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Allison Allen English 1-1 Mrs. Knowles 23 October 2013 Art Controversial Funding Children who participate in the arts will do better in school while being able to retain the information given. Without the arts, kids would have no creativity to be able to imagine the possibilities of the world they live in. The world is like an open canvas; it is waiting for children to paint their abilities and passions. The government limits the funding to provide for new gyms or technologies which are not as important as the art programs to enhance our way of life. Music, art, literature is like a soul coming to life and breathing for the first time. Almost as many, 61 percent, say they "would be willing to pay $5 more in their own taxes per year to support federal government efforts in the arts"(American Alliance) Music is a universal language which enlightens the soul, frees the spirit, and influences the mind. Every sense is heightened, as if were flung into the heavens, and our lives are forever changed. As the founder of Imagine, an organization which provides clubs and other activities to better the childrens lives while creating fun. With funding, Imagine can provide tips, classes, and creativity to retain the information the students have learned. By teaching the students the building blocks of art fundamentals; subsequently heightening their senses, which will erupt like a volcano in their daily lives and apply it into their work eithic. People should be funding the arts as a vital part of education because children will benefit educationally and increase childrens ability to learn more socially.

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Funding will benefit education for children in the arts. In the article Benefits of Music and Arts Education Imagination is an integral aspect of the development of realistic thinking. Unlike other subject areas the study and performance of music activates and engages the whole brain (8). In other words, The University of Michigan believes the different types of arts increase childrens imagination while increasing their brains capacity. Students who participate in some type of arts will be more likely to do well in academic achievement. Research shows with some type of arts known the children it is easier to comprehend other subjects. Dickinson states that The University of California/San Diego demonstrate that mental mechanisms that process music are deeply intertwined with the brains other functions including perception ,memory and even language (page 9). Dickinsons point is that the arts provide different methods to fully educate and use all parts of the brain. With these programs, students can be provided with diverse skills for the future in college or career. Education will provide a life changing resource through the arts will enlighten children now and in future generations. The arts being funded will increase childrens social awareness. According to the University of Michigan, Music provides a medium through which students may learn to express themselves (page 1). The University of Michigan demonstrates that through music children will become social while learning who they are. Children need to show who they really are, and what they can accomplish through art; moreover, it is creating the ability to do so. Collaboration will allow the students to work together on a project to increase a new relationship with others. Carr states that Music plays a key role in the moral as well as aesthetic formation of human virtue, character, and sensibility (2) .In making this comment, Carr shows that with the arts as a key part of the childrens lives it can increase their ability to be known in the world. Confidence will increase the students inner self, while achieving social skills. The art is a universal language that

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everyone can understand, so by participating in the arts it will subject the students into a new world. Being social, will increase childrens presence and abilities to show the arts are more than they are accredited. The opposing argument states that academics are more essential than arts as a vital education. It is necessary for Education to take a front seat at times, and it is understandable that reaching academic achievement sets the course for higher pay-scales. It can also be said that professional success has its own rewards. Having the confidence of completing an A class education; can put career advancement at your finger-tips. Education cannot have full comprehension, without a creative method to retain the knowledge that was given. Creativity will never be expressed if education is the sole priority in schools, and the students would lose interest without the ability of self- expression. My topic provides facts with skills to provide that my argument is true. The students with the arts are more likely to graduate than the students who are not allowed the arts program at basic levels. The many types of arts can prove a wide range of skills for many children; moreover, the children need the arts to ensure their future. The world is like an open book; it is waiting to be written by people who lives have been affected by the arts. Children who have been exposed to arts can increase their potential as they venture into adulthood. Imagine has come up with a solution for this matter, but it requires the help of the public. If funding is not provided, people will wake up to a meaningless life with no media, no music, and no fashion when presentation is a necessary item in our world. The athletic industry would not survive without media and advertising. With funding the arts, programs will become a vital part of education to increase the childrens knowledge, emotions, and create a well- rounded life for each student. Arts will benefit children in future generations to come.

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