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During the Muslim conquests of the 7th and early 8th centuries, Rashidun armies
established the Islamic Empire, which was one of the ten largest empires in history.
The Islamic Golden Age was soon inaugurated by the middle of the 8th century by the
ascension of the Abbasid Caliphate and the transfer of the capital from Damascus to
the Persian city of Baghdad illustrating the strong Persian presence in the Abbasid Caliphate.
The Abbassids were influenced by the Qur'anic injunctions and hadith such as "The ink of the
scholar is more holy than the blood of martyrs" stressing the value of knowledge. During this
period the Muslim world became the unrivalled intellectual centre for science, philosophy,
medicine and education as the Abbasids championed the cause of knowledge and established
a "House of Wisdom" (Arabic:‫ )بيمت الحكممة‬in Baghdad; where both Muslim and non-Muslim
scholars sought to translate and gather all the world's knowledge into Arabic. Many classic
works of antiquity that would otherwise have been lost were translated into Arabic and later
in turn translated into Turkish, Persian, Hebrew and Latin. During this period the Muslim
world was a cauldron of cultures which collected, synthesized and significantly advanced the
knowledge gained from the ancient Iraqi, Roman, Chinese, Indian, Persian, Egyptian, North
African, Greek andByzantine civilizations. Rival Muslim dynasties such as
the Fatimids of Egypt and the Umayyads of al-Andalus were also major intellectual centres
with cities such as Cairo and Córdoba rivaling Baghdad.[6]
A major innovation of this period was paper - originally a secret tightly guarded by
the Chinese. The art of papermaking was obtained from prisoners taken at the Battle of
Talas (751), resulting in paper mills being built in the Persian cities
of Samarkand and Baghdad. The Arabs improved upon the Chinese techniques of
using mulberry bark by using starch to account for the Muslim preference for pens vs. the
Chinese for brushes. By AD 900 there were hundreds of shops employing scribes and binders
for books in Baghdad and even public libraries began to become established, including the
first lending libraries. From here paper-making spread west to Fez and then to al-Andalus and
from there to Europe in the 13th century.[7]
Many medieval Muslim thinkers pursued humanistic, rational and
scientific discourses in their search for knowledge, meaning and values. A wide range of
Islamic writings on love poetry, history and philosophical theology show that medieval
Islamic thought was open to the humanistic ideas of individualism,
occasional secularism, skepticism and liberalism.
Religious freedom, though society was still controlled under Islamic values, helped
create cross-cultural networks by attracting Muslim, Christian and Jewish intellectuals and
thereby helped spawn the greatest period of philosophical creativity in the Middle Ages from
the 8th to 13th centuries.[6] Another reason the Islamic world flourished during this period
was an early emphasis on freedom of speech, The earliest known treatises dealing
with environmentalism and environmental science, especially pollution, were Arabic treatises
written by al-Kindi, al-Razi, Ibn Al-Jazzar, al-Tamimi, al-Masihi, Avicenna, Ali ibn
Ridwan, Abd-el-latif, and Ibn al-Nafis. Their works covered a number of subjects related to
pollution such as air pollution, water pollution, soil contamination, municipal solid

waste mishandling, and environmental impact assessments of certain

localities. Cordoba, al-Andalus [Andalusia] also had the first waste containers and waste
disposal facilities for litter collection.[14]
A number of important educational and scientific institutions previously unknown in
the ancient world have their origins in the medieval Islamic world, with the most notable
examples being: the public hospital (which replaced healing temples and sleep
[15] [16]
temples) and psychiatric hospital, the public library and lending library, the academic
degree-granting university, and the astronomical observatory as a research institute[15] (as
opposed to a private observation post as was the case in ancient times).[17]
The first universities which issued diplomas were the Bimaristan medical university-
hospitals of the medieval Islamic world, where medical diplomas were issued to students
of Islamic medicine who were qualified to be practicing doctors of medicine from the 9th
century.[18] The Guinness Book of World Records recognizes the University of Al
Karaouine in Fez, Morocco as the oldest degree-granting university in the world with its
founding in 859 CE.[19] Al-Azhar University, founded in Cairo, Egypt in the 975 CE, offered
a variety of academic degrees, including postgraduate degrees, and is often considered the
first full-fledged university. The origins of the doctorate also dates back to the ijazat attadris
wa 'l-ifttd ("license to teach and issue legal opinions") in the medieval Madrasahs which
taught Islamic law.[20]
By the 10th century, Cordoba had 700 mosques, 60,000 palaces, and 70 libraries, the
largest of which had 600,000 books. In the whole al-Andalus,
60,000 treatises, poems, polemics and compilations were published each year.[21] The library
of Cairo had two million books, [22] while the library of Tripoli is said to have had as many as
three million books before it was destroyed by Crusaders. The number of important and
original medieval Arabic works on the mathematical sciences far exceeds the combined total
of medieval Latin and Greek works of comparable significance, although only a small
fraction of the surviving Arabic scientific works have been studied in modern times.[23]
A number of distinct features of the modern library were introduced in the Islamic
world, where libraries not only served as a collection of manuscripts as was the case in
ancient libraries, but also as a public library and lending library, a centre for the instruction
and spread of sciences and ideas, a place for meetings and discussions, and sometimes as
a lodging for scholars or boarding school for pupils. The concept of the library catalogue was
also introduced in medieval Islamic libraries, where books were organized into
specific genres and categories.[24]
Several fundamental common law institutions may have been adapted from similar
legal institutions in Islamic law and jurisprudence, and introduced to England by
the Normans after the Norman conquest of England and the Emirate of Sicily, and by
Crusaders during the Crusades. In particular, the "royal English contract protected by the
action of debt is identified with the Islamic Aqd, the English assize of novel disseisin is
identified with the Islamic Istihqaq, and the English jury is identified with the Islamic Lafif."
Other legal institutions introduced in Islamic law include the trust and charitable
trust (Waqf),[25][26] and the agency and aval (Hawala),[27] and the lawsuit and medical peer
review.[28] Other English legal institutions such as "the scholastic method,

the license to teach," the "law schools known as Inns of Court in England andMadrasas in
Islam" and the "European commenda" (Islamic Qirad) may have also originated from Islamic
law. These influences have led some scholars to suggest that Islamic law may have laid the
foundations for "the common law as an integrated whole".[20]
The Islamic Empire significantly contributed to globalization during the Islamic
Golden Age, when the knowledge, trade and economies from many
previously isolated regions and civilizations began integrating due to contacts
with Muslim explorers, sailors, scholars, traders, and travelers. Some have called this period
the "Pax Islamica" or "Afro-Asiatic age of discovery", in reference to the Muslim South-west
Asian andNorth African traders and explorers who travelled most of the Old World, and
established an early global economy[36] across most of Asia andAfrica and much of Europe,
with their trade networks extending from the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea in the
west to the Indian Oceanand China Sea in the east.[37] This helped establish the Islamic
Empire (including the Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid and Fatimid caliphates) as the world's
leading extensive economic power throughout the 7th-13th centuries.[36] Several
contemporary medieval Arabic reports also suggest that Muslim explorers from al-
Andalus and the Maghreb may have travelled in expeditions across the Atlantic Ocean
between the 9th and 14th centuries.[38]
The Islamic Golden Age witnessed a fundamental transformation
in agriculture known as the "MuslimAgricultural Revolution", "Arab Agricultural
Revolution", or "Green Revolution".[39] Due to the global economyestablished by Muslim
traders across the Old World, this enabled the diffusion of many plants and farmingtechniques
between different parts of the Islamic world, as well as the adaptation of plants and
techniques from beyond the Islamic world. Crops from Africa such as sorghum, crops
from China such as citrus fruits, and numerous crops from India such as mangos, rice, and
especially cotton and sugar cane, were distributed throughout Islamic lands which normally
would not be able to grow these crops.[40] Some have referred to the diffusion of numerous
crops during this period as the "Globalisation of Crops",[41] which, along with an
increased mechanization of agriculture (see Industrial growth below), led to major changes
ineconomy, population distribution, vegetation cover,[42] agricultural production
and income, population levels,urban growth, the distribution of the labour force,
linked industries, cooking and diet, clothing, and numerous other aspects of life in the Islamic
During the Muslim Agricultural Revolution, sugar production was refined and
transformed into a large-scaleindustry by the Arabs, who built the first sugar refineries and
sugar plantations. The Arabs and Berbersdiffused sugar throughout the Islamic Empire from
the 8th century.[43]
Muslims introduced cash cropping[44] and the modern crop rotation system where land
was cropped four or more times in a two-year period. Winter crops were followed by summer
ones, and in some cases there was in between. In areas where plants of shorter growing
season were used, such as spinach and eggplants, the land could be cropped three or more
times a year. In parts of Yemen,wheat yielded two harvests a year on the same land, as
did rice in Iraq.[40] Muslims developed a scientific approach to agriculture based on three

