Bwd-Stage 1-3

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Fi gure B .

The UbD Template, Version 2.0

Stage 1Desired Results
The Und er stan d i ng b y De si gn G ui de to Cre ati n g Hi gh-Q ual i t y U ni t s

Established Goals What content standards and program- or mission-related goal(s) will this unit address? What habits of mind and crossdisciplinary goal(s)for example, 21st century skills, core competencieswill this unit address?

Students will be able to independently use their learning to . . .

What kinds of long-term independent accomplishments are desired?

Familiarize themselves with the regions of their own state, by knowing what type of environment to expect when traveling to the different regions.
Know where the major geographical features of their state are located, and what type of activities to expect because of them.

M od ul e B: Th e UbD Te m pl ate

UNDERSTANDINGS Students will understand that . . . ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Students will keep considering . . .

Demonstrate an understanding of the physical and human geographic features that define places and regions in California. Identify the state capital and describe the various regions of California, including how their characteristics and physical environments (e.g., water, landforms, vegetation, climate) affect human activity.

California has four main regions (Desert, Mountain, Valley, Coast).

What specically do you want students to understand? What inferences should they make?

What jobs are created because of a region's characteristics and physical environment?
What thought-provoking questions will foster inquiry, meaningmaking, and transfer?

A region's characteristics and physical environment affect human activity.

How do California's regions differ, and what activities are popular due to these differences?

Students will know . . . Students will be skilled at . . .

The major cities of their home state. What makes some cities so popular.
What facts and basic concepts should students know and be able to recall?

Creating a Power Point presentation. Creating a topographic map of California.

What discrete skills and processes should students be able to use?

What geographical features are in which region, and what role they play for that region.
2011 by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe

Describing the physical characteristics as well as geographical features of each region in California.

Fi gure B .1

The UbD Template, Version 2.0


Stage 2Evidence
The Und er stan d i ng b y De si gn G ui de to Cre ati n g Hi gh-Q ual i t y U ni t s

Are all desired results being appropriately assessed?

Evaluative Criteria
What criteria will be used in each assessment to evaluate attainment of the desired results? PERFORMANCE TASK(S): Students will show that they really understand by evidence of . . .

1. Task: Build a salt-dough topographic map of California including major geographical features and distinction between regions. 2. Task: Research one region of California making note of the geographical and physical characteristics. 3. Task: Create a Power Point presentation to present and explain findings to the class. How will students demonstrate their understanding (meaning-making andyour transfer) through complex performance?

M od ul e B: Th e UbD Te m pl ate

Accurate placement of distinct boundaries depicting the four regions on a map of Regardless California.
of the format of the assessAccurate ment, what of placement qualities major cities are most and important?

OTHER EVIDENCE: Students will show they have achieved Stage 1 goals by . . .

4. Verbal questioning on how certain geographical features of California affect jobs and hobbies in that region. 5. Teacher observation of student work throughout the unit. 6. Completing a paper version of to the actual topographical salt-dough map to be created. What other evidence will you collect determine whether Stage 1 goals were achieved? 7. Meeting all criteria on the rubric set for grading Power Point presentation.

geographical Explanation features on a clearly map of showing California. understanding of how the characteristics of a region affect human activity.

Fi gure B .1

The UbD Template, Version 2.0


Stage 3Learning Plan

The Und er stan d i ng b y De si gn G ui de to Cre ati n g Hi gh-Q ual i t y U ni t s


What pre-assessments will you use to check students prior knowledge, skill levels, and potential misconceptions?

Students will take an online survey to answer basic facts about California and its regions, and share which areas of California they have visited. Students will also draw a collage of pictures that represent anything they know about or associate with California.


M od ul e B: Th e UbD Te m pl ate

Whats the goal for (or type of) each learning event?

Learning Events Student success at transfer, meaning, and acquisition depends upon . . .

Progress Monitoring How will you monitor students progress toward acquisition, meaning, and transfer, during lesson events?

*Students will transfer prior knowledge of California features and relate it to map project. *Students will make meaning of distances and heights as they relate to cities and geographical features. *Students will acquire knowledge of cities and geographical features as they relate to California.

*Applying their learning, first on paper, then on a hands on topographic salt-dough map project. *Thorough research and completion of region report template *Successfully presenting facts and new found knowledge about one of the four regions through a Power Point presentation.

Are all three types of goals (acquisition, meaning, and transfer) addressed in the learning plan? Does the learning plan reect principles of learning and best practices? Is there tight alignment with Stages 1 and 2? Is the plan likely to be engaging and effective for all students?

*During class discussions student will receive feedback from the teacher on questions they ask or answer. *Students will receive feedback in the form of comments during observations What are potential rough spots and while map building. student misunderstandings? *A region report template will be provided forunderstanding students as a guide to *Inaccurate of what their research on a region, andare thepart cities or geographical features teacher will look and comment on it of California. once it is completed. *Failure to understand distance *A presentation rubric will serve between cities, and/or height of as a How for will students students get the feedback they guide to make sure they geographical features. need? include important points in their Power *Failure to accurately perceive the Point presentation. geographical location of the state of California in relation to the rest of the country and/or oceans.

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