Stacy Map The Multi

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Map of the Multi Above Standard: 5 Elements Meets Standard: 4 Approaches Standard: 3

Names:Ariana Below Standard: 2 Missing: 1

Commented [SJ1]: Great work!

Map includes all assigned Map includes all but one Map includes all but 2 of Map includes all but 3 of elements: table, legend, of the assigned elements: the assigned elements: the assigned elements: title, names, similarities table, legend, title, names, table, legend, title, names, table, legend, title, names, and differences. similarities and similarities and similarities and differences. differences. differences. Map is creative. Map is thorough and well developed. Map is visually appealing and includes color and other extras that make it Stick Out. Map is well thought out and the design is neat and polished. Connections demonstrate a high level of thought and effort. Drafts and final product are complete and turned in on time. Feedback is used to improve performance. Map is creative. Map is well developed. Map is visually appealing and includes color and other extras that make it Stick Out. Map is thought out and the design is neat and polished. Connections demonstrate thought and effort. Drafts and final product are complete when due and class time is used most of the time. Map is basic and not well Map is not well thought developed. Map is not out. Map is not visually well developed. Map is appealing and does not not visually appealing and include color and other does not include color and extras that make it Stick other extras that make it Out. Stick Out. Map demonstrated Map is not well thought evidence of thought and is out and is messy and a bit messy and unpolished. Connections unpolished. Connections do not demonstrate show little evidence of thought and effort. thought and effort. Drafts and final product Drafts and final product are complete and turned are is incomplete. in on time.


Neatness, design and product


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