major elements; sophisticated systems of crop rotation, highly

developed irrigation techniques, and the introduction of a large variety ofcrops which were
studied and catalogued according to the season, type of land and amount of water they
require. Numerous encyclopaedias onfarming and botany were produced, containing
accurate, precise detail.[45]
Early forms of proto-capitalism and free markets were present in the
Caliphate,[46] where an early market economy and early form of merchant capitalism was
developed between the 8th-12th centuries, which some refer to as "Islamic capitalism".[47] A
vigorous monetary economy was created on the basis of the expanding levels of circulation of
a stable high-value currency (the dinar) and the integration of monetary areas that were
previously independent. Innovative new business techniques and forms of business
organisation were introduced by economists,merchants and traders during this time. Such
innovations included early trading companies, credit cards, big businesses, contracts, bills of
exchange, long-distance international trade, early forms of partnership (mufawada) such
as limited partnerships (mudaraba), and early forms ofcredit, debt, profit, loss, capital (al-
mal), capital accumulation (nama al-mal),[44] circulating capital, capital
expenditure, revenue, cheques,promissory notes, trusts (waqf), startup
companies, savings accounts, transactional accounts, pawning, loaning, exchange
rates,bankers, money changers, ledgers, deposits, assignments, the double-entry bookkeeping
system,[50] and lawsuits.[51] Organizationalenterprises similar to corporations independent from
the state also existed in the medieval Islamic world.[52][53] Many of these early proto-capitalist
concepts were adopted and further advanced in medieval Europe from the 13th century
The systems of contract relied upon by merchants was very effective. Merchants
would buy and sell on commission, with money loaned to them by wealthy investors, or a
joint investment of several merchants, who were often Muslim, Christian and Jewish.
Recently, a collection of documents was found in an Egyptian synagogue shedding a very
detailed and human light on the life of medieval Middle Eastern merchants.
Business partnerships would be made for many commercial ventures, and bonds
of kinship enabled trade networks to form over huge distances. Networks developed during
this time enabled a world in which money could be promised by a bank in Baghdad and
cashed in Spain, creating the cheque system of today. Each time items passed through the
cities along this extraordinary network, the city imposed a tax, resulting in high prices once
reaching the final destination. These innovations made by Muslims and Jews laid the
foundations for the moderneconomic system.
Though medieval Islamic economics appears to have been closer to proto-capitalism,
some scholars have also found a number of parallels between Islamic economic
jurisprudence and communism, including the Islamic ideas of zakat and riba.[54]
Muslim engineers in the Islamic world made a number of innovative industrial uses
of hydropower, and early industrial uses of tidal power, wind power, steam power,[55] fossil
fuels such as petroleum, and early largefactory complexes (tiraz in Arabic).[56] The industrial
uses of watermills in the Islamic world date back to the 7th century, while horizontal-
wheeled and vertical-wheeled water mills were both in widespread use since at least the 9th

century. A variety of industrial mills were being employed in the Islamic world, including
early fulling mills, gristmills, hullers, paper mills, sawmills, shipmills, stamp mills, steel
mills,sugar mills, tide mills and windmills. By the 11th century, every province throughout
the Islamic world had these industrial mills in operation, from al-Andalus and North Africa to
the Middle East and Central Asia.[57]Muslim engineers also invented crankshafts and water
turbines, employed gears in mills and water-raisingmachines, and pioneered the use
of dams as a source of water power, used to provide additional power to watermills and
water-raising machines.[43] Such advances made it possible for many industrial tasks that were
previously driven by manual labour in ancient times to be mechanized and driven
by machinery instead in the medieval Islamic world. The transfer of these technologies to
medieval Europe had an influence on theIndustrial Revolution.[58]
A number of industries were generated due to the Muslim Agricultural Revolution,
including early industries for agribusiness, astronomical
instruments, ceramics, chemicals, distillation technologies, clocks, glass,
mechanical hydropowered and wind powered machinery, matting, mosaics, pulp and
paper, perfumery,petroleum, pharmaceuticals, rope-making, shipping, shipbuilding, silk, suga
r, textiles, water, weapons, and the mining of minerals such
assulphur, ammonia, lead and iron. Early large factory complexes (tiraz) were built for many
of these industries, and knowledge of these industries were later transmitted to medieval
Europe, especially during the Latin translations of the 12th century, as well as before and
after. For example, the first glass factories in Europe were founded in the 11th century
by Egyptian craftsmen in Greece.[59] The agricultural andhandicraft industries also
experienced high levels of growth during this period.
The traditional view of Islamic science was that it was chiefly a preserver and
transmitter of ancient knowledge.[66] For example, Donald Lach argues that modern science
originated in Europe as an amalgam of medieval technology and Greek learning.[67] These
views have been disputed in recent times, with some scholars suggesting that
Muslim scientists laid the foundations for modern science,[68][69][70][71][72] for their development
of early scientific methods and an empirical, experimental and quantitative approach to
scientific inquiry.[73] Some scholars have referred to this period as a "Muslim scientific
revolution",[74][3][75][76] a term which expresses the view that Islam was the driving force behind
the Muslim scientific achievements,[77] and should not to be confused with the early
modern European Scientific Revolution leading to the rise of modern science.[78][79][80] Edward
Grant argues that modern science was due to the cumulative efforts of the Hellenic, Islamic
and Latin civilizations.[81]
Early scientific methods were developed in the Islamic world, where significant
progress in methodology was made, especially in the works of Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) in
the 11th century, who is considered the pioneer of experimental physics.[73][82] The most
important development of the scientific method was the use
of experimentation and quantification to distinguish between competing scientific theories set
within a generally empirical orientation. Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) wrote the Book of Optics,
in which he significantly reformed the field of optics, empirically proved that vision occurred
because of light rays entering the eye, and invented the camera obscura to demonstrate the
physical nature of light rays.[83][84]

