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Proceedings of the Fourth (1994) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Osaka, Japan, April 10-15, 1994

Copyright 1994 by The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers ISBN 1-880653-10-9 (Set); ISBN 1-880653-12-5 (Vol. II)

Stress Analysis of Submarine Pipeline During Installation by Means of the Floating-String Method
A.I. Ennolenko, L. V. Melnyk arui V.l. Orlov Institute of Hydromechanics, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Kiev, Ukraine
M.A. Kamyshev

VNIIST Moscow, Russia

This paper presents the calculation method for analysing the stresses induced in a submarine pipeline during installating by submergence of the floating string. The bending of the pipeline between the touch-down point at the seabed and the last un submerged float. which is in the state of limiting buoyancy. is considered. The pipe is modelled by two-dimensional beam. The differential equilibrium equations are written with due account of chahges in horizontal and vertical tension along the pipeline. The boundary problem is reduced to Cauchy problem with changing initial conditions at the upper point. A portion of the pipe string which is on the surface is used for the definition of these initial conditions. This section is represented as the mUltispan beam on elastic supports. An iterative procedure of the problem solving is also presented. Numerical results for pipe string laying by filling the pipe with water and by the consequent floats separating from the pipe. obtained by finite difference method. are given.

Towed pipeline, float, installation, stress analysis, nonlinear mathematical model, finite difference method.

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- buoyancy of the float - buoyancy of the towed pipeline per unit length - bending stiffness of the pipe - cross-sectional area of the pipe - weight of the float - number of spans of the beam in Fig. 3 - pipeline length between the touch-down point at the seabed and the last unsubmerged float - arc length along the pipe - length of the float - bending moment - weight of the pipeline per unit length - weight of the water into the pipe per unit length - axial tension applied initial tension to the end of the floating string - submerged weight of the pipeline per


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