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18 OCTOBER 2013

Lyndon Green Junior School

Club lists

Sporting Superstars

Monday Football Gymnastics Cookery Tuesday Dodgeball DT/Craft X Wednesday Tag Rugby Dance Thursday ICT X Netball X Art x 2 X Friday Guitar X Dance All clubs are currently full. Events next week Tuesday 4-6 Parents Evening Wed/Thurs Language Alive Yr5 Yr 4 Tudor day Thursday 5-7 Parents Evening

What a last couple of weeks. Mrs Pitt and I have been spending time in every classroom and can say how brilliant our children are within the classroom environment. They are eager and enthusiastic and soak up all the learning that is taking place. A real pleasure to be able to share this time with them Sponsored Walk Our diary says that we should be completing our annual sponsored walk next Friday. However, I have taken the decision to postpone it until the Spring Term. I feel that at the moment we are asking for a lot of contributions for trips etc. The walk will still denitely happen and I will conrm the date closer to the time. Sporting Success What a week of successes. It all started last Friday with the Tag Rugby team winning the rst tournament of the year. Closely followed by successes in the Joe Perkins trophy for the girls. The mixed Year Parents Evening Next week sees the rst appointments of the year. This will give you the opportunity to discuss with the staff how you feel the children have settled in. We will always try to ensure that all appointments are on time. Fingers crossed!

4 and then a Year 5/6 team victorious in a local area nal. We are so proud of everyone and their achievements. Thank you to all the parents that attended, your support is greatly appreciated Year 6 A quick reminder that all Secondary School preferences need to be submitted by October 31st. Whitemoor Lakes If your child is attending the Whitemoor Lakes residential on the week after half term, please could you ensure that the emergency contact forms are returned next week please. Clubs Due to Parents Evening next week and breaking up for half term, a number of clubs are being cancelled. If the club list has a cross by it, then this is a cancelled club.

Attendance A slightly disappointing attendance this week, only 95.51% We are aiming to see if next week can be a record breaking week. 5th place 6G - 96.11% 4th place 5E - 96.39% 3rd place 6C - 96.55% 2nd place 3J - 96.67% Joint 1st place 4D and 4W - 98.33% Well done!

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