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- Energy is the capacity to do work or produce heat

- Kinetic Energy is energy of motion

- Potential Energy is stored energy

- Electrical Energy is energy that exists when objects with different electrical
charges are separated

- Chemical Potential Energy is energy that exists in chemicals (fuels)

Measuring Energy

- Measured in Joules

- 1 cal = 4.184 J


- The SI unit is Kelvin

- C = K – 273

Elements and Compounds

- Elements are substances that cannot be separated into simpler substances

by chemical change

- Compounds are two or more elements combined by a chemical reaction

- Elements and compounds are both pure substances.

- Compounds and elements can be separated from electrolysis that tears apart
chemicals with electricity


- A mixture is a blend of two or more pure substances

- A heterogeneous mixture is a mixture that has visibly different parts

- A homogeneous mixture is a mixture that has no visibly different parts

In order to separate mixtures:

- Distillation takes advantage of differences in boiling points

- Crystallization uses evaporation to separate mixtures

- Chromatography allows solution to flow along stationary substances to

separate its parts. Eventually a pattern shows the separated pigments

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