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ISN ETH Zurich

International Relations and Security ///

This Week at ISN

14 18 October 2013

Our Weekly Editorial Roundup


Editorial Plan | Security Watch | Blog | Video

// Europe at a Crossroads
Because of the EU's structural problems, Europe remains strategically disorganized. It doesn't appear, though, that the supranational dream of 'Federal Europe' is going to help overcome this disorganization. A revived intergovernmental model of cooperation may well weaken EU institutions in the long-run, which means that serious socio-economic problems, such as youth unemployment, will not get dealt with as they should. Ultimately, 'fixing Europe' may require a revived belief in political solidarity and the acceptance that the short-term pain of some decisions will actually benefit everyone's longer-term self-interests. Ah, but does Europe as a whole have the enthusiasm for such changes?

Europe's Strategic Future: Implications of the Eurozone Crisis

14 October 2013

Europe's future geopolitical influence depends on whether the EU can fix its deep-seated structural problems or not. With a wide range of outcomes still possible, Alexander Mirtchev believes what so many others do Europe can right itself if it marshals together the necessary political will.More

Armaments Duplication in Europe: A Quantitative Analysis

15 October 2013

Uncoordinated defense spending is hollowing out Europe's armed forces and undermining the continent's industrial base, argues Valerio Briani. With an armaments duplication ratio that is more than three times the US figure, the problem is now jeopardizing Europe's ability to guarantee its own security.More

The EU's Silent Revolution

16 October 2013

Many believe that Europe's economic and political woes should be resolved by agitating for more more union, more federalism, more Europe. According to Piotr Buras, however, the region's states are actually reverting back to a more intergovernmental approach that may weaken the EU and its institutions over time. More

Youth Unemployment Does the EU Care about its Future?

17 October 2013

Rising youth unemployment now qualifies as Europe's most pressing economic and social problem, or so argues Claire Dhret. She believes the pan-European nature of the problem calls for action at the EU level, including expanded social protection programs and more investments in young people.More

Democracy, Solidarity and the European Crisis

18 October 2013

How can Europe's woes be resolved? According to the eminent Jrgen Habermas, the answer is simple. Core Europe must show 'genuine political solidarity' with the rest of the continent i.e., it should accept the short-term effects of negative redistribution ahead of longer-term self-interest. More

// Security Watch
Ethnic Tension Simmers in the Czech Republic
14 October 2013

The Czech Republic's ailing economy is one reason why we're seeing a spike in hate crimes against the country's Roma community. The latter remains vulnerable and ethnic tensions remain high, Tanweer Ali argues, and it's Prague's dubious political culture that is ultimately at fault.More

Bahrain in Egypt's Shadow

15 October 2013

Bahrain's Egypt-inspired Tamarod has prompted a heavy-handed response from the Kingdom's security forces.

According to Kristin Diwan, that's bound to have serious implications for a country that continues to struggle with sectarian strife and a bleak human rights record. More

The United States Pivot to the Pacific

16 October 2013

Why should we develop a deeper understanding of the factors behind the United States' pivot to Asia? Because it will help us determine just how long-term and sustainable the realignment will be, writes George Galdorisi.More

Al Qaeda's Latest Bid to Woo India's Muslims

17 October 2013

Al Qaeda has struggled in the past to gain the support of India's vast Muslim population. But that's gradually changing, warns Animesh Roul. Today, he outlines how the fragmented organization is trying to attract money and manpower from the third largest Muslim community on the planet.More

Troubled Future for the Mekong

18 October 2013

Laos' decision to construct a series of dams along the Mekong River has become a significant source of regional tension. Beyond the usual concerns about environmental damage and resource scarcity, Zach Dubel also warns that the projects bring the role of the Mekong River Commission into question. More

// Blog
Russian Politics Towards Ukraine are Illogically Consistent
14 October 2013

Russia only cranks up the pressure on Ukraine when the country tilts too far to the West, right? Not so, says Taras Kuzio. Because Moscow has long viewed Ukraine with disdain, it really doesn't matter if a pro-Western or pro-Russian government sits in Kiev.More

UN Leaving Liberia: What's Next?

15 October 2013

The United Nations Military Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) is scheduled to withdraw from the war-damaged country in 2014. So what will happen then? Today, Michael Keating outlines the options for a nation that remains beset by chronic social and economic ills.More

China's Antidrug Policies in Southeast Asia's Golden Triangle

16 October 2013

Opium produced within the infamous Golden Triangle is now flowing into China's Yunnan province in increasing quantities. So how is Beijing addressing the problem? With development and assistance programs that target farmers in the Greater Mekong region, writes Xiaobo Su.More

Military Assistance for Myanmar: Need for Balance

17 October 2013

Both America and Australia responded to Myanmar's democratic awakening by providing military aid to the once-pariah state. If the aid is to continue, argues Christine Leah, the two states must insist that Naypyidaw complies with certain benchmarks, particularly in the cases of civil-military relations and human rights.More

Upcoming Presidential Elections in Georgia: More Uncertainty and Economic Slowdown to Come?
18 October 2013

Will Georgia's upcoming presidential elections lead to prolonged political stability? It's unlikely, thinks Maia Otarashvili. But at least the country's democratic credentials still look good when compared with those of its neighbors.More

// Video
Imagine a European Democracy Without Borders with George Papandreou
In this video, the former Prime Minister of Greece, George Papandreou, discusses his country's economic troubles, the strains they have put on democratic practices, and the wider systemic problems that still confront the Eurozone.More

Saskia Sassen: The Global Street. Making the Political

In this video, Columbia University's Saskia Sassen discusses the concept of 'the global street' and how it might help empower those in society who don't have access to formal ways of influencing history and politics.More

What Does Europe Want from the United States?

In this video, a group of experts discuss Europe's interests and how they would like the US to support them, both at the national and regional levels. They also contemplate the growing influence of emerging powers on European-US relations. More

Coming Up
Next week, our editorial focus examines security issues affecting Europe.

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