Ibn al-Haytham has also been described as the "first scientist" for his introduction of
the scientific method,[85] and his pioneering work on thepsychology of visual
perception[86][87] is considered a precursor to psychophysics and experimental psychology.[88]
The earliest medical peer review, a process by which a committee of physicians
investigate the medical care rendered in order to determine whether accepted standards of
care have been met, is found in the Ethics of the Physician written by Ishaq bin Ali al-Rahwi
(854–931) of al-Raha in Syria. His work, as well as later Arabic medical manuals, state that a
visiting physician must always make duplicate notes of a patient's condition on every visit.
When the patient was cured or had died, the notes of the physician were examined by a local
medical council of other physicians, who would review the practising physician's notes to
decide whether his/her performance have met the required standards of medical care. If their
reviews were negative, the practicing physician could face a lawsuit from a maltreated
The first scientific peer review, the evaluation of research findings for competence,
significance and originality by qualified experts, was described later in the Medical Essays
and Observations published by the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1731. The present-day
scientific peer review system evolved from this 18th century process.[90]
Some have referred to the achievements of the Maragha school and their predecessors
and successors inastronomy as a "Maragha Revolution", "Maragha School Revolution" or
"Scientific Revolution before the Renaissance".[3] Advances in astronomy by the Maragha
school and their predecessors and successors include the construction of the
first observatory in Baghdad during the reign of Caliph al-Ma'mun,[91] the collection and
correction of previous astronomical data, resolving significant problems in the Ptolemaic
model, the development of universal astrolabes,[92] the invention of numerous other
astronomical instruments, the beginning of astrophysics and celestial mechanics after Ja'far
Muhammad ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir discovered that the heavenly bodies and celestial
spheres were subject to the same physical lawsas Earth,[93] the first
elaborate experiments related to astronomical phenomena and the first semanticdistinction
between astronomy and astrology by Abū al-Rayhān al-Bīrūnī,[94] the use of
exacting empiricalobservations and experimental techniques,[95] the discovery that
the celestial spheres are not solid and that the heavens are less dense than the air by Ibn al-
Haytham,[96] the separation of natural philosophy from astronomy by Ibn al-Haytham and Ibn
al-Shatir,[97] the first non-Ptolemaic models by Ibn al-Haytham andMo'ayyeduddin Urdi, the
rejection of the Ptolemaic model on empirical rather than philosophical grounds by Ibn al-
Shatir,[3] the first empirical observational evidence of the Earth's rotation by Nasīr al-Dīn al-
Tūsī andAli al-Qushji, and al-Birjandi's early hypothesis on "circular inertia."[98]
Several Muslim astronomers also considered the possibility of the Earth's rotation on
its axis and perhaps aheliocentric solar system.[99][71] It is known that the Copernican
heliocentric model in Nicolaus Copernicus'De revolutionibus was adapted from
the geocentric model of Ibn al-Shatir and the Maragha school (including the Tusi-couple) in a
heliocentric context,[100] and that his arguments for the Earth's rotation were similar to those of
Nasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī and Ali al-Qushji.[98]

Geber (Jabir ibn Hayyan) is considered a pioneer of chemistry,[101][102] as he was

responsible for introducing an early experimental scientific method within the field, as well
as the alembic, still, retort,[63] and the chemical processes of
pure distillation, filtration, sublimation, liquefaction, crystallisation, purification, oxidisatio
n and evaporation.[63]
The study of traditional alchemy and the theory of the transmutation of metals were
first refuted by al-Kindi,[104] followed by Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī,[105] Avicenna,[106] and Ibn
Khaldun. In his Doubts about Galen, al-Razi was the first to prove both Aristotle's theory
of classical elements and Galen's theory of humorism false using an experimental
method.[107] Nasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī stated an early version of the law ofconservation of mass,
noting that a body of matter is able to change, but is not able to disappear.[108] Alexander von
Humboldt and Will Durantconsider medieval Muslim chemists to be founders of
Among the achievements of Muslim mathematicians during this period include the
development of algebra and algorithms by the Persian andIslamic mathematician Muhammad
ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī,[109][110] the invention of spherical trigonometry,[111] the addition of
the decimal pointnotation to the Arabic numerals, the discovery of all the trigonometric
functions besides sine, al-Kindi's introduction of cryptanalysis andfrequency analysis, al-
Karaji's introduction of algebraic calculus and proof by mathematical induction, the
development of analytic geometry and the earliest general formula
for infinitesimal and integral calculus by Ibn al-Haytham, the beginning of algebraic
geometry by Omar Khayyam, the first refutations of Euclidean geometry and the parallel
postulate by Nasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī, the first attempt at a non-Euclidean geometry by Sadr al-
Din, the development of symbolic algebra by Abū al-Hasan ibn Alī al-Qalasādī,[112] and
numerous other advances in algebra, arithmetic, calculus, cryptography, geometry, number
theory and trigonometry.
Muslim physicians made many significant contributions to medicine,
including anatomy, experimental medicine, ophthalmology, pathology, the pharmaceutical
sciences, physiology, surgery, etc. They also set up some of the earliest
dedicated hospitals,[113] including the first medical schools[114] and psychiatric hospitals.[115] Al-
Kindi wrote the De Gradibus, in which he first demonstrated the application
ofquantification and mathematics to medicine and pharmacology, such as a mathematical
scale to quantify the strength of drugs and the determination in advance of the most critical
days of a patient's illness.[116]Al-Razi (Rhazes) discovered measles and smallpox, and in
his Doubts about Galen, proved Galen'shumorism false.[107]
Abu al-Qasim (Abulcasis) helped lay the foudations for modern surgery,[117] with
his Kitab al-Tasrif, in which he invented numerous surgical instruments, including the first
instruments unique to women,[118] as well as the surgical uses of catgut and forceps,
the ligature, surgical needle, scalpel, curette, retractor, surgical spoon, sound, surgical hook,
surgical rod, and specula,[119] and bone saw.[63] Ibn al-Haytham(Alhacen) made important
advances in eye surgery, as he correctly explained the process of sight andvisual
perception for the first time in his Book of Optics.[118]

Avicenna helped lay the foundations for modern medicine,[120] with The Canon of
Medicine, which was responsible for introducing
systematic experimentation and quantification in physiology, the discovery of contagious
disease, introduction of quarantine to limit their spread, introduction of experimental
medicine,evidence-based medicine, clinical trials,[122] randomized controlled
[123][124] [125][126] [127]
trials, efficacy tests, and clinical pharmacology, the first descriptions
on bacteria and viral organisms, distinction ofmediastinitis from pleurisy, contagious
nature of tuberculosis, distribution of diseases by water and soil, skin troubles, sexually
transmitted diseases, perversions, nervous ailments,[113] use of ice to treat fevers, and
separation of medicine from pharmacology.[118]
Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar) was the earliest known experimental surgeon.[129] In the 12th
century, he was responsible for introducing the experimental method into surgery, as he was
the first to employ animal testing in order to experiment with surgical procedures before
applying them to human patients.[130] He also performed the first dissections and
postmortem autopsies on humans as well as animals.[131]
Ibn al-Nafis laid the foundations for circulatory physiology,[132] as he was the first to
describe the pulmonary circulation[133] and coronary circulation,[134][135] which form the basis
of the circulatory system, for which he is considered "the greatest physiologist of the Middle
Ages."[136] He also described the earliest concept of metabolism,[137] and developed new
systems of physiology and psychology to replace the Avicennianand Galenic systems, while
discrediting many of their erroneous theories
on humorism, pulsation, bones, muscles, intestines, sensory
organs, bilious canals, esophagus, stomach, etc.[139]
Ibn al-Lubudi rejected the theory of humorism, and discovered that the body and its
preservation depend exclusively upon blood, women cannot produce sperm, the movement
of arteries are not dependent upon the movement of the heart, the heart is the first organ to
form in a fetus' body, and the bones forming theskull can grow into tumors.[140] Ibn Khatima
and Ibn al-Khatib discovered that infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms which
enter the human body.[141] Mansur ibn Ilyas drew comprehensive diagrams of the body's
structural, nervous and circulatory systems.[5]
The study of experimental physics began with Ibn al-Haytham,[142] a pioneer of
modern optics, who introduced the experimental scientific method and used it to drastically
transform the understanding of light and vision in his Book of Optics, which has been ranked
alongside Isaac Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica as one of the most
influential books in the history of physics,[143] for initiating ascientific
[144] [145]
revolution in optics and visual perception.
The experimental scientific method was soon introduced
into mechanics by Biruni,[146] and early precursors to Newton's laws of motion were
discovered by several Muslim scientists. The law of inertia, known as Newton's first law of
motion, and the concept of momentum were discovered by Ibn al-
[147][148] [149][150]
Haytham (Alhacen) and Avicenna. The proportionality
between force and acceleration, considered "the fundamental law of classical mechanics" and
foreshadowing Newton's second law of motion, was discovered by Hibat Allah Abu'l-Barakat

