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Weekly news worksheet Title: Source: Date: Words/Phrases: Oscars 2013: Seth MacFarlanes lamely nasty jokes The

Telegraph 25 February 2013 1. Lame (adjective) weak and unsatisfactory 2. Smirk (noun) a smile that expresses satisfaction or pleasure about having done something or knowing something that is not known by someone else 3. Faultless (noun) perfect and without any mistakes 4. Appalling (adjective) very bad; shocking 5. Upfront (adjective) speaking or behaving in a way that makes intentions and beliefs clear 6. Dismal (adjective) very sad 7. Laborious (adjective) needing a lot of time and effort 8. Gambit (noun) a remark that you make to someone in order to start a conversation 9. Feeble (adjective) not effective or good 10. Mere (adjective) used to emphasize that something is not large or important 11. Inoculation (noun) vaccination 12. Risqu (adjective) slightly indecent and liable to shock, especially by being sexually suggestive 13. Coy (adjective) being or pretending to be shy, or like a child 14. Grin (noun) a wide smile 15. Wacko (noun) a person whose behavior is strange and different from that of most people 16. Emcee (noun) a master of ceremonies (informal; also used as MC) 17. Doff (verb) to remove your hat, usually to show respect 18. Gimmick (noun) something that is not serious or of real value that is used to attract people's attention or interest temporarily 19. Boot (verb) to kick someone or something hard with the foot 20. Chaps (noun) leather clothing worn over trousers by

cowboys to protect their legs when riding a horse 21. Blare (verb) to make an unpleasantly loud noise 22. Fanfare (noun) a loud, short piece of music played on brass instruments, often to announce something important 23. Hoick (verb) to raise or pull something 24. Almighty (adjective) very big, loud, or serious 25. Shrivel (verb) to become much smaller than is needed or wanted Summary: Seth MacFarlane made his debut as host of the 2013 edition of the Oscars, however could not convince everyone and was heavily criticized. The creator of the TV series "Family Guy" and director of the film "Ted" even sang and danced during the ceremony, but, above all, made jokes considered prejudiced and proved to have been a gamble tooked by the producers of the event. Why I chose this news story: Last week I read an article on the Portuguese magazine Sbado about Seth MacFarlane's future debut as host of the Oscars and it made me curious. As I had not time to watch the ceremony, I decided to read about it on the next days news.

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