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Weekly news worksheet Title: Source: Date: Words/Phrases: Hugo Chavezs last words: Please dont let me die

Fox News 07 March 2013 1. Inaudible (adjective) unable to be heard 2. Undergo (verb) to experience something that is unpleasant or something that involves a change 3. Trachea (noun) a large membranous tube reinforced by rings of cartilage, extending from the larynx to the bronchial tubes and conveying air to and from the lungs (also known as windpipe) 4. Afflict (verb) cause pain or trouble to somebody 5. Echo (verb) repeat someones words or opinions, typically to express agreement 6. Foul play (noun) criminal or violent behavior, in particular when resulting in anothers death 7. Declassify (verb) officially declare to be no longer secret 8. Anoint (verb) nominate or choose someone as successor to or leading candidate for a position Summary: Hugo Chavez, the former president of Venezuela, died of a massive heart attack after spending the past 14 years battling an unspecified cancer in the pelvic region. It has been announced that he had suffered a severe new respiratory infection on the previous day. During his fight, Chavez was submitted to four surgeries in total. General Jose Ornella spent the last two years with the president and claims that he asked him to do not let him die because he loved his country and sacrificed himself for it. Why I chose this news story: I decided to read more about Hugo Chavezs death after it has been discussed in our English class.

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