al-Baghdaadi,[151] while the concept of reaction, foreshadowing Newton's third law of motion,
was discovered by Ibn Bajjah (Avempace).[152]Theories foreshadowing Newton's law of
universal gravitation were developed by Ja'far Muhammad ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir,[153] Ibn al-
Haytham,[154]and al-Khazini.[155] Galileo Galilei's mathematical treatment of acceleration and
his concept of impetus[156] was enriched by the commentaries of Avicenna[149] and Ibn
Bajjah to Aristotle's Physics as well as the Neoplatonist tradition of Alexandria, represented
by John Philoponus.[157]
Other famous Muslim scientists during the Islamic Golden Age include al-Farabi (a
polymath), Biruni (a polymath who was one of the earliestanthropologists and a pioneer
of geodesy),[158] Nasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī (a polymath), and Ibn Khaldun (considered to be a
pioneer of several social sciences[159] such as demography,[160] economics,[161] cultural
history,[162] historiography[163] and sociology),[164] among others.
The Great Mosque of Xi'an in China was completed circa 740, and the Great Mosque
of Samarra in Iraq was completed in 847. The Great Mosque of Samarra combined
thehypostyle architecture of rows of columns supporting a flat base above which a huge
spiraling minaret was constructed.
The Spanish Muslims began construction of the Great Mosque at Cordoba in 785
marking the beginning of Islamic architecture in Spain and Northern Africa (see Moors). The
mosque is noted for its striking interior arches. Moorish architecture reached its peak with the
construction of the Alhambra, the magnificent palace/fortress ofGranada, with its open and
breezy interior spaces adorned in red, blue, and gold. The walls are decorated with stylized
foliage motifs, Arabic inscriptions, and arabesquedesign work, with walls covered in glazed
Another distinctive sub-style is the architecture of the Mughal Empire in India in the
15-17th centuries. Blending Islamic and Hindu elements, the emperor Akbar constructed the
royal city of Fatehpur Sikri, located 26 miles (42 km) west of Agra, in the late 1500s and his
grandson Shah Jahan had constructed the mausoleum of Taj Mahal forMumtaz Mahal in the
1650s, though this time period is well after the Islamic Golden Age.
In the Sunni Muslim Ottoman Empire massive mosques with ornate tiles
andcalligraphy were constructed by a series of sultans including the Süleymaniye
Mosque, Sultanahmet Mosque, Selimiye Mosque, and Bayezid II Mosque
The golden age of Islamic (and/or Muslim) art lasted from 750 to the 16th century,
when ceramics, glass, metalwork, textiles, illuminated manuscripts, and woodwork
flourished. Lusterous glazing became the greatest Islamic contribution to ceramics.
Manuscript illumination became an important and greatly respected art, and portrait
miniature painting flourished in Persia. Calligraphy, an essential aspect of written Arabic,
developed in manuscripts and architectural decoration.
The most well known fiction from the Islamic world was The Book of One Thousand
and One Nights(Arabian Nights), which was a compilation of many earlier folk tales told by
the Persian QueenScheherazade. The epic took form in the 10th century and reached its final
form by the 14th century; the number and type of tales have varied from one manuscript to
another.[165] All Arabian fantasy tales were often called "Arabian Nights" when translated

into English, regardless of whether they appeared in The Book of One Thousand and One
Nights, in any version, and a number of tales are known in Europe as "Arabian Nights"
despite existing in no Arabic manuscript.[165]
This epic has been influential in the West since it was translated in the 18th century,
first by Antoine Galland.[166] Many imitations were written, especially in France.[167] Various
characters from this epic have themselves become cultural icons in Western culture, such
as Aladdin, Sinbad and Ali Baba. However, nomedieval Arabic source has been traced
for Aladdin, which was incorporated into The Book of One Thousand and One Nights by
its French translator, Antoine Galland, who heard it from an Arab SyrianChristian storyteller
from Aleppo. Part of its popularity may have sprung from the increasing historical and
geographical knowledge, so that places of which little was known and so marvels were
plausible had to be set further "long ago" or farther "far away"; this is a process that
continues, and finally culminate in thefantasy world having little connection, if any, to actual
times and places. A number of elements fromArabian mythology and Persian mythology are
now common in modern fantasy, such as genies, bahamuts,magic carpets, magic lamps,
etc.[167] When L. Frank Baum proposed writing a modern fairy tale that banished stereotypical
elements, he included the genie as well as the dwarf and the fairy as stereotypes to go.[168]
Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, the national epic of Iran, is a mythical and heroic retelling
of Persian history. Amir Arsalan was also a popular mythical Persian story, which has
influenced some modern works of fantasy fiction, such as The Heroic Legend of Arslan.
A famous example of Arabic poetry and Persian poetry on romance (love) is Layla
and Majnun, dating back to the Umayyad era in the 7th century. It is a tragic story of
undying love much like the later Romeo and Juliet, which was itself said to have been
inspired by a Latin version of Layli and Majnun to an extent.[169]
Ibn Tufail (Abubacer) and Ibn al-Nafis were pioneers of the philosophical novel. Ibn
Tufail wrote the first fictional Arabic novel Hayy ibn Yaqdhan(Philosophus Autodidactus) as
a response to al-Ghazali's The Incoherence of the Philosophers, and then Ibn al-Nafis also
wrote a fictional novel Theologus Autodidactus as a response to Ibn Tufail's Philosophus
Autodidactus. Both of these narratives had protagonists (Hayy inPhilosophus
Autodidactus and Kamil in Theologus Autodidactus) who were autodidactic feral
children living in seclusion on a desert island, both being the earliest examples of a desert
island story. However, while Hayy lives alone with animals on the desert island for the rest of
the story in Philosophus Autodidactus, the story of Kamil extends beyond the desert island
setting in Theologus Autodidactus, developing into the earliest known coming of age plot and
eventually becoming the first example of a science fiction novel.[170][171]
Theologus Autodidactus, written by the Arabian polymath Ibn al-Nafis (1213-1288),
is the first example of a science fiction novel. It deals with various science fiction elements
such as spontaneous generation, futurology, the end of the world and doomsday, resurrection,
and the afterlife. Rather than giving supernatural or mythological explnations for these
events, Ibn al-Nafis attempted to explain these plot elements using thescientific
knowledge of biology, astronomy, cosmology and geology known in his time. His main
purpose behind this science fiction work was to explain Islamic religious teachings in terms
of science and philosophy through the use of fiction.[172]

A Latin translation of Ibn Tufail's work, Philosophus Autodidactus, first appeared in

