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Nick Maloy MusEd 356 Choral Methods I

Chapter 8: Planning for Discipline and Choir Conduct Kenneth H. Phillips 2004

Discussion Question: Which two of the characteristics of good teaching do you think are most important, and why?

The two characteristics of good teaching listed in the reading for chapter 8 that I believe are most important are: having positive relationships with students, and knowing the subject matter in depth. It is my opinion that in a choral setting, as in life, people want to work harder for those who they like and respect. I believe that this is much more productive than having an adversarial relationship with students. In my experience, I have worked hardest for the teachers who I really liked, therefore I think this is the one of the most important attributes a teacher can have. Along with maintaining positive relationships, it is important that the teacher is extremely knowledgeable in their subject area. Having students like you isnt very useful if you dont have anything to share with them in a learning setting, therefore it is important that the teacher be as knowledgeable as possible in their subject. In my opinion, if a teacher maintains a positive relationship with their students and possesses a valuable knowledge and skill set, students will work hard to learn what their teacher has to share with them.

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