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Module Two Tonya Williams Texas A&M Commerce

This paper was prepared for Introduction to Teaching ELED 300, taught by Dr. Laura Isbell


After reading chapters four, five, and six in Learning & Teaching Research Based Methods, written by Don Kauchak and Paul Eggen and Competencies three, four, and eight, I found the information to be essential for someone who aspires to become a teacher. I believe the most important topics discussed in the reading material are the importance of planning, creating a positive classroom environment, having a positive teachers attitude, and having students involved in their learning. These are all essential components to being a successful teacher. Planning is an essential part of being a successful teacher. There are many benefits to planning; it clarifies the objectives, it prepares the teacher and reduces anxiety. Before I can plan, its important for me to understand what my ultimate goal is for the student and having an in depth understanding of the content I will be teaching. Selecting topics, preparing and organizing learning activities and having a strong assessment plan will ensure I am prepared. Planning also allows for teachers to personalize their lessons, which can enhance the learning experience for the student and the teaching experience for the teacher. Planning also ensures that you are in compliance with state and district requirements. Being prepared through planning will place me one step closer to the makings of a successful teacher. Part of being an effective teacher is having a positive classroom environment and having a positive attitude. I believe its important to have a classroom that exudes a safe, predictable and a fun to learn atmosphere. Students will thrive in this type of environment. This can be enhanced with having a positive, cheerful disposition. Saying hello to each child as they walk through the door each morning will help start their day

MODULE TWO off on a positive note. Students who feel safe and valued will take greater risks because they are not afraid to make mistakes, this self-confidence will promote higher-level learning. It will also encourage the students to be involved with what they are learning.

Student involvement is key to motivation and learning. Benjamin Franklin quoted it perfectly Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn. Students that are involved in their learning and see the relevance to the material will excel. It is important for a teacher skilled in questioning, to provide the student with a clear objective, and representation of content. Questions are a powerful tool. A question can either tune students out or engage them; it can determine if your lesson was effective or not. Knowing when to use them is just as important. Its a skill. You use a question to emphasize a point or to make a connection. Its also important to call on each student equally. I like the idea of putting all the student names in a fish bowl and pulling a name out and once all the students have been called on, putting the names back in the fish bowl and begin again. This sends a message to all the students that their input is important and they will be expected to participate. Having high expectations with students will show them that I believe they can accomplish anything they set their minds too. I hope to inspire. The importance of planning, having a positive classroom environment, a positive teachers attitude, and having students involved in their learning will only make the learning experience beneficial for all those involved. It creates a situation that inspires. These accomplishments will contribute to an effective classroom and learning experience.



Kauchak, D., & Eggeb, P. (2012). Learning & Teaching Research-Based Methods (sixth ed., pp. 1-104). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

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