Community Growth Area, Larkhall

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Town Expansion / Community Growth Area

Description O ver 1,000 New Homes, Parkland, Neighbourhood Centre and SUDs Status Application for Planning Permission in Principle Submitted

Iglu produced a Masterplan, Design and Access Statement, and Landscape and Visual Assessment for a Community Growth Area to the north east of Larkhall. As part of the submission we conducted a community consultation event, preparing banners and graphics to both inform and allow local residents to comment on the masterplan being proposed. The masterplan sought to utilise the existing landscape structure and historic patterns of town growth to inform the 45 hectare site, introducing a new linear parkland, a legible street hierarchy and an extensive network of foot and cycle paths. An LVIA was submitted to illustrate the visual impacts of the proposed development as well as detail the measures proposed by the masterplan to mitigate any such impacts.

Street perspective sketch

Conceptual Masterplan

Larkhall Community Consultation Event

Address: The Corn Exchange 29 Constitution Street




graphi cs

L ark hall Com m unit y G row th Are a M a ster p l a n , DAS, LVIA and Co m m u ni t y Co nsu l tati o n


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