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Post Production Questionnaire

We at JRS Production value our audiences opinions, to provide the most excellent product for you. We would highly appreciate if you could take your time to complete our questionnaire. ` tick the following box to answer the question Please 1) Gender Male Female Example : 2) How effective was our opening sequence 1 being the worst, 10 being the best 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Question Did the opening scene intrigued you to want watch more of the film? Was it easy to distinguish the antagonist and the protagonist? s the actors portrayed their character effectively? Did the opening sequence follow the convention of a thriller film? Was the camera angles and movement effective? Was the editing effective? Was the narrative simple to follow? Do you think that our production meets a professional standards?



What was the weakest part of our opening scene?

What improvements do you think we need to make?

What do you think of our opening scene overall??

Thank you for taking your time to complete our feedback survey.

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