1671, prepared by Edward Pococke the Younger, followed by an English translation
by Simon Ockley in 1708, as well as German and Dutch translations. These translations later
inspired Daniel Defoe to write Robinson Crusoe, regarded as the first novel in
English.[173][174][175][176] Philosophus Autodidactus also inspired Robert Boyle to write his own
philosophical novel set on an island, The Aspiring Naturalist.[177] The story also
anticipated Rousseau's Emile: or, On Education in some ways, and is also similar to Mowgli's
story in Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book as well as Tarzan's story, in that a baby is
abandoned but taken care of and fed by a mother wolf.[178]
Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, considered the greatest epic of Italian literature,
derived many features of and episodes about the hereafter directly or indirectly from Arabic
works on Islamic eschatology: the Hadith and the Kitab al-Miraj (translated into Latin in
1264 or shortly before[179] as Liber Scale Machometi, "The Book of Muhammad's Ladder")
concerning Muhammad's ascension to Heaven, and the spiritual writings of Ibn Arabi.
The Moors also had a noticeable influence on the works of George Peele and William
Shakespeare. Some of their works featured Moorish characters, such as Peele's The Battle of
Alcazar and Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, Titus Andronicus and Othello, which
featured a Moorish Othello as its title character. These works are said to have been inspired
by several Moorish delegations fromMorocco to Elizabethan England at the beginning of the
17th century.[180]
A number of musical instruments used in Western music are believed to have been
derived from Arabic musical instruments: the lute was derived from the al'ud,
the rebec (ancestor of violin) from the rebab,
theguitar from qitara, naker from naqareh, adufe from al-duff, alboka from al-buq, anafil fro
m al-nafir, exabeba from al-shabbaba (flute), atabal (bass drum) from al-tabl, atambal
from al-tinbal,[181] the balaban, thecastanet from kasatan, sonajas de azófar from sunuj al-
sufr, the conical bore wind instruments,[182] the xelami from the sulami or fistula (flute
or musical pipe),[183] the shawm and dulzaina from the reed instruments zamr and al-
zurna, the gaita from
the ghaita, rackett from iraqya or iraqiyya,[185] the harpand zither from
the qanun,[186] canon from qanun, geige (violin) from ghichak,[187] and the theorbo from
A theory on the origins of the Western Solfège musical notation suggests that it may
have also had Arabic origins. It has been argued that the Solfège syllables (do, re, mi, fa, sol,
la, ti) may have been derived from the syllables of the Arabic solmization system Durr-i-
Mufassal ("Separated Pearls") (dal, ra, mim, fa, sad, lam). This origin theory was first
proposed by Meninski in his Thesaurus Linguarum Orientalum (1680) and then by Laborde
in his Essai sur la Musique Ancienne et Moderne (1780).[189][190] See as well the
giftedZiryab (Abu l-Hasan ‘Ali Ibn Nafi‘).
Arab philosophers like al-Kindi (Alkindus) and Ibn Rushd (Averroes)
and Persian philosophers like Ibn Sina(Avicenna) played a major role in preserving the works
of Aristotle, whose ideas came to dominate the non-religious thought of the Christian and
Muslim worlds. They would also absorb ideas from China, and India, adding to them

tremendous knowledge from their own studies. Three speculative thinkers, al-Kindi, al-
Farabi, and Avicenna (Ibn Sina), fused Aristotelianism and Neoplatonism with other ideas
introduced through Islam, such as Kalam and Qiyas. This led to Avicenna founding his
own Avicennism school of philosophy, which was influential in both Islamic and Christian
lands. Avicenna was also a critic ofAristotelian logic and founder of Avicennian logic, and he
developed the concepts of empiricism and tabula rasa, and distinguished
between essence and existence.
From Spain the Arabic philosophic literature was translated into Hebrew, Latin,
and Ladino, contributing to the development of modern European philosophy. The Jewish
philosopher Moses Maimonides, Muslim sociologist-historian Ibn
Khaldun, Carthage citizen Constantine the African who translated Greek medical texts, and
the Muslim Al-Khwarzimi's collation of mathematical techniques were important figures of
the Golden Age.
One of the most influential Muslim philosophers in the West was Averroes (Ibn
Rushd), founder of the Averroism school of philosophy, whose works and commentaries had
an impact on the rise of secular thought in Western Europe.[191] He also developed the concept
of "existence precedes essence".[192]
Another infuential philosopher who had a significant influence on modern
philosophy was Ibn Tufail. His philosophical novel, Hayy ibn Yaqdhan, translated into Latin
as Philosophus Autodidactus in 1671, developed the themes of empiricism, tabula
rasa, nature versus nurture,[193]condition of possibility, materialism,[194] and Molyneux's
Problem.[195] European scholars and writers influenced by this novel include John
Locke,[196] Gottfried Leibniz,[176] Melchisédech Thévenot, John Wallis, Christiaan
[197] [198]
Huygens, George Keith, Robert Barclay, theQuakers, and Samuel Hartlib.[177]
Al-Ghazali also had an important influence on Jewish thinkers
like Maimonides and Christian medieval philosophers such as Thomas
Aquinas[201] and René Descartes, who expressed similar ideas to that of al-Ghazali
in Discourse on the Method.[202] However, al-Ghazali also wrote a devastating critique in
his The Incoherence of the Philosophers on the speculative theological works of Kindi,
Farabi and Ibn Sina. The study of metaphysics declined in the Muslim world due to this
critique, though Ibn Rushd (Averroes) responded strongly in his The Incoherence of the
Incoherence to many of the points Ghazali raised. Nevertheless, Avicennism continued to
flourish long after and Islamic philosophers continued making advances in philosophy
through to the 17th century, when Mulla Sadra founded his school of Transcendent
Theosophy and developed the concept of existentialism.[203]
Other influential Muslim philosophers include al-Jahiz, a pioneer
of evolutionary thought and natural selection; Ibn al-Haytham (Alhacen), a pioneer
of phenomenology and the philosophy of science and a critic of Aristotelian natural
philosophy and Aristotle's concept of place (topos);Biruni, a critic of Aristotelian natural
philosophy; Ibn Tufail and Ibn al-Nafis, pioneers of the philosophical novel; Shahab al-Din
Suhrawardi, founder of Illuminationist philosophy; Fakhr al-Din al-Razi, a critic of
Aristotelian logic and a pioneer of inductive logic; and Ibn Khaldun, a pioneer in
the philosophy of history[164] and social philosophy.

After the Crusades from the West that resulted in the instability of the Islamic world
during the 13th century, a new threat came from the East during the 12th century: the Mongol
invasions. In 1206, Genghis Khan from Central Asia established a powerful Mongol Empire.
A Mongolian ambassador to the Abbasid Caliph in Baghdad is said to have been
murdered,[204] which may have been one of the reasons behind Hulagu Khan's sack of
Baghdad in 1258.
The Mongols conquered most of the Eurasian land mass, including both China in the
east and parts of the old Islamic Caliphate and PersianIslamic Khwarezm, as well
as Russia and Eastern Europe in the west, and subsequent invasions of the Levant. Later
Mongol leaders, such asTimur, though he himself became a Muslim, destroyed many cities,
slaughtered thousands of people and did irrevocable damage to the ancient irrigation systems
of Mesopotamia. These invasions transformed a civil society to a nomadic one.
Traditionalist Muslims at the time, including the polymath Ibn al-Nafis, believed that
the Crusades and Mongol invasions may have been a divine punishment from God against
Muslims deviating from the Sunnah. As a result, the falsafa, some of whom held ideas
incompatible with the Sunnah, became targets of criticism from many traditionalist Muslims,
though other traditionalists such as Ibn al-Nafis made attempts at
reconciling reason with revelation and blur the line between the two.
Eventually, the Mongols that settled in parts of Persia, Central Asia and Russia
converted to Islam, and as a result, the Ilkhanate, Golden Horde and Chagatai
Khanates became Islamic states. In many instances, Mongols assimilated into various
Muslim Iranian or Turkic peoples(for instance, one of the greatest Muslim astronomers of the
15th century, Ulugh Beg, was a grandson of Timur). By the time the Ottoman Empire rose
from the ashes, the Golden Age is considered to have come to an end.

