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Elective Science: STEM 7-8 Unit 1 Weeks 1-3

a. Introduction to class & expectations b. What is STEM? c. Why is STEM important? c. What is engineering? c. Engineering/design process Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

a. Engineering definitions b. Types of engineering

a. Engineering/design process applications b. Everyday engineering projects at your home

a. How are science and math related? b. How are science and engineering related? c. How are science and technology related?

a. Keeping an engineering notebook b. Setting up your engineering notebook

UNIT I: Introduction to S.T.E.M.

a. Barbie Bungee a. What do we need to assignment introduction know to solve the Barbie Bungee problem? b. Using math and science to solve b. Collecting data we can societys problems! use

a. Barbie Bungee data collection b. Design your groups Bungee for Barbie

a. Testing your Bungee for Barbie b. Analyzing and Concluding b. Did it work? Why or Why Not?

a. Writing questions that Scientists, Technology, Engineers, and Mathematicians can solve

a. Choosing materials for engineering projects. b. Limitations in engineering?

a. Reverse engineering intro a. Reverse engineering project work time b. Reverse engineering a pen b. Sequencing how your item was put together c. Reverse engineering project intro. c. Taking pictures of each part and posting a sequence to class blog

a. Reverse engineering project work time b. Putting your item back together

a. Wrap-up reverse engineering project b. Why is reverse engineering an essential part of STEM?

Tharaldson - STEM 7-8

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