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Teaching Philosophy

I believe that We, as teachers, should be passionate in our jobs Each student is entitled to a safe and inviting classroom environment Each students has the right to learn in their own unique style, therefore I must be willing to be open minded, use a variety of teaching styles and techniques Teachers should be flexible, adaptable and be prepared for the unexpected and able to think on their feet Each and every valid opinion, thought and idea has the right to be spoken and heard The teacher must understand that everyone learns at a different rate The home life (background, culture), should be integrated into the classroom and lessons Relationship are key, both for teacher student relationships, and students relations Communication is exceedingly important. Having an open door policy and encourage students to talk with each other for both conflicts and successes. Teachers must be approachable and warm, open to talk to about anything, more than just about anything relating to school It is the teachers responsibility to make learning interesting and engaging, to make sure that everyone is involved To involve students in their own learning, not just teacher to student based

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