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Weekly news worksheet Title: Source: Date: Words/Phrases: The Pope resigns. And then what?

The Guardian 28 February 2013 1. Interregnum (noun) a period when a country or organization does not have a leader 2. Emeritus (adjective) no longer having a position, especially in a college or university, but keeping the title of the position 3. Conclave (noun) a meeting of cardinals at which the Pope is elected 4. Eyesight (noun) the ability to see 5. Decree (noun) an official statement that something must happen 6. Embark on/upon something (phrasal verb) to start something new or important 7. Excommunicate (verb) When the Christian Church excommunicates someone, it refuses to give them communion and does not allow them to be involved in the Church. 8. Sweep (verb) to remove, especially in a fast and powerful way 9. (Get) underway (adjective) to begin 10. Ballot (noun) a system or occasion of secret voting Summary: The Pope Benedict XVI is the first pontiff to resign to the throne in 600 years. Now the Cardinals will soon gather in conclave to elect a new candidate. However, only the Cardinals aged under 80 (about 117) have the final vote on who will be the next pope. As soon as the pope is chose white smoke will be released at Sistine Chapel. Then the candidate will be asked to accept the role and choose his papal name.

Why I chose this news story: I was baptized as a Catholic as a baby and raised in a religious family. Although I am not practicant at the moment, I still care about catholic concerns and it is discussed in my family.

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