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Group Time Planning Form Literacy-Building Activity: Alphabet Scramble

Originating Ideas Materials Curriculum Content Children were talking about the letters in their name.

Alphabet cards Cognitive Development and Social/Emotional Development (Working together as a team) Some of you wanted to learn more about letters. Do you know why it is important for us to recognize letters? What do we use letters for? How many letters can we name? Earlier Middle Children will join and work together to play the game Children will take turns Later Children are able to recognize and identify 5 -10 letters out of sequence.

Beginning Opening Statement

Middle What will Children do?

Children will begin to identify five to three to five letters.

Strategies How will you Scaffold their Learning? Discuss what letters are used for. Why do we need and use letters?

Strategies How many letters can we find? What is the letter to your name? What happens if we didnt know how to recognize letters?

Strategies Support children with making choices with the a word that begins with the letter.

End warning and transition to next part of routine Follow-up Ideas

I will ask children what letter begins with their name,. I will then hold up a letter for each child. As I hold up their letter, I will ask the children to get their coat. As we transition outside. Children liked using their thinking skills to talk about the letters in their name. I will begin to help children write basic letters, we can also take chalk outside to write letters, and I can incorporate the letter cards by hiding the outsidegoing on a letter hunt.

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