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Witch hunts are common in the 17th century and even scientists believed in the world of spirits and

the occult.

Smallpox epidemic threatens their lives. Indian raids on small farms. A town divided: Salem Town vs. Salem Village. (each has established a separate church)

Fear of the devil and witches.

Post WWII fear of communism and spies during the cold war. Senator Joseph McCarthy claimed many known communists were working in the State Department.

Rumors of space aliens landing upon the earth are rampant.

Communism becomes a dirty word.

Viewed as a direct assault on our trust in God. It was during this time that we added the words, under God. to our Pledge of Allegiance. (to distinguish us from those Godless Communists!)

Finger-pointing and accusations of commie became the national rage. Anyone with ideas not 100% American were under suspicion. Many artists and writers were ruined by such accusations.

The Hollywood Blacklist caught Arthur Miller (your author) in its web. He could not get published for many years and that is when he wrote The Crucible.

Puritans opposed all vain enjoyment. Their several restrictions included: >No Christmas >No novels >No dancing >No theater

All free time was to be spent in prayer.

Naturally, few Indians are converted to this brand of Christianity. Since Indians lived in the forest and werent Christians, the forest is an evil place. (This is seen in the play)

This repression is excessive and encourages corruption. Government with God as the head. It is too strict and makes people want to rebel!

Arthur Miller used the hysteria and evil deeds of the Salem witch trials as a mirror of the hysteria and evil deeds of McCarthyism and the Blacklisting of his day.

The mood of fear and suspicion is in both Any critics were accused.

People begin using conveniences of accusations to:

> dispute boundaries and acquire land. > get rid of people who are their enemies. >gain political or social importance.

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