The Islamic civilization which had at the outset been creative and dynamic in dealing
with issues, began to struggle to respond to the challenges and rapid changes it faced during
the 12th and 13th centuries onwards towards the end of the Abbassid rule. Despite a brief
respite with the new Ottoman rule, the decline continued until its eventual collapse and
subsequent stagnation in the 20th century.
Despite a number of attempts by many writers, historical and modern, none seem to
agree on the causes of decline. The main views on the causes of decline comprise the
following: political mismanagement after the early Caliphs (10th century onwards), closure
of the gates of ijtihad(12th century), institutionalisation of taqlid rather than bid'ah (13th
century), foreign involvement by invading forces and colonial powers (11th
century Crusades, 13th century Mongol Empire, 15th century Reconquista, 19th century
European colonial empires), and the disruption to the cycle of equity based on Ibn Khaldun's
famous model of Asabiyyah (the rise and fall of civilizations) which points to the decline
being mainly due to political and economic factors.[4]
Tolerance about different ideas reduced and faded, with some seminaries
systematically forbidding speculative philosophy, while polemicdebates also appear to have
been abandoned after the 13th century. A significant intellectual shift in Islamic philosophy is

perhaps demonstrated by al-Ghazali's late 11th century polemic work The Incoherence of the
Philosophers, which lambasted metaphysical philosophy in favor of the primacy of scripture,
and was later criticized in The Incoherence of the Incoherence by Averroes. Institutions of
science comprising Islamic universities, libraries (including the House of Wisdom),
observatories, and hospitals, were later destroyed by foreign invaders like the Crusaders and
particularly the Mongols, and were rarely promoted again in the devastated regions.[207] Not
only wasn't new publishing equipment accepted but also wide illiteracy overwhelmed the
devastated lands, especially in Mesopotamia.
Abbasids [role in the caliphate]
The Abbasids had an unbroken line of Caliphs for over three centuries, consolidating
Islamic rule and cultivating great intellectual and cultural developments in the Middle East.
By 940 the power of the Caliphate under the Abbasids was waning as non-Arabs, particularly
the Berbers of the Maghreb, the Turks, and later the Mamluks in Egypt in the latter half of the
13th century, gained influence, and sultans and emirs became increasingly independent.
However, the Caliphate endured as both a symbolic position and a unifying entity for the
Islamic world.
During the period of the Abassid dynasty, Abassid claims to the caliphate did not go
unchallenged. The Shiˤa Ubayd Allah al-Mahdi Billah of the Fatimid dynasty, which claimed
descendency of Muhammad through his daughter, claimed the title of Caliph in 909, creating
a separate line of caliphs in North Africa. Initially covering Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and
Libya, the Fatimid caliphs extended their rule for the next 150 years, taking Egypt and
Palestine, before the Abbassid dynasty was able to turn the tide, limiting Fatimid rule to
Egypt. The Fatimid dynasty finally ended in 1171. The Umayyad dynasty, which had
survived and come to rule over the Muslim provinces of Spain, reclaimed the title of Caliph
in 929, lasting until it was overthrown in 1031.
Abbasids [Role in the Arab Empire]
The gains of the Ummayad empire were consolidated upon when the Abbasid dynasty
rose to power in 750, with the conquest of the Mediterranean islands including the Balearics
and Sicily.[5] The new ruling party had been instated on the wave of dissatisfaction
propagated against the Ummayads, cultured mainly by the Abbasid revolutionary, Abu
Muslim.[16][17] Under the Abbasids, Islamic civilization flourished. Most notable was the
development of Arabic prose and poetry, termed by The Cambridge History of Islam as its
"golden age."[18] This was also the case for commerce and industry (considered a Muslim
Agricultural Revolution), and the arts and sciences (considered a Muslim Scientific
Revolution), which prospered, especially under the rule of Abbasid caliphs al-Mansur (ruled
754 — 775), Harun al-Rashid (ruled 786 — 809), al-Ma'mun (ruled 809 — 813), and their
immediate successors.[19]
Baghdad was made the new capital of the caliphate (moved from the previous capital,
Damascus) due to the importance placed by the Abbasids upon eastern affairs in Persia and
Transoxania.[19] It was at this time, however, that the caliphate showed signs of fracture and
the uprising of regional dynasties. Although the Ummayad family had been killed by the
revolting Abbasids, one family member, Abd ar-Rahman I, was able to flee to Spain and
establish an independent caliphate there, in 756. In the Maghreb region, Harun al-Rashid
appointed the Arab Aghlabids as virtually autonomous rulers, although they continued to
recognise the authority of the central caliphate. Aghlabid rule was short lived, as they were

deposed by the Shiite Fatimid dynasty in 909. By around 960, the Fatimids had conquered
Abbasid Egypt, building a new capital there in 973 called "al-Qahirah" (meaning "the planet
of victory", known today as Cairo). Similar was the case in Persia, where the Turkic
Ghaznavids managed to snatch power from the Abbasids.[20][21] Whatever temporal power of
the Abbasids remained had eventually been consumed by the Seljuq Turks (a Muslim Turkish
clan which had migrated into mainland Persia), in 1055.[19]
During this time, expansion continued, sometimes by military warfare, sometimes by
peaceful proselytism.[5] The first stage in the conquest of India began just before the year
1000. By some 200 (from 1193 — 1209) years later, the area up to the Ganges river had been
conquered. In sub-Saharan West Africa, it was just after the year 1000 that Islam was
established. Muslim rulers are known to have been in Kanem starting from sometime
between 1081 to 1097, with reports of a Muslim prince at the head of Gao as early as 1009.
The Islamic kingdoms associated with Mali reached prominence later, in the 13th century.[5]
During the Abbasid reign, Baghdad became one of the greatest cultural centers of the
world. The Abbasids were said to be descendents of Abbas the uncle of Muhammad claiming
that they were the 'messiah' or saviours of the people under the Ummayad rule. Abbasid
caliphs Harun al-Rashid and Al-Mamun were great patrons of arts and sciences, and enabled
these domains to flourish. Islamic philosophy also developed as the Shariah was codified, and
the four Madhabs were established and built. This era also saw the rise of classical Sufism.
The greatest achievement, however, was completion of the canonical collections of Hadith of
Sahih Bukhari and others.[22]
The Abbasids soon became caught within a three-way rivalry of Arabs, Persians and
the immigrant Turks.[23] In addition, the cost of running a large empire became too great.[24]
The political unity of Islam began to disintegrate. The Emirates, still recognizing the
theoretical leadership of the caliphs, drifted into independence, and a brief revival of control
was ended with the establishment of rival caliphates. Eventually the Abbasids ruled as
puppets for the Buwayhid emirs. During this time, great advancements were made in the
areas of astronomy, poetry, philosophy science and mathematics.
Islamic Abbasid Caliphate 750-1258 [General History]
The Abbasid Caliphate (Arabic: ‫العبّاسميّون‬, al-‘Abbāsīyūn) was the second of the two
great Muslim caliphates of the Arab Empire. It was ruled by the Abbasid dynasty of caliphs,
who built their capital in Baghdad after overthrowing the Umayyad caliphs from all but Al
Andalus. It was built by the descendant of Muhammad's youngest uncle, Abbas ibn Abd al-
Muttalib. It was created in Harran in 750 of the Christian era and shifted its capital in AD 762
from Harran to Baghdad. It flourished for two centuries, but slowly went into decline with the
rise to power of the Turkish army it had created, the Mamluks. Within 150 years of gaining
power across Persia, they were forced to cede power to local dynastic amirs who only
nominally acknowledged their power, and had to cede Al Andalus to an escaped Umayyad
royal and the Maghreb and Ifriqiya to independent entities such as the Aghlabids and the
Fatimids. Their rule was ended in 1258, when Hulagu Khan, the Mongol conqueror, sacked
Baghdad. While they continued to claim authority in religious matters from their base in
Egypt, the dynasty's secular authority had ended. Descendants of the Abbasids include the al-
Abbasi tribe who live northeast of Tikrit in modern-day Iraq.[citation needed]
The Abbasid caliphs officially based their claim to the caliphate on their descent from
Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib (566 – 662), one of the youngest uncles of Muhammad, by virtue
of which descent they regarded themselves as the rightful heirs of Muhammad as opposed to

