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Hong Kong Society of Rugby Football Union Referees Whistler

Important Dates
1. HKSRFUR General Meeting: Monday 21 October 2013 at 7 pm at the POC. 2. Season training: Every Wednesday night at Kings Park from 7:30 pm.

Table of Contents 1. Presidents Push 2. CAB Report 3. Community & Mini Referees Report 4. Tournaments 5. Membership

Presidents Push
Warren Needham. President, Hong Kong Society of Rugby Football Union Referees. Greetings from deepest darkest Mongolia! I have a new appreciation of the concept of cold and it's not even winter here yet. The 2nd week of competition saw a lot of rugby yet again. With all the league, colts, minis, schools etc games on offer we have a lot of rugby to cover. Please make sure your availability is up to date on Assignr as much as you can keep your availability current a month in advance. This allows CAB and the RMs to look at the month coming up to plan ahead. At the very least, please make sure your availability is solid for the for the coming weekend by Monday. The season has started off quite positively in terms of referee abuse but, there have been a few isolated cases coming to our attention. If you have any incidents, please make sure you document what happened including times, dates and names as much as you can and forward that on to me. We can then decide the best course of action. If we nip this in the bud early and set the standard, we'll benefit in the long run. It's up to all of us to buy into this.

'Stop opinion givers' is still in play. Set the standard early and outline your expectations to the captain at the pre game talk. If players start to tell you how to referee, stop the game. Talk to the captain and remind him/her of your expectations. If players continue, penalise. If it. Onto use further, don't be shy to use your cards. Again, we ALL need to buy into this. United we stand........... Enjoy the upcoming games. Remember, we're an integral part of the game and we have a role to play and players need to let us do our job. Be firm but fair. Toot well Wazza

CAB Report
Les Millard, Coaching Advisory Board (CAB), HKSRFUR. In general there seems to be good compliance in the scrums and your standards that you are insisting on for the engagements is crucial to ensuring that this compliance remains. Remember to manage the players to help keep penalty counts under control. Let players know if they are transgressing. It then becomes an enjoyable game for all. Have a good weekend of rugby. Les Millard COMMUNITY & MINI REFEREES REPORT Patrick Kwok | Community Referee Officer | Hong Kong Rugby Football Union. Mob: +852-9614-6285 Greetings, Domestic season gets underway and here come Round 3 of our Saturday League Tomorrow. Appointments/Fixtures Appointing procedure starts Monday so please lock down your availability on Assignr every Monday morning as we have average 32 League fixtures, 20 nonleague appointments per week to be made.

If there are any changes to your initial during the week, please correct it on Assignr and contact Bernard. Soon as the appointments are published, please confirm it as soon as possible. If you have to decline the fixture, please do it on Assignr and also contact Bernard.

Important HKRFU Senior League procedures 1. Scores Please ring one of the following numbers to HKRFU (2504 8312 / 2504 8315) , leave the score to the answering machines : 1- League ;2 Game; 3 CORRECT SCORE; 4 number of tries each team scores. FOR PREM GAMES, PLEASE SEND TO ANDREW LI DIRECTLY VIA Whatsapp 2. Yellow & Red Cards If you have yellow card in your game, go to our website and complete the YC form and send it to Andrew Li HKRFU League Officer. If you have a red card, please ring Bernard straight after your game and complete the red card report . This is important as these information need to send across to the clubs and the judicial hearing on Tuesday night 6:30 pm at HKRFU Office, so do you. Both reports required accurate information such as player name in full, infringements etc., and also to be done by Monday noon!! 3. Playing Time and related subs a. b. c. d. PREM, NL1, NL2-5, Womens 10s 40-40-40 , 12 Subs 40-5-40, Rolling Subs 35-5-35, Rolling Subs 20-5-20, Rolling Subs.

All games in Senior League are playing 15-a-side Adult Law, including Womens 10s league.

Stan Harman Willy, Ralph, Steven and Stan will be going to Shanghai on wed for the APAC schools tournament. Alex BB will be going to Borneo.

Wish them luck in their travels

Peter White Over 100 members now including full and social members but some referees who are active stll have not registeted or paid up yet. Final reminder needed that they must do this. End

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