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1K fight against cancer! Introduction Thank you for buying this gamepack!

This pack is sold as Careware; all sales go to charity! This is a unique piece of software. After 30 years it is still possible to develop a new kind of games for the ZX81; High resolution games for the unexpanded ZX81! Hires on a 1K ZX81 was already possible; a small 6x8 bytes pixelscreen showing some circles is the proof of it. However no-one ever tried to code a game in hires on a 1K ZX81. As a tribute to 30 years of ZX81 this gamepack is developped. The games This gamepack holds the following games: 1) Wiwo Dido, the case of Mazeddy's castle 2) Blocky 3) 3D Maze, return to Mazeddy's castle 4) Ghost hunt 5) 3D Random maze 6) Othello 7) Bowling 8) Spy vs Spy 9) Memory 10) Police patrol Each game uses the normal LOAD command to load from tape. Gamecontrols Game Wiwo Dido Blocky 3D Maze Ghost Hunt 3D Random Maze Othello Bowling Spy vs Spy Memory Police Patrol Up Q7 Q 7 Q 7 Q Q Down Left A6 O5 6 Q 6 A A O 5 O A 5 O O O Right P8 5 P 8 P O 8 P P P Fire/select Special options CURSOR and QAOP 8 Space Space starts game S Q=Forward ZXPAND-support Q=Forward P Z ZXPAND 2/1 ZXPAND, 2/1 Speedmode Z Z R/Z ZXPAND, R/Z=(re)start

Some games have the option to use the ZXPAND joystick, The games that haven't got this option are just too large to add this support. Gameplay 1) Select all 5 keys in the maze and find the exit on the right side of the maze. All collected keys are shown above the maze. 2) Jump from line to line and stay in the screen. 3) Inside Mazeddy's Castle you must find your way out. 4) Capture the ghost by crossing the lines at the ghost. Remaining time comes as score. 5) Find the exit in ANY random maze. Exit somewhere on the bottom. 6) Play Othello against the computer or a friend 7) Can you throw a perfect? Add effect with left/right. 8) Capture the black spy. You may only move forward! 9) Fetch all pairs in less moves possible. 10) Patrol each city. You may skip the number of blocks shown.

Each game has a video on Youtube under ZX81HIRES.

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