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Ashley Schirmer Lifeline Assignment

1984 Present EDUC 121

1st Birthday - 1985 Increasing ability to coordinate small muscles of hands and eyes. Seen here eating birthday cake with my hands and then falling asleep.

Early Childhood Event

Age 2 - 1986 Physical exploration of the environment Exploring porch at my Grandmothers house

Social/ Emotional
Age 4 - 1988 Limited understanding of how adults typically interpret events First shared birthday party with a friend who has birthday two days after mine.

Age 5 -1989 Boundless physical energy for new gross motor skills, such as running, hopping, tumbling, climbing, and swinging. Seen here practicing dance.

Age 5 1989 Sociodramatic play Seen here with two stuffed animals who I pretended were my babies.

Social/ Emotional
Age 6- 1989 Rapidly developing language skills Beginning First Grade

Middle Childhood

Age 14 -1998 Physical endurance and specific talent or interest in sports. Interested in soccer, played for a traveling team called the Wild Things.

Social/ Emotional
Age 14 - 1998 Interested in peer activities with both sexes First Dance

Early Adolescence

Age 18 -2002 Ability to perform tasks in an adult-like manner Moving out of my parents home

Late Adolescence

The Future
Age 31- Graduate with a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education

Age 35 2019 Have a child. Age 36 2020 Graduate with Masters Degree

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