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The Man

Once upon a time, a man got a lollipop.

Verb: a word that shows action or state of being.

He bought coffee, lemonade, juice boxes, and lollipops. Noun: A word that names a person, place, or thing.

He likes to have his lemonade and lollipops together, but he doesnt like having his lollipops with his juice boxes. Conjunction: A word that connects words or groups of words.

On Saturday nights he loves to watch his fast food shows. Pronoun: A word used in place of a noun.

Wow! This is a great show. Interjection: A word that express surprises or strong emotions.

When he turns the TV of, he goes to his soft bed to sleep. Adjective: A word that describes or gives more information about a noun or a pronoun.

Later, he goes arrogantly into town for more lemonade, coffee, juice boxes, and lollipops. Adverb A word that describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb and tells where, when, how,

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