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TEST 1 Underline the correct word in each sentence. 0 Look out of the window. Its snowing/snow/snowed.

1 Whats that noise? Its lightning/lightening/thunder. 2 I think its going to rain. Look at those cloud/clouds/cloudy. 3 The weather tomorrow will be hot and sun/sunny/sunshine. 4 The weather is frozen/wind/cold in the winter. 5 Take an umbrella. Its rain/raining/rains. 6 I think well have a wet/little/shower of rain. 7 A lot of houses were damaged in the storm/stormy/storming. 8 If you sit in the sun for too long, youll get sunburning/sunburn/sunned. 9 Its very windy/wind/winding today. Lets fly our kites. 10 Look at that tree! Its been hit by lightning/snow/rain. 2 Read the paragraph. Choose the best answer for each space. My dad and I went for a (0) B in the country. It was terrible! First, we forgot the (1) _____ , so we couldnt have any sandwiches. Then a (2) ______ came over and ate all the (3) ______ . And then, I spilt hot (4) _____ all over my new (5) ______ . I was very cross! We did have some chocolate (6) _____ though, so we ate them they were very nice, but we were still hungry so dad took me to a caf. We got a (7) ______ . I had chicken and (8) ______ and my dad had a hamburger and (9) _____ . Although the picnic was terrible we did have a nice (10) after all. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A party A knife A dog A bread A plate A napkin A biscuits A chips A salad A food B picnic B menu B horse B snack B coffee B costume B chicken B chip B a salad B meal C snack C bread C chicken C sausages C cup C skirt C chips C crisps C salads C snack

A take-aways B take-away C takes-away

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