the Umayyads. The Umayyads were descended from Umayya, and were a clan separate from
Muhammad's in the Quraish tribe.
The Abbasids also distinguished themselves from the Umayyads by attacking their
moral character and administration in general. According to Ira Lapidus "The Abbasid revolt
was supported largely by Arabs, mainly the aggrieved settlers of Marw with the addition of
the Yemeni faction and their Mawali".[1] The Abbasids also appealed to non-Arab Muslims,
known as mawali, who remained outside the kinship-based society of Arab culture and were
perceived of as a lower class within the Umayyad empire. Muhammad ibn 'Ali, a great-
grandson of Abbas, began to campaign for the return of power to the family of Muhammad,
the Hashimites, in Persia during the reign of Umar II, Muhammad ibn Ali.
During the reign of Marwan II, this opposition culminated in the rebellion of Ibrahim
the Imam, the fourth in descent from Abbas. Supported by the province of Khorasan, Iran, he
achieved considerable successes, but was captured in the year 747 and died in prison; some
hold that he was assassinated. The quarrel was taken up by his brother Abdallah, known by
the name of Abu al-'Abbas as-Saffah, who, with victory on the Greater Zab River (750),
defeated the Umayyads and was proclaimed Caliph.
Consolidation and schisms
The first change the Abbasids made was to move their the empire's capital from
Damascus, in Syria, to Baghdad in Iraq. This was to both appease as well to be closer to the
Persian mawali support base that existed in this region more influenced by Persian history
and culture, and part of the Persian mawali demand for less Arab dominance in the empire.
Baghdad was established on the Tigris River in 762. A new position, that of the vizier, was
also established to delegate central authority, and even greater authority was delegated to
local emirs. Eventually, this meant that many Abbasid caliphs were eventually relegated to a
more ceremonial role than under the Umayyads, as the viziers began to exert greater
influence, and the role of the old Arab aristocracy was slowly replaced by a Persian
The Abbasids had depended heavily on the support of Persians in their overthrow of
the Umayyads. Abu al-'Abbas' successor, al-Mansur, moved their capital from Damascus to
the new city of Baghdad and welcomed non-Arab Muslims to their court. While this helped
integrate Arab and Persian cultures, it alienated many of their Arab supporters, particularly
the Khorasanian Arabs who had supported them in their battles against the Umayyads.
These fissures in their support led to immediate problems. The Umayyads, while out
of power, were not destroyed. The only surviving member of the Umayyad royal family,
which had been all but annihilated, ultimately made his way to Spain where he established
himself as an independent Emir (Abd ar-Rahman I, 756). In 929, Abd ar-Rahman III assumed
the title of Caliph, establishing Al Andalus from Córdoba as a rival to Baghdad as the
legitimate capital of the Islamic Empire.
Rift with the Shia
The Abbasids also found themselves at odds with the Shias, many of whom had
supported their war against the Umayyads, since the Abbasids claimed legitimacy by their
familial connection to Muhammed. Once in power, the Abbasids embraced Sunni Islam and
disavowed any support for Shi'a beliefs. That led to numerous conflicts, culminating in an
uprising in Mecca in 786, followed by widespread bloodshed and the flight of many Shi'a to
the Maghreb, where the survivors established the Idrisid kingdom. Shortly thereafter, Berber
Kharijites set up an independent state in North Africa in 801.
Loss of North Africa

Within 50 years the Idrisids in the Maghreb and Aghlabids of Ifriqiya and a little later
the Tulunids and Ikshidids of Misr were effectively independent in Africa.
Communication with Provinces
The Abbasid leadership had to work hard in the last half of the eighth century (750-
800), under several competent caliphs and their viziers to overcome the political challenges
created by the far flung nature of the empire, and the limited communication across it and
usher in the administrative changes to keep order.[3] While the Byzantine Empire was
fighting Abbasid rule in Syria and Anatolia, military operations during this period were
minimal, as the caliphate focused on internal matters as local governors, who, as a matter of
prodecure, operated mostly independently of central authority. The problem that the caliphs
faced was that these governors had begun to exert greater autonomy, using their increasing
power to make their positions hereditary.[2]
Fracture of Central Authority
Even by 820, the Samanids had begun the process of exercising independent authority
in Transoxiana and Greater Khorasan, the Shia Hamdanids in Northern Syria, and the
successive Tahirid, Alid and Saffarid dynasties of Iran. By the early 10th century, the
Abbasids almost lost control to the growing Persian faction known as the Buwayhids that
replaced the Samanids as the Buwayhids were quietly able to assume real power in the
bureaucracy at Baghdad.
All these autonomous provinces slowly took on the characteristic of de facto states
with hereditary rulers, armies, and revenues and operated under only nominal caliphal
suzeranity, which may not necessarily be reflected by any contribution to the treasury.[3] The
eventual rise of the Ghaznavid Empire and the Seljuks to displace all these factions marked
the end of Abbasid political dominion over the area.
Loss of Power
Mahmud of Ghazni took the title of sultan, as opposed to the "amir" that had been in
more common usage, signifying the Ghaznavid Empire's independence from Caliphial
authority even as a matter of form. By the 11th century, the loss of respect for the caliphs had
gone even further, as the Seljuks, Khwarezmshahs, Almoravids and other Islamic rulers no
longer mentioned the caliph's name in the Friday Khutba, or struck it off their coinage[3]. The
Fatimids contested the Abbasids for even the titular authority. The Buwayhids were defeated
in the mid-11th century with the aid of the Seljuks under Toghril Beg; however, the Seljuks
then themselves took over de facto lordship of the Empire, and the Caliph bestowed on
Toghril Beg the title of Sultan of the East and the West. The Seljuks publicly pledged
allegiance to the Caliph, but left him in control of little actual terrritory beyond Baghdad.[3]
Caliph Al-Muqtafi was the 1st Abbasid Caliph to regain the independence of the
Caliphate,after nearly 250 years of foreign rule,he successfully defended Baghdad against the
Seljuqs,thus securing Iraq for the Abbasids. see Seljuk siege of Baghdad 1157
The end of the dynasty
Hulagu Khan sacked Baghdad on (February 10, 1258), causing great loss of life.
Muslims feared that supernatural disaster would strike if the blood of Al-Musta'sim, the last
reigning Abbasid caliphate in Baghdad, a direct descendent of Muhammad's uncle, was
spilled. Despite the advice of the Learned Shiites of Persia that no such calamity had
happened after the deaths of John the Baptist, Jesus Christ, or the Shiite saint Hosein, as a
precaution, Hulagu, in accordance with a Mongol taboo which forbade spilling royal blood,
had Al-Musta'sim wrapped in a carpet and trampled to death by horses on February 20, 1258.
The Al-Musta'sim family was also executed, with the lone exceptions of his youngest son and
a daughter who were sent to Mongolia to be slaves in the harem of Hulagu.[4]

