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Lesson Plan Template 1 Primary & Secondary

Unit/Topic: Maths Date: 1/5/13 Key Learning Area: Numeracy, Grouped by ability into 3 groups, square, circle, triangle Year Level:___7/8_____ Outcomes: New vocabulary, exploring texts, text Structure, character
LESSON OUTCOME: Create literary texts that explore students experiences and imagining (ACELY 1607) Understand that the meaning of sentences can be enriched through the use of noun groups/phrases and verb groups/phrases and prepositional phrases (ACELA1493). Incorporate new vocabulary from a range of sources into students own texts including vocabulary encountered in research (ACELA1498) Create literary texts by developing storylines, characters and settings


LESSON STRUCTURE: Time Introduction (Set): Teaching Approaches e.g. DOL strategies, grouping strategies Open ended questioning used to allow the students to formulate answers, explore ideas and think about the solutions themselves. Short bursts of information interspersed with general discussion and creative elements. Routine is always maintained within the classroom and oral prompts from teachers. Behaviour management strategies coupled with routine.


9.15 9.18

Settling students in. Set routine Put on uniforms Sit on mat in front of white board Dojo points for arriving on time and behaviour Let students calm down, till quiet. Setting expectations. Read a chapter of the book James and the giant Peach. Talk to the class as a whole explicitly about their tasks. Purple: students at the end of the reading will be asked to go to their desks and create an alternative middle and ending for the book. Blue: THRASS name sheets Orange: Reading eggs on the computers


Main Content: Teacher reads the book. Then gives explicit instructions to students about tasks and group placements within the classroom. Blue group goes to already set up activity at the blue table Looking at different words sounds. E.G. s, ss, sh The teacher leads the group in finding words with the focused sounds. Can use spider graph or writing down in individual literacy books. Usually has a broad starting point such as things you find at home. Orange: Reading eggs on the computers. Online reading resource, with a combination of reading options, reading to self, being read to etc. Students are explicitly directed to appropriate page and teachers check frequently on students to make sure they are on task. Purple: Using butchers paper group discuss and write down what has happened in the story so far. Detailing characters and setting. Then students and teacher collaboratively discuss ideas for possible different directions for the story to take. The teacher writes down possible scenarios suggested by the students on the butchers paper. The work will have to include a complication and a resolution. When students have finished creating an alternative possibility for the story, they use the notes written on the butchers paper during the session to write their own version. They are encouraged to elaborate on the notes. Discuss new vocabulary that could be used, these can be written down on the white board. Students are encouraged to use as many descriptive words as possible and to be as imaginative as possible with their interpretations. Scaffolding can be used for the lower ability students.

Teaching Approaches Praise is as important as discipline Groups at tables, grouped by ability for peer reinforcement and encouragement. Blue Group, lowest literacy level group. High scaffolding and easier tasks. Students need much more support than other groups.


Orange medium literacy level group. A mixture of scaffolding and challenging content.

Purple group, this is the most able group of students, so the task needs to be sufficiently complex and challenging Re-telling stories has been identified thorough assessments as a weak area for the majority of students in this class, so a lot of work is being focused on this area.

Write using clearly-formed joined letters, and

develop increased fluency and automaticity


Understand how to use strategies for spelling words, including spelling rules, knowledge of morphemic word families, spelling generalisations, and letter combinations including double letters


Aboriginal teachers, move between groups helping students. Teacher aids students when necessary with ideas, content, vocabulary, complications and resolutions.

Reread and edit for meaning by adding, deleting or moving words or word groups to improve content and structure (ACELY1695)


Conclusion: All work is put into students drawer and the best work is put into the students work book.

Teaching Approaches

RESOURCES (Include equipment required for class and/or for teacher preparation) Interactive whiteboard Book James and the giant peach Butchers paper. Markers. REFLECTION

Assessment: Verbal feedback Informal assessing happens throughout the task by the teachers. Informal: Praise and task and good work stickers can be put in book with comments on the Questioningon individual students. work. All work put into students work file for later assessment. By their peers on content and required elements, through students reading their work and group discussion.

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