go to the setting options (icon that
looks like two crossed tools) and adjust
I would recommend this app for students who _want to make basic but
noticeable changes to the photo to improve its
because __it is easy to use and find the tools and effects you want and
also very simple to apply
I give this app
because _3 stars because it seems extremely
useful but we dont know everything about it yet. Downloading stickers and
buying extra filters is a downside as

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