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Sustaining S t i i Towers

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www SustainingTowers org

JV: Price and Myers & Architype Website addressing the sustainable maintenance/upgrading/refurbishment of 1960s tower blocks

Sustaining Towers DTI funded research
JV: Price and Myers & Architype Website W b it addressing dd i the th sustainable t i bl maintenance/upgrading/refurbishment of 1960 t 1960s tower bl blocks k

Website was to be closed but I have asked that it continue Building Centre ran a Conference There was a book



NGS+ECH2O 2010 BrianMurphyCathHassellRetrofitting


Waste In Use: Multi Storey


Waste is a real problem Towers: Chutes 3 chutes 1 chute + sorting kit Walk up/walkway Walk-up/walkway 3 Chutes + 3 bins? Walk down to bin store Multiple p segregation g g bins 27 Human engagement

Wind Turbines & Towers

Cit City R Road, d Finsbury, Fi b EC1 EC1. Kestrel House was built in 1968 is one of the highest tower blocks in the borough. g 18-storey (55 metre) Tower blocks are well-suited to wind energy generation as wind speeds increase with height. height The third wind energy scheme backed by Islington Council as part of its aim to be London's greenest borough.

Estate residents were key to getting the scheme off the ground. g 64 per cent of those who responded to the consultation approved of its moneymoney saving and green features.

Islington Council (37,851) Homes for Islington (HfI) (8,109) (8 109) Low Carbon Buildings Programme (11 060) (11,060) construction company Apollo (15,000).

K Kestrel t lH House uses 130,000 130 000 kWh/annum kWh/ of electricity 12-metre high Turbine will generate , kWh/annum. 13,000 6 kW of power in ideal conditions 10 per cent of the block's demand demand. power for lifts, lights, water pumps, CCTV and concierge 11 tonnes of CO2 CO Turbine will save 112 20 year life

Council Ambitions
Islington Council has set an ambitious target g to reduce borough-wide g CO2 emissions by 15 per cent by 2010, and is promoting green energy schemes and energy saving as part of its innovative Climate Change Partnership and Climate Change Challenge

Other wind turbines

Islington Council has erected two other wind energy gy generators. g At Gillespie Park, N5, the turbine provides power for the Ecology Centre Municipal Offices at 222 Upper Street, N1, one on the roof of the powers the council's council s fleet of electric vehicles. Source

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