The Abbasids still maintained a feeble show of authority, confined to religious

matters, in Egypt under the Mamluks, but the dynasty finally disappeared with Al-
Mutawakkil III, who was carried away as a prisoner of the palace to Constantinople by Selim
I where he only had a ceremonial role, until his death when the Caliphate title was transferred
to Selim I.
Golden Age
The Islamic Golden Age was inaugurated by the middle of the 8th century by the
ascension of the Abbasid Caliphate and the transfer of the capital from Damascus to
Baghdad.[5] The Abbassids were influenced by the Qur'anic injunctions and hadith such as
"the ink of scientists is more holy then the blood of martyrs" stressing the value of
knowledge.[5] During this period the Muslim world became the unrivaled intellectual center
for science, philosophy, medicine and education as the Abbasids championed the cause of
knowledge and established a "House of Wisdom" in Baghdad; where both Muslim and non-
Muslim scholars sought to translate and gather all the world's knowledge into Arabic.[5]
Many classic works of antiquity that would otherwise have been lost were translated into
Arabic and later in turn translated into Turkish, Persian, Hebrew and Latin.[5] During this
period the Muslim world was a cauldron of cultures which collected, synthesized and
significantly advanced the knowledge gained from the ancient Roman, Chinese, Indian,
Persian, Egyptian, North African, Greek and Byzantine civilizations.[5]
At the same time, the Abbasids faced challenges closer to home. Former supporters of
the Abbasids had broken away to create a separate kingdom around Khorosan in northern
Persia. Harun al-Rashid (786 – 809) turned on the Barmakids, a Persian family that had
grown significantly in power within the administration of the state.
Science under the Abbasids
The reigns of Harun al-Rashid (786 – 809) and his successors fostered an age of great
intellectual achievement. In large part, this was the result of the schismatic forces that had
undermined the Umayyad regime, which relied on the assertion of the superiority of Arab
culture as part of its claim to legitimacy, and the Abbasids' welcoming of support from non-
Arab Muslims. It is well established that the Abbasid caliphs modeled their administration on
that of the Sassanids.[6] One Abbasid caliph is even quoted as saying:
"The Persians ruled for a thousand years and did not need us Arabs even for a day.
We have been ruling them for one or two centuries and cannot do without them for an
A number of medieval thinkers and scientists living under Islamic rule played a role in
transmitting Islamic science to the Christian West. They contributed to making Aristotle
known in Christian Europe. In addition, the period saw the recovery of much of the
Alexandrian mathematical, geometric and astronomical knowledge, such as that of Euclid
and Claudius Ptolemy. These recovered mathematical methods were later enhanced and
developed much further by other Islamic scholars, notably by Al-Biruni, and Abu Nasr
Algebra was also pioneered by Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī during this time
in his landmark text, Kitab al-Jabr wa-l-Muqabala, from which the term algebra is derived.
The terms algorism and algorithm are also derived from the name of al-Khwarizmi, who was
responsible for introducing the Arabic numerals and Hindu-Arabic numeral system beyond
the Indian subcontinent.
Medicine was an area of science that advanced particularly during the Abbasids' reign.
During the ninth century, Baghdad contained over 800 doctors, and great discoveries in the
understanding of anatomy and diseases were made. The clinical distinction between measles
and smallpox was discovered during this time. Famous scientist Ibn Sina (known to the West

as Avicenna) produced treatises and works that summarized the vast amount of knowledge
that scientists had accumulated, and is often known as the father of modern medicine for his
encyclopedias, The Canon of Medicine and The Book of Healing. The work of him and many
others directly influenced the research of European scientists during the Renaissance and
even later.
Three speculative thinkers, al-Kindi, al-Farabi, and Avicenna, combined
Aristotelianism and Neoplatonism with other ideas introduced through Islam, and
Avicennism was later established as a result.
Role of the Mamluks
In the 9th century, the Abbasids created an army loyal only to their caliphate, drawn
mostly from Turkish slaves, known as Mamluks, with some Slavs and Berbers participating
as well. This force, created in the reign of al-Ma'mun (813 – 833), and his brother and
successor al-Mu'tasim (833 – (842), prevented the further distintegration of the empire.
The Mamluk army, though often viewed negatively, both helped and hurt the
caliphate. Early on, it provided the government with a stable force to address domestic and
foreign problems. However, creation of this foreign army and al-Mu'tasim's transfer of the
capital from Baghdad to Samarra created a division between the caliphate and the peoples
they claimed to rule. In addition, the power of the Mamluks steadily grew until al-Radi (934 –
941) was constrained to hand over most of the royal functions to Mahommed bin Raik. In the
following years, the Buwayhids, who were Shi'ites, seized power over Baghdad, ruling
central Iraq for more than a century.
List of Abbasid Caliphs
Abbasid Caliphs in Baghdad
* Abu'l Abbas As-Saffah 750 - 754
* Al-Mansur 754 - 775
* Al-Mahdi 775 - 785
* Al-Hadi 785 - 786
* Harun al-Rashid 786 - 809
* Al-Amin 809 - 813
* Al-Ma'mun 813 - 833
* Al-Mu'tasim 833 - 842
* Al-Wathiq 842 - 847
* Al-Mutawakkil 847 - 861
* Al-Muntasir 861 - 862
* Al-Musta'in 862 - 866
* Al-Mu'tazz 866 - 869
* Al-Muhtadi 869 - 870
* Al-Mu'tamid 870 - 892
* Al-Mu'tadid 892 - 902
* Al-Muktafi 902 - 908
* Al-Muqtadir 908 - 932
* Al-Qahir 932 - 934
* Ar-Radi 934 - 940
* Al-Muttaqi 940 - 944
* Al-Mustakfi 944 - 946
* Al-Muti 946 - 974
* At-Ta'i 974 - 991
* Al-Qadir 991 - 1031
* Al-Qa'im 1031 - 1075
* Al-Muqtadi 1075 - 1094

* Al-Mustazhir 1094 - 1118

* Al-Mustarshid 1118 - 1135
* Ar-Rashid 1135 - 1136
* Al-Muqtafi 1136 - 1160
* Al-Mustanjid 1160 - 1170
* Al-Mustadi 1170 - 1180
* An-Nasir 1180 - 1225
* Az-Zahir 1225 - 1226
* Al-Mustansir 1226 - 1242
* Al-Musta'sim 1242 - 1258

Abbasid Caliphs in Cairo

* Al-Mustansir 1261-1262
* Al-Hakim I (Cairo) 1262-1302
* Al-Mustakfi I of Cairo 1303-1340
* Al-Wathiq I 1340-1341
* Al-Hakim II 1341-1352
* Al-Mu'tadid I 1352-1362
* Al-Mutawakkil I 1362-1383
* Al-Wathiq II 1383-1386
* Al-Mu'tasim 1386-1389
* Al-Mutawakkil I (restored) 1389-1406
* Al-Musta'in 1406-1414
* Al-Mu'tadid II 1414-1441
* Al-Mustakfi II 1441-1451
* Al-Qa'im 1451-1455
* Al-Mustanjid 1455-1479
* Al-Mutawakkil II 1479-1497
* Al-Mustamsik 1497-1508
* Al-Mutawakkil III 1508-1517

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