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Reflection N°3 Post observation-feedback

Taking into account the first lesson you received some feedback from your guide teacher,
• What aspects do you identify as critical once you have finished the lesson? Refer about
your own expectations, fears and resolutions.

At the begining the class was complicated because all the students were different and they
were restles and was difficult to keep them quiet, but my guide teacher said my students
were like that all the time, so she gave me some tips for the next class in order to keep
them calm and interested.

• Also Refer about the feelings that came up when socializing the above issues with him
or her.

When I finished my class I felt a little worried because it was the first day and that day I
wanted to do everything good. I thought that this was a real chance to prove myself that I was
able to do it well, eventhough at first I felt frustrated due to the students behaviour and my lack
of experience at teaching, I really believed that I was giong to be able to improve my
methodology and have a better relationship with the students.

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