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1 The Primitive Machines

The AC or DC machines can be linearly transformed into the Primitive machine ( 2-axis or d-q machine
representation) for the analysis of many important characteristics like steady state analysis or the state
The Primitive machine generally consists of two pair of rotor brushes that is d and q, which lies along the
direct axis and two pair of fixed stator coils D and Q that lies along the quadrature axis. When positive
current flows through the windings, due to the action of commutator the rotor brushes are stationary,
whereas the stator windings D lies along the direct axis with the magnetic direction from left to right. And
on the other hand stator winding Q lies along the quadrature axis, with the magnetic direction from bottom
to top or we can say that the upward direction.
1.1.1 Voltage Equations
When positive current flows, emf is produced in the windings. So, the voltage equations can be derived from
the figure1 as:

Where R is the winding resistance, L is winding inductance, M is the mutual inductance, G is the rotational
inductance, is angular velocity of the rotor and p is the differential operator

1.1.2 Matrix Representation
From the above voltage equations we can easily derive the matrix form for the primitive machine as:
. .
1 4
. .
2 3
0 0
0 0
d d d dD d
q q
q q qQ
dD D D
qQ Q Q
V R L p G M p G i
V i
G R L p G M p
V i
M p R L p
V i
M p R L p
u u
u u
+ ( (
( (
( (
= (
( (
( (
( (


In this equation


are negative because the direction of the field produced due to the positive current
and the generated current is opposite in direction. Where as


are positive as the direction of field

and the generated current is same.
Hence for the primitive machine the state space representation will be as:
[] [] [] []

1.2 DC motor connected to a mechanical load
In this particular case the Q-coil and d brushes do not exits, only the D-coil and q brushes are present in the
Primitive machine. Therefore the previous voltage equation will be reduced to

So, the matrix representation would be:

] = [

] [

The torque developed by the motor is:

= J


refers to electromagnetic torque, J refers to moment of inertia of rotor and

refers to mechanical
load torque.
As we know that,

Hence the state space representation would be:
[V] = R[i] + Lp[i] +G


1.3 Separated Excited DC Motor

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