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(John W.

Slocum 1981)

(Lawrence 2001)

(Griffin 1983)

Griffin, Ricky W. 1983. "Work Redesign Effects on Employee Attitudes and Behaviors: Task A Long-Term Field Experiment." Academy of management best paper 214-218. John W. Slocum, Jr. 1981. "Job Redesign: Improving the Quality of Work Life." Journal of Experiential Learning and Simulation 17:38. Lawrence, Robert M. 2001. "THE APPLICATION OF HACKMAN AND OLDHAMS JOB CHARACTERISTIC MODEL TO PERCEPTIONS COMMUNITY MUSIC." 1-167. Lawler, E.E., Hackman, J.R., & Kaufman, S. 1973. Effects of job redesign: A field experiment. Journal of Applied Social Psvchologv. 3: 49-62.

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