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STRUCTURAL FOUNDATIONS MANUAL FOR LOW-RISE BUILDINGS SECOND EDITION M. F. ATKINSON Preface Examples A. Site investigations ra 12 13 14 1s 16 ‘Walk-over survey Desk study ‘Site investigation: feld work 13. Trial pitlogs 1.32. Borehole record Site investigation procedure 14.1 Borchole logs 142. Trial pit logs 1.43. Groundwater 1.44 Standard penetration tests Interpretation of laboratory testing 1.5.1 Chemical tests Solution features 1.6.1 Limestones 1.62. Chalk 163° Salt 64 Gypsum Case Study 1.1 Tavestigation of former mining site, Sheffield Bibliography 2. Foundation design 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 Introduction 24.1 Width of footing 2.1.2 Soft spots 2.1.3 Stratum variation in excavation 2.14 Finmclays overlying soft strata 2.1.5 Depth of footings ‘Widened reinforced strip footings Reinforced strip footings on replacement granular fil ‘Trench fil foundations Raft foundations Pad and pier foundation 26.1 Disused wells Piled foundations 27.1 Bored piles 27.2 Design of a bored pile 2.73 Design of bored and driven piles a 2a B B 25 » 2 3 4 a a 48 Contents 27.4 Driven piles 2.75 Driving precast piles 276 Testloading Bibliography ‘3. Foundations in cohesive sols, 3.1. Introduetion 3.2. Settlements in cohesive soils 33 Consolidation setlement 33.1 Bearing capacity of cohesive soils 3.3.2 Vertical suess distribution 33.3 Construction problems on clay sites 33.4 Foundation designs on clay soils 33.5. Settlements in clay soils 3.44 Moisture movements 3.4.1 Liquid timit test 3.4.2. Plastic limit west Bibliography 4 Foundations in sands and gravels 4.1. Classification of sands and gravels 4.1.1 Composite sands and gravels 4.12. Dilatant sands 4.13 Calcareous sands 42 Relative densities of granular soils 4.2.1 Field density assessment 4.22 Visual observations 42.3 Groundwater levels 4.24 The standard penetration test 4.25 Interpretation of SPT results 426 Ulimate bearing capacities 43° Construction problems in granular soils 44 Foundation design in granular soils 45. Plate bearing tests 46 Piling into sands and gravel strata 46.1 Bored piles 4.62 Continuous fight auger piles 4.63 Design of bored piles 4.64 Set calculations 465 Dynamic ple formula 466 Redrive tests 4.6.7 Base-driven stel tube piles 468 Top-driven ste! piles Bibliography st a1 a1 2 2 2 82 83 83 86 87 9 99 92 92 93 3 together ssand case ~roblems. designs veanded are x in civil ous and sistance in ominated ied to my ' t the caleu- m their Couneil ch and 1 British yotced by n, 2 Park complete 2 22 Structural calculations for three-storey flats 23 Disused well 24 Bored piles 25 Detached house: pile and ground beam desiga 3.1 Strip footing on clay soil 3.2 Settlements on clay soil 33. Triaxial test 4.1 Strip footing on granular soil 4.2 Pad foundation on sand 43° Strip footing on sand, high water table 444 Bearing pressure of granular soil 45. Bored piles 4.6 Working load of precast concrete piles 47 Steel piles 48 Driving precast concrete piles 5.1 Calculating the reinforcement in a mining reft 5.2 Designing the reinforcement in an irregular shaped dwelling 53 Reinforcement mesh 54 Calculating movement joint sizes 6.1 w Foundations on clay sol with young poplar trees Page 35 40 45 49 33 1 B 8 87 88 88 91 92 93 93 104 107 108 109 16 Examples 62 63 64 6s aM 12 13 14 15 16 17 78. 8 9 92 93 94 10.1 ‘Strip foundations on clay soil with mature and semi-mature trees Foundations on a site with mature trees, subject to settlement Site investigation and foundation design, heavily wooded site Foundation design on a site with mature trees, subject to heave ‘Thrust on a retaining wall Pressures and bending moments on @ retaining wall Thickness of retaining wall Pocket-type retaining wall Reinforced cavity retaining wall Concrete filled evity retaining wall Brick retaining wall Reinforced concrete retaining wall to Bs 8002 Suspended floor slab over filled ground Design of stone columns Improving mixed clay fills Partial depth treatment of filled ground Dynamic consolidation Foundations beside existing building 27 8 129 134 155 156 1ST 160 161 162 165 167 180 194 194 196 205

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