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Multimedia Project : Wordle

Teacher Name: Mrs. Wetsch

Student Name:


CATEGORY Presentation

Well-rehearsed with smooth delivery that holds audience attention.

Rehearsed with fairly smooth delivery that holds audience attention most of the time.

Delivery not smooth, Delivery not smooth but able to maintain and audience interest of the attention often lost. audience most of the time.


All words are spelled Most words are correctly. spelled correctly.

Some words are spelled correctly.

There are many spelling errors and the words are hard to make-out.

Word Count

The student used the correct number of words that pertained to the story (at least 20 different words were used). The Wordle was attractive and showed creativity in arrangement, font color, and font type.

The student used between 15-20 words that pertained to the story.

The student used between 10-15 words that pertained to the story.

The student used less than 10 words, and/or they didn\'t pertain to the story.


The Wordle was The Wordle was mostly attractive and somewhat attractive, showed creativity. and an attempt at creativity was made.

The Wordle was unattractive and showed very little creativity.


All content throughout the presentation is accurate.

Most of the content is accurate.

Some of the content Content is confusing is accurate. and contains many errors.

Rubric Made Using: RubiStar ( )

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